


To kill a Mockingbird-Figures/Symbols/Chapter Summary







To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern
To kill
• date of publication : 1960
• author :
prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961)
"type: Classic of modern

To kill Harper a MOCKINGBIRD TO • date of publication : 1960 • author : Lee ● Harper prizes: Pulitzer Prize (1961) "type: Classic of modern American literature loose autobiography. : fiction Нагрег Lee The Ewells Bob & Maella ● ● 'prize : ● Great Depression. • known for: to kill a Mocking bird Figures: Relationships Maudie Atkinson. The Cunninghams Walter & Mr. Mr. Sheriff Tate Tom Robinson I Helen Robinson Atticus Scout Tel: kaisers. 902772697 28.04.1926 - † 19.02.2016 - Monroevill, Alabama profession: novelist era: Dill To 6 Kill a Mockingbird 7418 7320 Jem Haupt 90247-6129 Welzustr. 23 15h Go Set a Watchman. Presidential Medal of Freedom (2007) 50 MILLION 60th Calpurnia Thiel 90277 6889 SOLD WORLDWIDE Anniversary Edition The Radleys Boo Radley COPIE (1929-1941) Aunt Alexandra Jack Finch rancis Finch Francis family friendship/neigh. work bad relationship Chapter 1: From Past Present Family history Geography: Maycomb. narrator: Scout Finch Scout is recalling events leading up to her brother Jem breaking his arm history: Finches, -date back to an English for trader. - Simon settled on banks of the Alabama River - with 3 slaves. = established a colton farm = Fitch's Landing" " - Atticus Finch = first Finch to start life outside of the farm = Studying law = choosing to raise his family in Maycomb. Simon Finch present day Maycom b - Scout + Father Atticus + brother Jem + house coon Calpurnia Scout (6) + Jem (10) playing running around the house. - neighbourhood legend: The Radley's Stories and rumours grew more ridicules : a recruisive family : Arthur Boo Radley fell into the wrong crowd. Sentenced to state school = Boo in court house ` = one night Boo .. killed" Mr. Radly locked in home for 15 y. Scout and Jem's interest in Boo's...

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Case grows. Charles Baher Harris = Dill becomes friends with Scout / Jem They make plans to lure Boo out of the house (bet each other) Chapter End of the Summer -Dill leaves to go back to Mississippi = for school year - Scout is exited to start first grade after many days of watiching School children. Fir St day doeon't go as planned for Scont - Caroline Fisher finds out Scout can already read and write = She mahes Scout feel guilty Fisher tells her: She Should not be reading at home : her father shouldn't be teaching her anymore Fisher offers to lend Walter Cunningham money for lunsh Scout explains Ms Fisher that Cunninghams they can't pay back. - Ms Fisher gets so frustrated do not accept anything = makes Scout stand in the corner of the room Chapter -Scout takes her frustration out on Walter Cunnigham - Jem stops her Walter is the son of a man that Atticus defended in - Jem invites. Walter for lunch at their house 2: First school day Analysis Court At Finchs house Walter is shy / preserved. Scout ashed Walter why he's pouring syrup on his food - Calpurnia gives Scout. that that is Ian announcement : - - Analysis a Chapter 1 build s introducing several characters. and settings • Themes - of...: Class first (Cunninghams Community • Finch family's position in society: Slavery roots in • yet: Scout demonstrate no awareness of race / class • limited sense of morality Chapter 2 captures what an observant. and intelligent child Scout is -she can read / writ teacher does not appreciate about as • for Scout reading and writing came natural breathing Ms Fincher is inexperienced teacher. - her inability to understand the people. of Maycomb framework Race Equality vs. Inequality >Something her new as 3. First schoolday + indication of the social differences vs. Finchs) that divide the a events him Scout is depressed from the Calpurnia Surprised by the way. apologizes for her hot take When Atticus ashs Scout to read with = Scout refuses because of what Ms. Caroline told her Scout asks if she can be like Burris and never return to school - Atticus explains that Ewells are Special case = everyone else has to live inside the law he strikes a deal