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ORAL EXAM PREPARATION | USA ABITUR 2023 ENGLISCH GRUNDKURS (3 STD.) USA American Mentality + Ideals Individualism Move on - a Mobile Society. westward expansion of the USA (country grew significantly) Geographic mobility historically + today -> moving frequently car supports individualism + mobility (First mass production on Ford's assembly lines) -> important for Americans (Drive-In popularity, only small public transport) Freedom · American Ideal: not being ruled by anyone (since time of british colonies) -> Declaration of Independence („life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness") individual freedom needs personal responsibility (no interference of government in economy -> free market; no interference of social welfare) Manifest Destiny. ● shaped in 19th century by frontier experience (border between civilisation and wilderness -> walking alone trough nature „help yourself"+ survival of the fittest (Indigenous people of America/ Native Americans) ● The American Dream - From Rags to Riches dream of upward social mobility (from poverty to high society) 19th century: USA was seen as country of unlimited opportunities Today: American Dream attracts immigrant, but is mostly not reality Puritan Heritage ● spreading American ideals (freedom, democracy) to others -> falsely justified the suppression of Native American culture -> reason for engagement in WW + cold war period (fighting communism), today: engagement in Afghanistan + Iraq War 19th century belief that Americans ware God's „chosen people" religious refugees from GB (Puritan colonists) brought religious freedom -> strict separation of...
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state & church (still valid) calvinist work ethic (someone with economic success is God chosen) -> led to mentality of hard-work & auterity (= Strenge) (less public holidays, most working country worldwide) Living in the Middle of Nowhere European view on USA wrong (shaped by Hollywood): skyscrapers, metropolitan areas as New York/ LA -> reality: more small towns/ rural areas (shaped American mentality: gun-ownership for hunting + self defence etc.) in rural areas are more Republicans -> prefer concept of White predominance (prejudices, stereotypes, racism) Black Lives Matter: a 21st century Civil Rights Movement From Martin Luther King Jr. to Black Lives Matter ● ● BLM was born 2013 after murder of a 17-year-old BIPOC, slogan: ,,I can't breathe" (Floyd) BLM is seen as a renewal 21st century Civil Rights Movement -> similarities: call for social change, racial equality, using non-violent protests -> differences: no single voice demanding change, rather uncoordinated, non-hierarchic collective of activists Systemic/ structural racism = racism based on institutions, laws, norms, values, internal logic of a system -> economic/ social ineqalities fight against Police Brutality -> 2014 murder of 18 y. old Michael Brown; murderer were cleared of charges (->protests) -> 2020 murder of George Floyd today's problems: higher student debts after college, more often single-parent homes, more often police checks -> still much improvement (Obama as a black president, awareness, acceptance in sports/ music/ movies etc.) Nation of Immigrants Push & Pull Factors Push: religious/political persecution (= Verfolgung), (Civil) War, economic hardship (= Not), lack of (educational) prospects, environmental problems Pull: American Dream, Homestead Act (1862) offered public land for free to immigrants in the 19th century, Glod Rush (1848) history. colonists (1607-1776) -> English Puritans settled in New England states (hope: religious freedom) ,,old Immigrants" (1800-1880) -> mainly from Germany, GB, Scandinavia (escaped social change -> industrial revolution „New Immigrants" (1880-1920) -> mass immigration from Southern + Eastern Europe (1889-1924) (2 Million Jews) -> Ellis Island was set up (immigration inspection, processing station for newly arrived immigrants) -> after 1924 massive drop in immigration (reason: restriction on immigration, lack of opportunities caused by Great Depression (1920s-1940s)) Immigration from Asia + Latin America (1965-today) -> immigration from India, Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, China (reason: economy) -> refugee Act (1980) provided admission to people ,,of special humanitarian concern to the USA" -> during Obama ore children + teens fleeing from poverty/ gang violence -> less immigration during Covid pandemic Consequences -> since 2000: record number of ~1 000 000 legal immigrants per year -> rapid increase of American population -> 28% immigrants (most Mexicans, Indians, Chinese people) -> illegal immigration: lack of social security, homelessness, low wages/ unemployment, being seen as a thread; more economic growth -> no benefits from stricter immigration policy illegal immigration -> major political issue in the USA (increased until all-time peak in 2007; decreased after financial crisis 2008, increased in Bidens first months as a president) -> 3% of total population illegal immigration (real numbers higher) -> most illegal immigration from Mexico 50% (criminal networks) -> most stay in border states (California, Texas) Immigration Policy. -> during 19th century: open door policy for people from Europe (no restrictions) -> Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), Ellis Island (1892) rejected ill, lower-class, poor people from South-Eastern Europe -> different Reforms/ Acts to limit immigration + make it easier to deport (illegal) immigrants -> Muslim Ban (2017, Trump) for