


UK: Multiculturalism - tradition and change







• Because of the refuge crisis it has risen
-> racism & populism have risen too
• Advantage for the image of the UK
because of variety
• Que

• Because of the refuge crisis it has risen -> racism & populism have risen too • Advantage for the image of the UK because of variety • Queen has multicultural attitude (servants for many different ethnicity) • Some parts of London are hugely influenced by one culture (e.g. Chinatown) • Many different people speaking different languages and having their own traditions • A lot of people from India, Africa and Pakistan live in the UK Multiculturalism and Ethnic Diversity in the UK -> because of the formal colonies (Open to the world bigger variety of products and ideas) Possibilities and problems of multiculturalism: possibilities: - culture exchange and input -> exchange of knowledge and cultural values - getting global (more products and variety e.g music, fashion, art) -> enrichment for society; broadens the horizon - British Society becomes mixed culture -> colourful society - contributes to the culture and variety - variety of foreign culture can help to understand and accept other people's values and traditions -> support tolerance and respect, creating a open minded society, sense of belonging, learn how to solve conflicts - good impact of economic (international companies come to the UK -> increases the wealth of Britain) Failed Multiculturalism ? Has failed: -Young immigrants feel rootless -> can lead to extremist ideology (David Cameron) - Less passive tolerance -Segregation was created - No shared national identity Has not failed: - Other cultures want to integrate ->...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

study, work - Multiculturalism is the essence of the British identity problems: - ,,Britishness" might be lost due to foreign cultures -> dissolution of British culture, suppress the native culture and British will become a minority in their own culture (loss of original culture, identity and values) alam - conflicts between cultures; culture-clash - inequality between different cultures - different behavior might lead conflicts - not being accepted - communication - racism religious problems - no unity; ethnically groups isolate themselves and live seperatly -> no contact to other cultures leads to descrimination and prejudices - some immigrants are unwilling to adapt - reminder of difference -> there were always influences of different cultures - 2nd generation immigrants are included and 3rd generation immigrants are already integrated - Great variety of cultures is already represented and accepted (e.g. Chinatown in London) Conclusion: - Prejudices should be fought by creating equality of opportunity - Politicians should stop complaining and start acting