with Scout: She'll continue going to School = they'll continue reading at night. way to treat a (ny) guest. - Scout responses. that he is just - Calpurnia scolds her and sends. a Cunningham her After lunch - Scout is offended = that Calpurnia likes Jem better. ashs Atticus to fire her - Atticus response that he has no intention in firing Calpurnia At School Ms Caroline detects. liceo Sends him back home. - Burris tells her he has no intention. = Shouts vile insults at her = driving her to tears. to the kitchen to eat alone. Last day of on a students hair (Burris Ewell). in Coming back. Chapter 4: Scout is still afraid of Radley's house One day finds chewing gum in Scout Jem mahes Gum is chews the chewing gum, regaldless of it's origin. her Spit it aut one of the many gifts they find there. with a play = "Boo Radley' ire-enacting the stories of Boo, line scissor - killing one knothole of an oaktree. Atticus = lecture -Scaces detects they're play playgives them a acting like the girl" -She recalls laughter in Radley's house as She hitted School: they find a small box with Indian Head pennies. Chapter 5 As Dill returns for Summer = Jem / Scout are exited playing: rolling Scout down the street. old tire in an tire rolls into Radley's porch. = Scout, hurtfully, flees. = Boo was very polite / kind as a child - Scout begins to see reveals details of the Finches and Radley's. The friendship of Dill and Jem grows during Summer - Akinson grew up with Finch siblings - A kinson - Jem and Drill planned to deliver a note to Boo : - Scout reluctanly goes along with : : Jem tries to deliver • Scout learns most behaviour) outside of class (social • When she treats Walter poorly Calpurnia teaches her a lesson = (everyone deserves respect) • Scouts first day of class begins her exposure. to how socially devided Maycomb is Social Division = incident of Burris Ewell · them lookout for Jem the note (on their porch) · • Atticus's appreciation of Calpurnia is made clear / provides insight into his attitude. towards race - Atticus finds out what they are trying to do = Stops them tells them: Boo deserves Scouts School year passes. uneventfully Boo as a lonely / sad person rather than evil" Chapter 6: The night before Dill leaves. the porch. 5: Dill and Jem = friendship + Maudi Ahinson Ahinson privacy; no one should interfere in his buisness' ・they keep it = · • Scout refuses to conform to the uninspiring routine of Maycomb School • She is mostly learning from the Summer breaks (outside) with Dill • Cause of curiosity / free nature = they have to know who leaves gifts Children are growing up boys prefere to play without Scout → Causes identity Crisis for Scout (= tomboy habits # being a young) feel empathy for Boo instead of fear • Scout Starts L Getting closer to Radley's house Analysis •Dill and Jem plan to peek into Radley's house to girl every day. -Jem tells her she is acting more like a - Scout decides to join them -They try to peer into window = see shadow of man approaching → Shotgun is fired behind them - They start running away - Jems pants get stuck through a fence = leaving pants behind -The whole neigh boor hood is abuzz with excitement = children sneahing into Commotion •Adults belief: Nathan Radley Scared off a blach man who tried to steal from his garden - Jem decides to get his pants back to keep their life from being exposed. Scout persuades. him not to = Jem is determined Chapter 7 - Scout notices Jem's bad mood since incident. - Jem admits not told the strory Straight : • he found his pants Sewed and folded outside the fence • thinks it may be the Radleys •Jem / Scount walk pass the oak three. ball of twine in knothole - decide to keep all gifts from now on thank you letter write a addressee They find knot hole cementented. if he was it / why? - notice a even though don't know the → Jem ashs Nathan Radley. Nathan Radley explains the cement prevents sich three from dying Jem ashs Atticus if three is really sick. apparently not that sick... Chapter 8: It is Snowing in Maycomb = untypical, something the town is not accustomed to •Jem & Scout see snow for first time School is canceled They build Snowman - Scout is awakened by Atticus → she should dress. - She goes outside