


Visionen der Zukunft - Ethische und soziale Probleme







Globale Herausforderungen und Zukunftsvisionen
Fortschritt und Ethik in der modernen Gesellschaft
Thema: Visions of the future:
• ethical is
Globale Herausforderungen und Zukunftsvisionen
Fortschritt und Ethik in der modernen Gesellschaft
Thema: Visions of the future:
• ethical is

Globale Herausforderungen und Zukunftsvisionen Fortschritt und Ethik in der modernen Gesellschaft Thema: Visions of the future: • ethical issues of scientific and technological progress utopia and dystopia Genetic engineering: General information: . For example: Designer babies: Babies whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected to ensure the presence or absence of certain characteristics, especially with the regard to the sex of the child. Pro: parents have the chance to choose moral obligation to give children the best life possible will lead to improvement of the whole species Contra: ● improvement of science and technology breakthroughs in medicine and physics (live longer and healthier) biotechnology: questioned by ethics, no knowledge about long-term effects, unforeseen consequences . bioethical codes condemn experience with human beings the human gene pool may be damaged rich people would be at an advantage human beings should not play god Ethical issues/social problems: . · Trans genetic biotechnology presents an exciting range of possibilities, from feeding the growing world population to preventing and treating diseases. However, these promises are not without potential risks. Are we crossing/blurring the lines between species boundaries by creating trans genetic combinations? What unintended personal, social and cultural consequences could result? Pro: ● opportunity to stop suffering from genetic defects/disorders scientific research could offer new medical opportunities (organs, insulin) • structure of a family is more important than the sexual process family, faith, moral, religion (important values) Contra: humans should not intervene with nature and play...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

god immoral and in violation of God's laws (crossing species barriers) feelings of clones are neglected (treated as objects) future consequence on health not clear