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Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
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English in Context 5. Student's Book
Wordlists: chronological
Chronological Wordlists
Diese Liste enthält den empfohlenen Arbeitswortschatz

English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological Chronological Wordlists Diese Liste enthält den empfohlenen Arbeitswortschatz aus English in Context 5. Student's Book in chronologischer Reihenfolge, d.h. nach Topics 1-6. Alle Vokabeln sind mit Beispielsätzen angeführt. Bei einzelnen Vokabeln ist die Lautschrift angeführt. (Hinweis: Um die verwendeten Unicode-Zeichen korrekt darzustellen, muss eine Unicode-Schriftart wie z. B. Arial verwendet werden.) Abkürzungen (infml.) (sg.) sb. Topic 1: Family and Friends Lead-In habits (to) chat with sb. parental home Words in Context adult single-parent family chore informal English singular somebody detached house building block of flats village inhabitant capital city pet Unit 1A How to Be a Good Friend reliable Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz (AE) (pl.) sth. Everyone has some that make others go crazy. They were -ing about her boyfriend. Living in his is not always easy for 24 year old Michael. She is acting like an ~. I was raised in a ~, it was just me and my mother. Usually my mother does all the ~, but I have to do the dishes. My grandparents used to live in a ~, but now they moved into a flat. A lot of the -s in Vienna were built around the 19th century. In big cities many people live in blocks -. I'm living in a near the ocean. Vienna has more -s than it had ten years ago. Linz is not the ~ of Austria I always wanted a dog, but the only s I was allowed to have were fish. He is very when it comes to doing his homework. American English plural something VERITAS Gewohnheiten, Angewohnheit sich unterhalten Elternhaus Erwachsener Familie mit...

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nur einem Elternteil, Alleinerzieher- Familie Hausarbeit Einfamilienhaus Gebäude Wohnblock, Wohnhausanlage Dorf der Einwohner Hauptstadt Haustier verlässlich Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological (to) take for granted puzzled popular (to) pretend (to) trust (to) promise fault exception Unit 1B Blended Families nuclear family bully fairy tale Unit 1C The Boomerang Family (to) consist of pregnant sensible sibling convenient (to) persuade grumpy authorities Unit 2A Brand New Home furniture spacious ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz Sometimes I think she takes our friendship ~. When he suddenly walked away, he left me ~. She was very at her last school. He -s to be busy doing homework, but I know he is playing video games. I am going to tell you a secret because I you will not tell it to anybody else. I, I will never lie to you again. I'm very sorry, this is all my ~. You always have to do your homework, there are no -s. The Millers are a typical. A boy, a girl and both parents. There is a at my new school! He already picked on me! Life is nothing like a ~ ! My family -s of my parents and me. My aunt is nine months. Please be and finish school, otherwise you will regret it. I wish I had -s, so I could play with them. Living with my parents is very ~, because I don't have to the cleaning. Shed a friend to join the swim team. Don't be so ! Be happy instead! The took away her child, because she was not able to take care of it. We had to buy new for our new home. I love my living room, because it is so I can dance there. 2 für selbstverständlich nehmen/halten ratlos, fassungslos beliebt vorgeben vertrauen VERITAS versprechen Fehler, Schwäche Ausnahme Kleinfamilie Rüpel Märchen, Sage bestehen aus schwanger vernünftig Geschwister praktisch, bequem überreden, überzeugen mürrisch, grantig Behörden Möbelstück, Einrichtungsgegenstand geräumig Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological rental home suburb (to) study (to) annoy sb. Unit 2B Trailer Parks high-crime area freezing cold weird affordable Unit 2C High-Rise-Living high rise resident skyscraper naughty caretaker terraced house concrete swings Unit 3A Life in the Big City borough crowded run-down (to) rent amenities Unit 3B Small Town Blues Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz We used to live in a ~, but now my parents bought a house. Since the 1920s America's -s have been growing faster