and sees Maudi Atkinsons house on fire, •Atticus tells Jem & Scout to wait Outside of Radley's house neighbour hood heeps the fire from Spreading Atkinson home is in ashes Atticus notices a blanket around Scouts shoulders = wonders. Scout doesn't know from who •Jem distraught frantically tells Atticus about all misadventures at Radley's. •Atticus calms Jem down = blanket secret stays between them. · Maudi Atkinsons isn't griefing after her belongings. = more worried about neighbourhood •Children's attempts at getting Boo Radley out of hous more daring win · Alicns's participation in • Theme of race & racism • Jem becoming thoughtful boy : a black man • Scout & Atticus : Tom Robinson to do = : defending him is the right thing always Cases that are personally" A Hicks tells Scout to keep cool if anyone teases her / don't get violent. A Hicus informs her he probably won't win the case. = he explains that one should always try, even if you know you can't Tom Robinson Scouts • Jem / Scout perceive Boo Radley. → snow Stops →getting colder differently no longer as monster of neighbourhood Chapter 9: • Students in School Start making rude comment about Atticus defending Tom Robinson white woman accused of raping talk is a member of Calpurnias church case developing moral code. (gains pride through trust of Atticus) Second grade Boo Radley mystery Analysis • Jem grows both insight & maturity • he realizes Boo has probably taken care of his pants + is leaving gifts in oak three. • Jem is upset about cemented knot hole = only way of communicating with Boo ● Fire at Akinsons house Analysis a human being no • they longer think it's scary → Sad that he is misunderstood = Openness ness • Jem is Confused about Athinsons Selfless = her hindness /Selfl.n. is foreshadowing a source of strenght Christmas Analysis him • On Christmas eve the Finches pick up Atticus's brother Jack • On Christmas day they visit Finch's Landing (the family home stead) - Francis (aunt Alexanders grandson) uses a racial slur to Scouts face. = Scout loses her temper and starts fighting Uncle Jack to behave like a young woman. Scout gets told from Aunt Alexandra •Scout doesn't want to fit into this term Uncle Jack Seperates them from fighting Once home Scout angrily tells Uncle Jack what Francis said This upsets Jack = wants to tell Aunt Alexandra swears him to Secrecy. Scout Atticus / Uncle Jack have a conversation in living room about: : raising children in the light of Robinson trial • hidden, the Conversation = is relieved to find out Uncle Jack keeps quiet about Francis-incident - Scout follows. Scouts temper, what Atticus fears for his children Atticus explains why taking the case. is important he hopes that the fallout will not change Jem & Scout. Chapter 10: - Scout & Jem can't understand why people are defending Tom Robin son. Scout describes his father (compared to others) as : : Old; doesn't hunt, smoke, fish, play poker Robinson trial has made Atticus the center of the town's gossip. Scout recalls that Uncle Jack taught her and Jem how to shoot Alicus reminded them that to kill a mocking bird is a sin Why? · Miss Athinson explains Mockingbirds do nothing but make music for people to enjoy. Miss Athinson explains what Atticus's qualities are : he is good at playing checkers, harp - Scout is unimpressed Scout & Jem spot a dog. on it's face They tell Calpurnia Mr. Tate / Atticus go out. to hill the dog Atticus aims the gun shoot the dog •Miss Monty calls Atticus, One Shot Finch" on =) Atticus states the dog must be rabid. street named Tim Johnson with strange look. Chapter Scout remembers. Mrs. Henry Lafayette DuBose : a nasty woman who harrasses Scout and Jem every time they pass her : Criticizes Atticus for defending Robinson Atticus sends Jem to apoligies for his actions tend the bushes - Mrs Du Bose her behaviour pushes Jem to his breaking point = destroys her Camilia bushes = promised to come every Saturday to to her insists that he comes every day to read Critical with Atticus 14: = Killing a Mocking bird dog Anny Mrs DuBose still making remarks about Atticus Jen reads to her until she falls Mrs DuBose dies, due to morphine addiction asleep her vile behaviour and mood swings = side effect of