


Verbs of Rest or motion und present participle







Nach verben der Bewegung wie arrive, leave, come, go, run, wark und verben d
Nach verben der Bewegung wie arrive, leave, come, go, run, wark und verben d

https://school-english.de/english/uebungen/gerundium/sitlie.htm Nach verben der Bewegung wie arrive, leave, come, go, run, wark und verben der Rune Wie sit, stand, uie, stay, remain sowie nach anderen Verben wie find und catch(erwischen) + Objekt wird im englischen häufig das present participle gebraucht. LANGUAGE b) Finish these sentences with your own ideas. 1. I'm waiting for the results of my final exams. In fact,... 2. I've applied for a work and travel programme. Furthermore,... 3. I have to find a room to rent near the university. Therefore, ... 4. It's very difficult to get a position there. However, ... 3 I won't sit waiting for you any longer → WB 38/2 0 a) Complete the sentences with a verb of rest or motion and the present participle. (stand-chat) to Today is the last day of our holidays and what did we do all summer? 11(come - hope) for a good time but every morning you 2 (sit - watch) TV. Luckily, you turned it off before lunch, but then you 3 (sit - listen) to the radio. Whenever we met your friends in town, you them and you didn't even introduce me. When the weather was good, we went to the beach, but you s (lie - stare) into space with earphones on. (arrive - hope) we'd have a nice time together....

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And I7 (stay - think) it could only get better. But now I've had enough. I'm not going to (sit- cry) about it any longer. Goodbye! b) Imagine it's the first day at your new job. Make five sentences to describe your day. Use a verb and a present participle from the boxes below. a) 1. I came hoping 2. sat watching 3. sat Listening 4. stood chatting arrive catch myself come leave sit stand walk 1 NGO - non-governmental organisation [nongavn'mentl o:gnar'zeijn] Nichtregierungsorganisation lay 5. Lain staring 6. arrived hoping 7. stayed thinking 8. sat cruing feeling looking reading smiling waiting watching wondering worrying VOCABULA 1