than cities as people fled urban life. If you want to get a good mark, you have to! My little brother really ~s me. Some districts of New York City are well known to be -s. It's outside, let's stay at home. Don't you think the new kid is acting - ? He was looking for an ~ flat near his office. New York is a state known for its - buildings. ... for -s only! New York is famous for its ~. - kids have to go to bed at 6 p.m so you better behave! Every morning the sweeps the floors in our biulding. I'm sorry I am late, but all these -s look exactly the same. New homes are built out of not out of bricks. There are on the playground. He is from the London - of Westminster. Wow, the club is really ~! We did a lot of renovation work, because the house was when we bought it! My parents -ed a car for the summer. Mietwohnung Vorstadt lernen VERITAS jem. auf die Nerven gehen Gegend mit hoher Kriminaliätsrate eiskalt eigenartig, komisch, merkwürdig leistbar Hochhaus, Wolkenkratzer Bewohner Wolkenkratzer ungezogen, unartig Hausmeister, Hauswart Reihenhaus Beton die Schaukeln Bezirk, Stadtteil, Stadtgemeinde überfüllt, voll heruntergekommen mieten Near our new house are a lot of - Freizeiteinrichtungen for my brothers and me. Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological podcast (to) predict (to) advertise search engine transmission of audio signals - music or speech - over the internet ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz There are many top quality -s, it would be too difficult to recommend only one! I the weather will be fine tomorrow! Unit 3C Take Me Home, Country Roads memories (pl.) My grandma has a lot of - of when she was younger. Podcast The shopping channels for their für etw. Werbung machen newest products. I always say the internet is a big ~, you will find everything there. VERITAS vorhersagen, prognostizieren Erinnerungen Suchmaschine Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological Topic 2: School and Work Lead-in library ['laibrəri] workplace supervisor ['su:pəvaizər] colleague ['koli:g] tool (to) involve Words in Context compulsory [kəm'palsəri] compulsory education primary education secondary education tertiary education ['t3:fəri ,edju'keiſən] curriculum [kə'rıkjuləm] elective subject state school private school homeschooling assessment Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz A public is a place where you can borrow books. My is right next to the office of my boss. My work are really nice. It's good that we get on well that makes work easier. My dad has many -s because he likes to repair things. Your will explain everything you Betreuungslehrer need to know. My work as a secretary -s correspondence with our clients and making appointments for my boss. It is to attend school for at least nine years in Austria. - was established in Austria by Maria Theresia. In Austria starts at the age of six after the children have left kindergarten. Any school that you attend after primary education belongs to ~. = university According to the new you need to study the gerund in your English lessons. A school that is run by the government. Education at a - is for free. P-s are usually rather expensive. Every student has to pay a fee to study there. Bibliothek, Bücherei A teacher or a parent educates the children at home. Arbeitsplatz Kollege VERITAS Werkzeug beinhalten, umfassen verpflichtend Schulpflicht Subjects that are not compulsory. Wahlfach You can choose your s according to your interests. Primarstufe, Volksschule Sekundarstufe, weiterführende Schule Studium, Hochschule Lehrplan öffentliche Schule Privatschule Unterricht zu Hause The was really strict. I achieved Beurteilung nearly 90% and I only got a B. Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological (to) stream sb. academic subject vocational subject [vəu'keifanl 'SAbdgikt] comprehensive school (to) pass an exam (to) gain a skill work skill apprentice (to) graduate (from a school) vocational training pushy (infml.) ['pufi], ambitious [æm'bifəs] choice (to) require college entrance examination A-Levels Pupils are ed into different groups according to their knowledge. Unit 4A The English School Systems (to) get to grips with sth. (to) attend school (# visit) ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz #vocational subject e.g. German, English, Latin, biology, chemistry,... #academic subject = subject to gain skills that you will need for your future career