withdrawl - Alicus wanted Jem / Scout to see the courage of her fight. Chapter 12 Summer is back, Jem is about to turn 12 • Scout / Jem are startled to find people critical of Atticus •They learn from Atticus's past = See him more human → yet : boring hobbis Mrs. DuBose • him • as they see dealings with gun = Scout wonders if there is more to • Mr. Tates trust with his gun demonstrate the high esteen some town people towards. Atticus ● • The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a persons Conscience Atticus p. 115? "I certainly am. I do my best to love everybody" - AHicus p. 120 'Illustration of DuBose heavy addiction and A Hicus's fight for a less racist. world Analucis " • Both Atticus / Mrs DuBose know they going to lose their fights, yet: take them on any way Black Church experience - Jem a do lescent angst is starting to Show - he continually tells Scout to: Stop bothering him. Start acting more like a lady =) after years of telling to stop act like a girl - Dill, secret love of Scouts's writes a letter that he can't come - he ensures Scout of his love, promises to come get her when enough. money Calpurnia takes Jem Scout to her african american church Confrontation with Lula: " white people got their church 7 We got ours" the congregation meets them with kindness takes up a collection for Tom Robinsons wife Scout and Jem learn about black community struggles On their way home = talk why Calpurnia uses racial slur; education; life- = revolving around differences between communities. experience ↓ -See Aunt Alexandra Chapter 13: Aunt Alexandra, Finch's house + Maycomb Society assumes a leading role in the - She orders Atticus to install proper behaviour in Jem | Scout = they can live up to Finch's family name Atticus: to please Alexandra: tells Scout / Jem since they come from a good family they should act accordingly = Scout cries. - Jem / Scout are so confused by Atticus's demands. - Atticus tells them to ignore "his" demands. - Scout comments that Aunt Alexandra fits into Maycomb Society like. into a glove, yet She should never Kit into Finch family life hand Chapter 14: - Scout lets it slip about the trip to Calpurnias Church. Atticus is amused Aunt Alexandra is mortified Alexandra tries to convince Atticus they no longer need Calpurnia's service. •Atticus refuses, tells her she is part of family = Alexandra is miffed (eingeschnappt) - Jem gives Scout the order to stop annoying Aont Alexandra Scout doesn't want to be told off by Jem = they fight Atticas orders them to go to bed Scout finds something moving under her bed = Dill Dill has been running away from home. Stole money to pay train. - Atticus informs Ms. Rachel about Dill staying at the Finch's Dill stays with family that night. •Scout wonders why Boo Radley never ran out of the house • black people at churche -adapting p. 131 racial slurs • In church, Scout is confronted with "the Impurity of Women doctrine p. 134 ● Despite their fathers efforts to defend Tom. Robinson the Finch Children know little. about local african-American's. • Jem / Scout come to realize how different. their life experiences are from Calpurnias • Calpurnia must navigate the differences between the afro-american and White world Aunt Alexandra Chapter 15: - Scouts mood gets more positive as she learnes that Dill can stay for Summer - Dill trying to figure out how to lure Boo out of house Some neighbours (Mr. Tate +....) tell Atticus that Robinson is • Aunt Alexandra far too traditional in her ways to See other perspectives. although she means well • her concern with keeping up with appearances and society's expectations => harsh contrast: •with Atticus's values / goals Dill returning Analysis • Aunt Alexandra has expectation. "2 Atticus's neighbours Confrontation Atticus requin Caring Tom Robinson being moved to the county jail They worry, there might be trouble if Atticus stays in the town jail the night before the trial - Members of the Ku Klux Klan Atticus moves to jail County Children secretly follow them (they are worried). Some men in Tom Robinson trucks empty out their vans = to come to lynch. - Atticus isn't budging - Out of fear = Scout is jumping towards Atticus Scout recognizes one member of the KKK = Walter