security" reasons = Changing Social Structure distinguishment between race and ethnicity -> 5 races: White, Black, Indigenous people of America/Alaska, Asian/ Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islander ->2 categories of ethnicity: Hispanic/ Latino (Spanish/ South or Central American origin) vs. non-Hispanic Population growth last 30 years: increase by +80 million people Mainly driven by Hispanics White population decreased (still largest ethnic group) -> questions concept of white predominance More Diversity. today the most culturally, racially, ethnically diverse Growth of groups with multiracial backgrounds Problems with a multicultural society ● Assimilation & Integration refer to different levels of mingling (= Vermischung) of immigrant's culture with prevalent American culture Assimilation cultural process in which minorities adopt values/ beliefs/ behaviours of the dominant culture (mostly giving up their original culture/ traditions) Integration = stage in which minorities accept some aspects of the prevailing culture and still keep their own concepts/ ideas Muslimophobia growing resentment towards Muslims (association of Muslims and terrorists -> 9/11, Taliban Increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes (discrimination, destruction of private property, violent threads, assaults, murder) International Comparison GB face the same problems Fear of uncontrolled + illegal immigration (xenophobia) Racial riots diffiulties Muslimophobia Systemic racism Identity problems for 2. generation immigrants Failed assimilation Security & Freedom 9/11 -> development of pre-emptive strategy (attack countries before they thread USA security) -> reopening War on Iraq + overthrowing dictator domestic consequences -> redefinding of balance of freedom + security -> better anti-terrorism legislation -> „climate of fear" -> more hate crimes, negative stereotypes against Muslims Crime media sees USA = nation of crime (reality: declining crimes over last decades) -> still higher than in Europe -> less violent crimes (except rape) ethnic minorities more often victims of crime The Death penalty legal in 27 states (lethal injection) Highly controversial (eye-for-eye justice) more often poor minorities charged with death penalty Mass Shootings . 11.09.2001 al-Qaeda terrorists flew planes in the twin towers of World Trade center + Pentagon (3 000 people died) international consequences · ● . USA = country with the most mass shootings worldwide Increasing number of mass shootings Mostly shooter kills themself/ gets killed by the police Contributing factors -> easy access to firearms -> higher per capita gun ownership worldwide -> shooters are often mentally ill (-> bad health care system)/ experienced bullying there -> inspiration for shooters by mass media coverage of other shootings Gun control republicans want liberal gun ownership, democrats want more restriction National Rifle Association (NRA) -> = nations most influential gun lobby (Republican view on guns) Guns - PRO & CON PRO . . 2. Amendment to the Constitution (right of people to keep +bear arms shall not be infringed) People kill others (not guns) Restriction would not prevent crimes (mass stabbings instead) Guns prevent mass shootings (you could kill the shooter to save others) CON ● studies show relationship between more guns = more mass shootings American Politics System of Checks & Balances theory: each branch checks the others, all have equal powers (balance) Supreme Court = guardian of the constitution -> reject laws + presidential acts nearly no mass shooting was stopped by a teacher shooting the shooter allowed guns are sometimes not necessary for self defence (semi-automatic ones) One U.S. Government LEGISLATIVE CONGRESS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SENATE The White House EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT VICE -> policy-making -> judges are appointed by the President + confirmed by the Senate (for lifetime) President (most powerful) -> can't be removed by Congress, but impeached if accused of serious crime -> only responsible for constitution, can send armed forces -> nominates justices for Supreme Court (for lifetime) Congress w PRESIDENT JUDICIAL SUPREME COURT House of Representatives (= Bundestag) + Senate (= Bundesrat) House of Representatives: 435 people elected for 2 years Senate: chamber with 2 delegates from each state (100 senators) elected for 6 years (1/3 is changed every 2 years) Congressional elections every 2 years (parallel to presidential election) The electoral System How to become President candidate needs to be born in the USA, +35 years old, good finances (for campaigns) Campaigns 1 year before elections . Election day: Tuesday after the first Monday in November Number of electors (=Wahlmänner) per state according to inhabitants of the state -> party with more electors overall wins (not popular vote important, but majority of electors) Democrats & Republicans ● Typical voters Regional strongholds Understanding of government roles Economy/ Finances Taxation Abortion LGBTQ+ Gun control Democrats . . minorities, women Intellectuals Younger people Metropolitan areas government should provide chance for everyone (through social security, welfare programs, etc.) Public deficit spending to boost economy Lower taxes for lower + middle class Yes Liberal more restriction Republicans ● white men + 40 years rural areas Midwest Government should not interfere with economy/ individual freedom reluctance in spending (to keep budget balanced) Tax relief for higher incomes No Rather conservative Unrestricted gun ownership