in a specific job. = a mix of secondary modern school and grammar school. If you don't start studying soon, you won't your ~! If you study hard, you will many -s that will come in handy for your future career. :: life skill = skills that you will need for your future career in your job. Someone who is not fully trained in his/her job yet. to start to deal with sth. Before me and my parents moved to this city I -ed a - in Birmingham. My brother -d from school last year. He's now studying at university. If you want to become a nurse, you'll have to do your ~ at the hospital. Mary's mum is really. She wants her daughter to go to Oxford university after her A- levels. The menu offered a wide variety of different meals, there was a lot of ~. If you want to go to university in England you are -ed to pass your A-level exams. a test that you take before you are allowed to go to university. = the final examination you take to graduate from grammar school jem. in Leistungsgruppen einteilen VERITAS wissenschaftliches Fach berufsbildendes Fach Gesamtschule eine Prüfung bestehen. eine Fähigkeit erwerben berufliche Kompetenz Auszubildender, Lehrling etwas in Angriff nehmen eine Schule besuchen Abschlussprüfung bestehen, Matura machen Berufsausbildung ehrgeizig Wahl verpflichten, benötigen Aufnahmeprüfung für die Universität Matura, Abitur Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological full-time education school-leaving age application [,æpli'keifan] Unit 4B Study at a US High School transition year academic year ambassador [æm'bæsəd³r] accurately host volunteer [,volǝn'tıər] host family school report extracurricular [,ekstrəkə'rikjulər] (to) tend to do sth. (to) participate in sth. (to) integrate into sth. - is normal in many countries, in Austria, however, it is still a controversially discussed topic. Native American, American Indian dorm (itory) (AE) - lies between the age of 15 and 19. ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz = gap year a year that you take off after graduating from school to travel or to do some voluntary work If you want a job, you usually have to send in your first. a year in which you gain further skills and get special training for your future job Tom lost his passport when he was on holiday so he needed to go to the British in Austria to get a new one. Do your homework more ~. There are too many typing mistakes in it. Someone who has invited you to be his guest. There were many who wanted to help backstage at the concert. Staying with a - is a good way to experience the typical way of life in the country you visit. At the end of the school year every pupil gets a ~. not part of the curriculum not quite sure about doing sth. He -ed to believe her but then again she had lied to him before. If you want to our project, you will need to fill out this form. Unit 4C An American Indian High School boarding school Whenever you visit another country, you should try to the culture, i.e. try typical food and find out about typical manners. Mostly rich people send their children to-s. -s were expelled from their land by the white settler. A big bedroom that is shared by pupils at a boarding school. 7 Ganztagsschule Schulabgangsalter VERITAS Übergangsjahr Bewerbung Berufsjahr Botschafter genau, akkurat Gastgeber/in Freiwillige/r Gastfamilie Zeugnis außerhalb des Lehrplans dazu tendieren etwas zu tun teilnehmen an etw. sich an etw. anpassen Internat amerikan. Ureinwohner/in Schlafsaal; auch: Studentenwohneim Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological demerit [di:'merit] reservation land campus (to) confine sb. (to) expel sth. (to) punish sb. to interact limitless have its drawbacks isolated faraway (to) suffer from sth. boredom tutor Unit 5A Meet Eve, a Virtual Teacher learning model amazing session to respond to Unit 5B The School of the Air remote learning material weakness, bad quality a piece of land where Native Americans were allowed to live Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz There are a lot of buildings on the Campus university like libraries, dorms and lecture halls. White settlers -ed Native Americans to reservation lands. The headmaster -led a boy because he was bullying younger pupils. Fortunately, teachers are no longer allowed to their pupils. Scientists still try to figure out which is the most effective for the human brain. to communicate with sb. = infinite, endless = to have disadvantages separated or