Cunningham ashs him about his son - the situation desce lates. Chapter 16: - Finchs' home is filled with tension, due to the mob the night before Aunt Alexandra is angry they souch out •Atticus is grateful that they showed up In the morning. Atticus comes back from trial = talks about morning session Children are courthouse. So Curious = they find a way inside. Scout /Jem / Dill find seats in " Coulered balkony" - family bond is shown in depth • Atticus protects his family. • Dill feels part of family aswell. Maycomb is revealed as Chapter 17: -The prosecuter Mr. Glimer questions Mr. Tate who recalls the night. of November -Bob Ewell urged him to his house = his daughter Maybella had been raped She identified the raper as Tom Robinson - During the cross examination, Atticus points out that no docter was called it was the right side of the face had been beaten. = indicates that attacer must be left handed. and - Scout gives backstory on Ewells : - - every town has it's Bob Ewell -extremly poor & bitter as hell Bob's time on the trial shows him to be a bitter nasty man. Atticus pokes wholes in their Similar stories he shows him to be left handed = suggesting he could have been the attacker. - Scout Share Jem's excitement for following trial doesn't - When Atticus (opponent) questions her, she becomes defiant - Alicus remains courteous in his questioning •Then Tom Robinson takes his stand. Causes Scout/Jem to see him in diff Strong family bond light breaking mob mentality = one of ・group ● the has been seen as an individual • men (KKK) become vulnerable. = who like wise come to his defense when he is in danger Trial Analyci • the trial is the most gripping / important. dramatic Scene a complex web of predjudice and and a symbol of the world at launch • in Courtroom, with Atticus picking apart the Ewell = most cinematic portion of the narrative. • Judge Taylor description : p. 181 Trial (2) મ Chapter 18: Mayella Ewell Trial : 19 year old daughter Mayella Ewell, gives her testimony she fears Allicus / is angry. with help of Mr. Glimer, she is able to retell the story that aligns with her fathers she identifies Tom Robinson as her abuser = she acts tearful / frightened. • trial scene is narrated in real-time = builds tension for reader =) Seeing it unfold at same time as Scout / Jem Atticus's Court shills provoke gaping holes. in Ewells story. • Bob Ewell = formidable opponent for Atticus. = it boils down to race Analyst • plausible conclusion: no way that Robinson. Could have raped Mayella - courtroom notices his left arm = shortened from a childhood accident. It is clear that Tom Couldn't have commited the crime that is claimed Alicus presses Mayella with more questions. -Instead of answering the question she spits out the same "plaidoyer" from beginning. Mayella becomes frustrated = swears at courthouse - Atticus then calls his one witnes (Tom Robinson) Chapter 19: Allicus is questoring Tom Robinson he reveals what. every body knows: Tom is a gentle, Caring man. who occasionally help the Ewells. because he lives nearby. On the day in question (November 21) he recalls: he was assisting her when Mayella kissed him / made sexual advances. toward him When Bob Ewell saw them = Tom fled. Tom testimony remains solid - Mr. Gilmer asks Tom why he would help the Ewells for free - Tom answers honestly because he feels sorry for them (Mayella) - For Ewells = nothing more insulting than being pitied by a black man - Dill suddenly starts to cry = Scout Carries him out - Dill Cried because of the way Mr. Gilmer talked to Tom = upset him from his bottle (Covered in paper) = So Dill. In townsquare Dill & Scout talk to Mr. Raymond Mr. Raymond = a white man with a black girlfriend and coloured children. he seems drunk. calm down he offers Dill a Scout fears that it is alcohol Dill is drinking Dill says it is only Coca Cola Mr. Raymond explains that he = to deflect the Community's an only pretends to be a leave him/his family alone. drunk man to Chapter 20: Mr. Raymond & Atticus's final speech Chapter 21: Calpurnia delivers Atticus a note the kids Alexandra worries As A Hicas asks where the Courtroom a journalist points out Jem beggs Atticus to stay with him longer - Atticus: not until