Author Actions and Analytical Phrases
This page expands on the useful phrases for analysis by providing an extensive list of verbs and phrases to describe author actions and analytical approaches. It's particularly helpful for students working on text analysis in English.
The page is structured as a two-column list, with the left column containing verbs and phrases describing author actions, and the right column listing the objects or concepts these actions can be applied to.
Some key author actions include:
- Starts out/off with
- Puts forward
- Proceeds to
- Points out
- Explains
- Presents
- Outlines
- Deals with
- Describes
- Pictures
- Portrays
- Characterizes
- Creates
Vocabulary: "Alludes to" means to refer to something indirectly or subtly.
The right column provides a range of elements that can be the focus of these actions, such as:
- The thesis
- The argument
- The aspect
- The topic/subject
- Main ideas
- An atmosphere of
- The situation of
- The attitude of
- The behavior of
Example: "The author proceeds to outline the main ideas of the text."
This page is particularly useful for students learning to vary their language in analysis of fiction texts or when discussing stylistic devices. It provides a rich vocabulary for describing how authors construct their arguments or narratives.
Highlight: The page emphasizes the importance of precise language in analysis, offering multiple ways to express similar concepts, which is crucial for developing a sophisticated analytical style.