far away from others not close My grandpa was -ing cancer until he died in 2005. the feeling of being bored or tired by sb. or sth. someone who explains the things you didn't understand in class in private lessons. Scientists have made some ~ discoveries during the last century. After two-s with my tutor I have finally understand what my chemistry teacher is teaching us in class. a response; to make a reply People who live in areas need to have a car otherwise they couldn't go anywhere. My teacher provided some additional to study for our test next week. Schwäche, Minuspunkt Reservat jem. einsperren ausschließen, verweisen bestrafen VERITAS Lernmodell interagieren grenzenlos seine Nachteile haben isoliert fern, weit entfernt leiden Langeweile Tutor erstaunlich Sitzung antworten entlegen, entfernt Lernmaterialien Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological technology [tek'ndləd31] Unit 5C Education Otherwise: Homeschooling suitable ['su:təbl] bullying ['buliin] anxious ['ænkfəs] (to) cater for sth. independent upbringing Unit 6A Getting a Holiday Job holiday job, - work part-time job casual job (spare) cash (infml.) (to) gain (to) dedicate time to sth. restriction [ri'strik[an] coursework travelling time public transport employer leisure centre ['leçər sentər] Modern makes it easy for us to communicate via the internet. Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz Some parents think that the school system is not for the special needs of their children. making fun of others in a mean way or even hurting others who are weaker My sister is always very about doing everything right. provide sth. that is needed He wanted to be from his family so he moved out as soon as he had found a job. the way a child is looked after or educated I didn't go on holiday this year because I had a - in a factory to earn some money. # full-time job Many teenagers take on a - in their spare time to earn some extra money. to get something i.e. a certain skill or quality He s too much to playing golf instead of doing his work. = limitation Please hand in your by the end of the term. The on the plane to your destination will be two hours and thirty minutes. We should use for our way to work rather than going by car. (# employee) Someone who hires other people to work for him. There will be a party at the ~ tonight, we could meet there. Technologie geeignet Schikanieren, Mobbing Do you have any that you could (zusätzliches) Bargeld borrow me? I forgot my wallet at home. VERITAS eifrig auf etwas bedacht sein sorgen für, kümmern um unabhängig Erziehung Ferialjob Teilzeitjob Gelegenheitsjob bekommen, erlangen etw. Zeit widmen Beschränkung schriftliche Arbeit Reisezeit öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Arbeitgeber/in Freizeitzentrum Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological commitment key quality work placement staff temporary staff job vacancy curriculum vitae [kə'rıkjuləmvitæ] (to) apply for a job (to) attend a job interview school leaver Unit 6B A Letter of Application letter of application cover letter advertisement to apply applicant ['æplik3nt] (to) supervise ['su:pəvaiz] accommodation [ǝ,kvmə'deifən] (outdoor) pursuits enc. (enclosure) grammar school Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz We put a lot of into this project because it is clearly very important to us. a certain quality that you need to have to do a specific job You will start with a and if you do well, you will be employed after 3 months. = employees people who are hired to do a job for only a limited period. There is a at the newsagent's. They are looking for someone to deliver the newspapers in the morning. Send in your application and include your with a photo of you. He ied in London because he will be moving there next year. Do you think I should wear a tie when I-? pupils who leave school before finishing their education You should mention why you want to get a job in your ~. It is helpful to include a to your application in which you say why you are the right person for the job. You can usually find a lot of -s in the weekend edition of the newspaper. I have already -ied for 25 jobs but haven't got a reply yet. sb. who applies for a job control, monitor You can choose between different kinds of like e.g. youth hostels, hotels or bed and breakfast. hobby, spare-time-activity See the to this letter for further details. After primary school pupils attend 10 