you've eaten - Scout / Dill return into courtroom = Atticus gives his final speech. Atticus hold plaidoyer about his beliefs in social equity. : the true reason. why Mayella accused Tom of rape Sumnation of Tom Robinson's. innocence : the - Children notice Calpurnia entering room. from Aunt Alexandra are Mayella becomes defined / furious -later stops ansevering Atticus's questions ● Analysis • it becomes clear: Tom is the mockingbird = representing innocence and vulnerbility • the clearity and sincerity of Tom's Statement makes the Ewell's statement suspiscious •Eventhough Robinson case is unlikely to be won = Children express hope • Author uses dialogue to demonstrate honesty. or lack of each testifying character the're in here Tom Robinson & testimony A Hicus's defence Analusis • • Raymond lives Outside of town = as a way of avoiding (May Comb) Society's in tolerance Raymond they believe in • Atticus makes clear his belief in ● + Atticus = stand up for what equality = doeon't let Tom to the chair, unless truth. Guilty defeat & honoring Atticus Analusis - Children go home, wher Alexandra expresses her Consent to to return Children doze off her brothers. - It becomes late = Courtroom When jury is out, Jem / Scout / Dill find the room still packed the verdict is read : * guilty guilty, guilty..... - AS Atticus leaves, the black community stands Atticus defeated - Jem in particule Tom was trea Aed so unfairly. - He asks Atticus now the jury had come to the verdict. it himself. Atticus doesn't. understand. dis approval of Alicus/Sem/Scout / Dill trudged home feeling is crushed = deeon't understand why. up Chapter 22: Injuste - Children seemed unconviced = leaving Maudie Athinson catches up to them = - Mrs. Rachel = Bob Spit on Atticus to honour •Atticus's Supporters show Atticus respect and as a thank you gift, bring whole lot of food to the Finchs house tears and threatening him. Atticus is moved to Mrs. Stephanie hesters the Children with questions about the trial Mrs. Atkinson calls her off = invites Scout / Jem I Dill in for cake. - She tries to help them understand how Atticus helped the community advance. towards Something better - She argues. that the court. could have picked a less passionate lawyer (=gives up) ・Scout / Jem / Dill / Alexandra of Bob Chapter 22 focuses on what each Character got from the trial = how it will change them • Alexandra Shows how much She Cares for family however: her tenderness is far too often buried by prejudices. tells them Atticus & Bob Ewell confrontation • Jem expresses illogical outcome of tricel = begun his own moral code. Chapter 23: are worried for Atticus because Atticus assures them that it was only Bob's way of venting. better to let his anger out on him, than to his children Finch family look foward to Tom Robinson's appeal. Atticus States they have a good chance. They have a long discussion about juries and evidence. Atticus makes them look the situation from Bob Ewells point of view. Jem gains a greater appreciation for the law = asks why can't all people from Maycomb participate in verdict... = holds idealistic views on justice & equity Atticus reveals that Walker Cunningham kept the jury from convicting right away. over Calpurnias interruption reminds the reader that May Comb is a small community levery one knows everybody's buisness) = can be Aunt Alexandra fears Atticus is too optimistic about the case •doesn't allow Scout to invite Walter Cunninghamm • because the Cunninghamm's are too low class" - Jem further understands why Boo Radley prefers to be inside. . To understand the low 23: Maycomb society a good thing or bad = in case of prejudice / racism. • Trial of Tom Robinson is proof of Chapter 24: in Finch's home (aftermath) Analyci ● • Chapter examines how the trial affected each character • discussion about Tom Robinson's appeal provides insight in Jem's. growing interest in the legal system. =) how racism can influence it • Scout begins to think more deeply about issues of prejudice. ● Change of Scout Minsel: inviting Cunninghamm Around Lady's - Scout stays with Calpurnia, Aunt Alexandra, Mrs. Merriweather, Mrs. Farrow -joins a missionary Circle Alexandra organized & Mrs. Atkinson - Lady's are talking