


Utopia & Dystopia







-describes a society that is created
-society is perfect and better than our world
-This society does not exist yet
-,,A place we ca

Attopia -describes a society that is created -society is perfect and better than our world -This society does not exist yet -,,A place we can only dream of" -citizens are free -Individuality is wanted Utopia and Dystopia can be highly individual! -Everyone has a different point of view Dystopia -antithesis of the Utopian society -describes a world that is worse than ours -control of the citizens -citizens conform to uniform expectations -no individuality is allowed 11 The Herrers of Atlepia (2) State why "we need Utopia" and point out why "Utopia can (...) be problematic" (1.40) Utopia describes a world, that is better than ours and a place we can only dream of. But why do we need Utopia and on the other hand, why can it be problematic ? First of all, it is important to realise that Utopia offers an aim to reach and a world view to be realised. So Utopia shows you a yardstick for which direction you should move in, but also how far you have already come. But not only that. Also in politics, Utopia is necessary, even for those who do not want to see a alternative society at all. Utopia offers a contrast, which can strengthen one's own ideals and ideas. You see another possible world that you normally would not see like that. Without this alternative, we...

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would only look back and do not see a possible brighter future. That is why we need Utopia. But however, the political system of Utopia and our world is not the same. Utopia is usually a product of only the idea or plan of a single person or a small group while democracy normally shows the ideas of the whole population. People in Utopia are often sees as material or things, that have to be shaped. Consequently, people in Utopia are not able to state their own ideas and have to adapt themselves to the new society. (3) Examine the role of "criticism" as presented in the text The author points out that "Criticism is also Utopia'a antithesis" (1.59). Nowadays, criticism is particularly used as a tool for politics, also to steer democracy. In contrast to that, criticism does not play a role when it comes to Utopia. Because Utopia portrays a perfect society, there is nothing to criticise because it describes a dream society with no problems.