Engagement Schlüsselqualität Praktikum VERITAS Belegschaft, Team Aushilfe freie Stelle Lebenslauf sich um einen Job bewerben zu einem Bewerbungsgespräch gehen Schulabgänger Bewerbungsschreiben Anschreiben Stellenanzeige sich bewerben Bewerber beaufsichtigen Unterbringung Outdoor-Aktivitäten Beilage weiterführende Schule (nach Volksschule) Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological upon request voluntary work social service emergency service reputation [,repju'terson] experience skill (to) cope with sth. pressure strength weakness volunteer [vplən'tıər] refugee [,refju'dzi:] human teaching style support questionnaire [,kwestfa'nɛər] ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz We will gladly send you more information about our products - work that you do without getting paid for working with i.e. drug addicts, homeless people,... As a doctor you need to do a lot of - especially on bank holidays and at the weekends. This company has a pretty good -. Most of the customers are satisfied. If you want to work as a babysitter you should have some - with babies and children. the ability to do sth., a quality We had to with a lot of stress last year. Don't put yourself under ~. I'm sure you'll be doing fine at the interview. sth. you are really good at or a personal quality you are proud of # strength, sth. you can't do very well or a quality you would like to change about yourself Sb. who is helping others or is doing some sort of work without getting paid people who need to flee from their home or country. It's only to need help sometimes. Every teacher has his own ~. If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact our hotline. Please answer the questions on the and hand it back in. 11 auf Anfrage freiwillige Arbeit Sozialarbeit Notdienst Ruf Erfahrung Fähigkeit zurechtkommen mit etw. Druck VERITAS Stärke Schwäche Freiwillige/r Flüchtling menschlich Lehrmethode Unterstützung Fragebogen Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological Topic 3: Going Shopping Lead-in favourite latest fashion up-to-date brand Words in Context consumer stall distribution [,distri'bju:[an] wholesaler retailer (to) satisfy the need (to) spend money consumer society farm produce handicraft showroom shop-assistant, salesperson cashier [kæ'fier] department store ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz what you like most of all You can read about the in many magazines. If you are working in a fashion store you should keep with the latest fashion. name of a company, label Sb. who buys sth. We had a at the flea market because we wanted to sell some of our old stuff. the act of delivering goods and products to retailers and customers Sb. who sells goods to a retailer Sb. who sells goods to customers. This supermarket tries ~ of the customers for organic produce. to earn money I think you too much - on clothes, you should rather try to safe your money for more important things. vegetables and fruit grown on farms making products like rugs, pottery or clothes by hand instead of using machines. The dresses in the are all on sale. sb. who sells things in a shop The person who handles money transactions at a store. a big building where all kinds of products are sold 12 Lieblings- neueste Mode aktuell, modern Marke VERITAS Konsument/in Stand In a people rather buy new stuff Komsumgesellschaft instead of repairing old things. Vertrieb Großhändler Einzelhändler Bedürfnisse befriedigen Geld ausgeben Obst und Gemüse vom Bauernhof Handwerk Ausstellungs-, Verkaufsraum Verkäufer/in Kassierer/in Kaufhaus Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological shopping centre (to) purchase shopping mall bargain Unit 7A Which Shop Is It? storeroom credit card out of stock (to) try on (to) suit cash receipt [rr'si:t] department [di'pa:tmənt] changing room street market luxury good ['lak[3r1 gudz] retail bric-a-brac prestigious [pre'stidzǝs] up-to-the-minute trend an array of an area with lots of different shops and stores, they can be in one building or there can be many small buildings, one for each shop © VERITAS-Verlag, Linz Unit 7B Where Do You Like to Shop? sales and bargains the place behind a store where things that don't fit in the showroom are put buy erwerben, kaufen A big building with lots of different überdachtes shops in it. Einkaufszentrum cheap offer Schnäppchen Would you like to pay cash or with-? not available anymore Can I this dress in size 12? I