about Tom Robinson's wife. - Aunt Alexandra seems dress • Scont is wearing a • Scont helps Calpurnia with serving the tea. Content with Scout : because •Atticus comes home and reveals that Tom Robinson got shot 17 times. -Tom Robinson tried to escape from prison Calpurnian and Atticus go to break down the bad news to Tom's wife. - Aunt Alexandra breaks down : Seeing the responsibility Atticus has undertaken. she wonders aloud to Mrs. Athinson " how much the town. can take from him" - Scout follows Alexandra and Maudie back to the meeting : figuring that if the ladies can do it more She can do too Chapter 25: - On the way to Helen Robinson's house = Atticus & Calpurnia join Oil /sem as they turn back from swimming - The boys relay the details to Scout Helen's reaction: she fell down in the dirt. - Jem tells Scout not to smash the bug because he doesn't cause any harm Scont realizes Tem is becoming more like a girl, not her •The news of Tom's death spread around the town which causes different reactions : • Some Say Tom's flee is typical for black man behavior • others Critizice Tom for not wait Outcome (Atticus) until - In editorial journalist comments. : Tom's death is like the sense les slaughter of a Song bird - Bob Ewells reaction: One down & two more to go Chapter 26: - Scout & Jem passing Boo Radleys house. Scout feels guilty for tourmenting annoying Radleys School year starts : Scount is in 3rd grade get In class they have a weekly current event assignment with Ms. Gates Cecil Jacobs reports on Hitler's persecution of the Jews Some one ashs how Hitler can. away with it? Ms. Gates responses with a lecture of the difference between. dictatorship (Germany) and democracy (US) she remarks that in democracies like the US = persecution isn't allowed. - Scout recalls hearing Ms. Gate at Courthouse declare it was a Senses double moral Scout Scout aoks. Jem how Ms Gates can hate Hitler so much for what he does. to Jews :yet treat people at home so poorly - Jem refuses to talk about it (Tom Robinson Case) Scant follows Atticus's advice about walking in some- Shoes: empathy one elses brings devestating news of Tom Chapter provides another chance. to see the Finch household rally. to support ● U ● each other Scout = it's apparent she becomes. more and more like Atticus / Jem • Alexandra + Maudie discussion. provides opportunity to observe Alticus from outside of family circle. yet: Community is trusting him to do right Spreading news • Bob Ewells comment = foreshadows trouble • the splitted reaction of May comb = reinforces how prejudice the town is • Brexton underwood editorial - hope for change. Persecution & Hypocricy Analysis • Scout has evolved noticeably • Scout understands the concept of perce- aution but is perplexed that Mr. Guth says two different thing about "Sume" issue 4 she puzzels the pieces together : Hypocricy • Jem is growing up: more Sensitive Chapter weaves Boo Radley ● back into the story. Bob Ewell harassment/ Chapter 27: Maycomb in a ovistide nutshell Anălucia Bob Ewell gets a job from WPA (Works Progress Administration) : beause of laziness. he instantly loses it again. Atticus for it Bob blames - An intruder tries to break into Judge Taylor's house - he is home J. Taylor only sees a shadow, but everyone else. ید convinced that it's Bob twell. is harrassed by Bob Ewell, Helen Robinson Mr. Link gare Helen a job to work there, Helen has to pass the Ewells house Bob Ewell eventually steps as Mr. Linh threatens to call the police. change Scont describes Maycombs new events for Halloween. two local ladies decide → this causes to host a Holloween peagent at the Highschool a performance through difficulties the children are to portray. some of the county's agricultural products Scout plays the role of a Ham - Despite of few embarrassing mistakes - It's the night of the play; Scout / Jem go to High School 4 as a Ham someone following the play goes well. On their way home = it's dark = Jem/ Scout hear They break into a run, but Scout Bevor they can reach the road Scout tries to locate her the brother in the Bob Ewells death. Chapter 28: Jem's broken arm is knocked down. man gets hold of Jen pitch darkness. A third man knocks the attacker off of Jemn and Carries