


The Wave - Vor und Nachteile







Beneficial effects of "The Wave" (+)
Objections to The Wave" (-)
improvement in prepara-but there was less thinking
tion for class and in cl
Beneficial effects of "The Wave" (+)
Objections to The Wave" (-)
improvement in prepara-but there was less thinking
tion for class and in cl

Beneficial effects of "The Wave" (+) Objections to The Wave" (-) improvement in prepara-but there was less thinking tion for class and in class behind the preparation participation (p.49, 1.28) the students could gibly such a dramatic personality (no analyse, no questioning) spit answers back (p.50,1.1) change sounds like the person the class's homework assignments had improved. Mrs. Saunders said that joined a cult (p.54,1. 12 f.) (p.50,1.9 f.) David, Eric and Brian had the problem is that it's not reallp.54,1.20) Successfully infused the wave into the school foot-The problem is everyone at ball team(p.50.1.15) school who still takes it too seriously" (p. 54,1. 30) ● • the students liked the fact that they were all equals now (p.50,1.25) • Ben Ross like it that he know he had helped break down the pretty popularity contests and cliques (p.50,1. 266.) • a few students said that the idea of increased discipline was good for them (p.50,1. 28f) •"general rebirth of school discipline" (p.50,1.33) •Mrs.Sounders said that the students indoctrinate two hundret new members (p.55,1.3) • the students lose their individuality Stre • could lead to serious arguments or even break-ups • students monitor each other artica •The wave is becoming like a cult

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