don't think blue -s you, you should try on the red dress instead. coins and banknotes that your carry in your wallet a bill that you get after buying something in a shop You will find mp3-players in our electronics-~. small rooms in shops where you can try on clothes You should look for a new dress at the, you can save a lot of money there. Camden Market is one of London's biggest -s, there are a lot of stalls there. Harrod's London is a department store specialised in ~. selling items in a shop small items that you don't really need but that are nice to look at T-shirts with cartoons on them are an right now. They offer a wide ~ of designer clothes in this shop. Einkaufszentrum 13 Lager Kreditkarte nicht auf Lager anprobieren stehen Bargeld VER 1 TAS Quittung Abteilung Umkleideraum Ausverkauf und Schnäppchen Straßenmarkt Harrods is the most department prestigeträchtig store in London. Luxusware, -artikel Verkauf Nippes der letzte Schrei Auswahl, Spektrum Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological popular with nightmare ['naitmɛər] shopping list grocery vegetables ['vedzıtəbls] Unit 7C What's On the Shopping List? bunch change bank card debit card credit card electronic banking credit, loan instalment payment poultry ['pǝultri] dairy products ['dɛəri 'prodakts] Unit 8A How Would You Like to Pay? bill mortgage [mɔ:gid3] bank account debit interest Nike or Adidas are two brands that are very with teenagers. debt a very bad dream; Finding a parking space was a ~, we didn't find one for 15 minutes. Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz You should write a list with all the things you need before you go shopping. He gave her a ~ of roses. If you buy something for 7,50 Pounds and you pay with a Ten- Pound-Note, you get 2,50 Pounds -. small supermarket Small children often don't like green -s like spinach or peas. the meat of chicken or turkey any products made out of milk invoice He payed the in cash. You can withdraw money from your bank account with your ~. a card with which you can make a withdrawal from a cash- mashine Visa and Mastercard are the two most common -s have access to your bank account on the internet borrowing money from the bank paying off a large amount of money in small amounts every month There is a on the house so if we can't pay our debts, the bank will go and sell our house. There is no money left on my ~, all I have is 100 Pounds in cash. a sum that you owe to the bank the amount of money a bank charges for lending you money what one person owes to another 14 beliebt bei Alptraum Einkaufsliste Bund, Strauß; Menge Wechselgeld Lebensmittelgeschäft Gemüse Geflügel Milchprodukte Rechnung Bankkarte Bankomatkarte Kreditkarte E-Banking VERITAS Kredit Ratenzahlung Hypothek Bankkonto Lastschrift Zinsen Schulden Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological (to) afford pocket money (to) save Unit 8B A Shopaholic's Story shopaholic addiction [ǝ'dikfan] package ['pækid3] cash on delivery bankrupt urge [3:d3] (to) fit (to) order (to) pay off guarantee [,gærən'ti:] replacement broken, damaged (to) work properly complaint We can't to go on holiday this year because we just bought a new car. ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz a certain amount of money that children get from their parents every week/month You should try to your pocket money instead of spending it on things you don't need. someone who is addicted to shopping Some people suffer from an ~ to alcohol. to be addicted to sth. a parcel paying for sth. you have ordered when it arrives Unit 8C Can I Have My Money Back? refund [rı'fand] financially ruined Whenever I am sad I feel the ~ of eating chocolate to make me feel better. The trousers I had ordered didn't - so I sent them back. A lot of people don't go shopping anymore but things on the internet. You will need to your debts before you can afford to buy anything new. If you don't like our products just send them back and you will get a full-. The usually says that if something you have bought doesn't work anymore, it will either be replaced or repaired by the company. After my mobile phone was broken I got a - until mine was repaired. sth. doesn't work anymore If your new watch is not -ing - you should send it back. If you are not fully satisfied you should write an e-mail of ~. 