him towards Finches's house Anot Alexandra runs out to Scont When Sherrif Tate returns after examining the scene = repots. finding Scouts dress; some bits of her costume; Bob Ewells body has stabbed him with a hitehen knife. = someone Sheriff Tate ashs Scout to relate everything she remember aHack - A Hicus and Mr. Tate piece the Scene Scant gets to the point where someone when asks who she thinks it was - Scout points to a stranger in the corner of the room. who is: leaning against the wall to gether jumps to help them : Mr. Tate (Boo Radley) : pale ( his hands). : looks uncomfortable. - Scont observes his clothes, face, hair = his features are those of Someone leaves the house. who never •Even though the incidents Scout relates do not concern Fiches directly. = Scout implies they will in time - As their eyes meet, his tension cases and he offers a timid smile Scout recognizes that it is , under her tears. Boo • Tension to with is beginning to build Bob Ewells are on the horizon mis deeds F • There is no need for Alexandra to identify herself; in Maycomb everyone. knew each others voice" Chapter 29: Piecing the ● Chapter filled with action / mystery. • Scout / Jem have stuck together. deo pite age -дар • it appears man who helped Jem = Boo Radley • Boo, Jem, Tom = make them hindred to the mockingbird =) never broken. attach together Analucis description of Boo Radley →Outward appearance. • Chapter is simple in terms of -the plot and dialogue yet : - loaded with sensory detail. • the interaction is touching # Sentimental ● Chapter 30: Scout / Mr. Tate / Atticus / Boo Radley go on go Bob Ewell Atticus and Mr. Tate discuss the death A Hicus believes that, Jem hilled Bob Ewell in self defense. Sheriff Tate believes / insists that Bob fell on his own knife Atticus doesn't want anyone to cover up for Jem he believes he won't be honest he realizes later, that the Sheriff indicates that to his own children. Boo Radley was the one willing Bob Ewell their porch They agree on using the story that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife. Sheriff Tate argues: "The death must bury the death" - that both abusers and victims cover up their messes. Scout understands everything (the conversation) She picks up her fathers metaphor that locking Boo killing a mockingbird - up would be like. Boo insists on seeing Jem one last time before leaving Arm in arm : Boo / Jem / Scout walk to the Radley's house. Boo Radley The incident was the first & last time Scout saw Scaut She realizes Starts seeing the neighbourhood differently: Boo Radley had watched her and Jem grow up like they were his Into realization: Chapter 31: B00/May Comb Воо/May children - she understands Alticu's metaphor in walking in another persons shoes. - When Scant returns home, she crawls into Atticus's bedreads to her holds responsibility: heroic figure. definition of wisdom, high sense of justice death Figures: Profile / Symbols Atticus: -> • moral compass of Maycomb → is being trusted with the Case develop-: doesn't develop / change = a constant factor influences others to develop / guides Scout/Jern ment DOD Analysis Scout: → definition of naivety / innocent / → Atticus nurtured her mind, individual diy teaches on protects her from hypocrisy & social pressure development: learns most outside of school influences from Jem → influences from Boo changing perspec. influences from Calpurnia → hospitality treating culture and class fairly Tom Robinson: is the mockingbird • mockingbird is shot → handicapped man, like a bird with broken wings. → feels pity for white Women / recognizes as a person in need Mayella = leads to powerful dynamic shift = Social hierarchy victim / black man is helper in twisted = White woman = innocence Jem: hopeful → dissillusionment upon seeing that Justice is not alway perial him vulnemble and confused. = he has learned a pos. positive desson from it →he now wants to protect the fragile and → Robinson trial development: before: destroying bushes / seeing unfair destruction of Tom in his actions.... puberty - beginning) now: less violent → rather protective in his believes / perspective... now: understands that there. is good and bad / people are too different to be ll the Same