15 leisten Taschengeld sparen Kaufsüchtiger Sucht Paket Barzahlung bei Lieferung bankrott Drang passen VERITAS bestellen abbezahlen; sich auszahlen; Rückerstattung Garantie Ersatz kaputt, beschädigt gut funktionieren Beschwerde Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological sympathy instruction booklet Unit 9A The Man Who Invented shopping mall/center (AE) shopping centre (BE) parking area. two-storey suburb ['sub3:b] escalator carpark (to) attract Unit 9B People at the Mall waiter/waitress sales assistant store owner (to) hang out shoplifting a voucher ['vautf³r] for sth. admission [ǝd'misən] bank holiday, public holiday prohibited [preǝ'hibitid] play area advertising leaflet ['ædvətaizin 'li:flit] understanding or sharing another person's emotions ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz See the for further information about the functions of your new mobile phone. the Mall a place with lots of shops and stores an area where you can park your car They have just built a - carpark for the new shopping centre. Many people who work in the city centre live in the -s and commute to town every day. Shall we take the or the stairs? a building where you can park your car The new Shopping centre ~ed a lot of people when it was opened. sb. who serves guests in a restaurant Sb. who works in a shop selling products to customers Unit 9C Opening Hours And Admission opening hours the person who possesses a store Many teenagers like at the shopping centre in their spare- time. to steal sth. in a shop The new café is distributing ~s~ a cup of coffee for free. the days and hours when a shop is open No means that you are not allowed to go there. Most shops are closed on ~s. Smoking is in public buildings. Thes in this park are all clean and safe. This says that there is a sale at the shop over there with 50% discount. 16 Mitleid, Mitgefühl Gebrauchsanleitung Einkaufszentrum Parkplatz / Parkbereich 2-stöckig VERITAS Vorstadt, Vorort Rolltreppe Parkplatz, Parkhaus anziehen Kellner/in Verkäufer/in Geschäftbesitzer/in sich aufhalten, herumtreiben Diebstahl Gutschein Öffnungszeiten Zutritt, Zugang gesetzlicher Feiertag verboten Spielplatz Werbeflyer Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological safety hooded top ['hudid top] deliberate [di'lıbərit] refund ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz You should always keep your seat belt fastened on a flight for your own ~. The two men who robbed the bank yesterday were wearing -s. on purpose If you return one of our products because you are not satisfied, you will get a full ~. 17 Sicherheit Kapuze VERITAS absichtlich Rückerstattung Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological Topic 4: Fitness and Health Lead-in (to) do sport, (to) get exercise thrill excitement difficulty (to) achieve sth. sociable recognition (to) relieve stress challenge sporty Words in Context (to) boost [bu:st] mood benefit (to) recommend vigorous ['vigərəs] (to) feel good (to) feel well = (to) feel healthy endorphin self-esteem pride © VERITAS-Verlag, Linz I usually at least once a week. Most people do extreme sports like bungee jumping for the ~ of it. the state of being positively nervous about sth. Tom was able to pass the driving-test without any ~. achievement (n.) Most pupils -d 100 points in our last English test. Tom is very ~, he is outgoing and likes to meet new people and hang out with friends. acknowledgement Yoga is a kind of sport that can help you to and relax. Running a marathon is a big ~. athletic Doing sports regularly can your energy level. Stop making fun of me, I'm already in a bad ~. advantage The -s of doing sports must be clear to everyone! Can you any good restaurants in town? energetic He does exercises three times a week. (to) be happy/ in a good mood I'm not sick anymore, I. hormone that makes you feel happy People with a low- often think that they are less attractive than others. Children are often their parent's biggest ~. 18 Sport machen/treiben Kick, Nervenkitzel Aufregung Schwierigkeiten (pl.) etwas erreichen, leisten gesellig Anerkennung Stress abbauen VERITAS Herausforderung sportlich Auftrieb geben Laune Vorteil empfehlen intensiv sich gut fühlen sich gesund fühlen / gesund sein Endorphin ("Glückshormon") Selbstwertgefühl Stolz Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological (to) reach a goal (to) burn calories (to) lose weight disease [di'zi:z] breathing limbs abdomen [æb'dəumen] joint (to) strengthen (to) stretch (to) bend injury ['ındzəri] diet plate cabbage grape lettuce ['letis] peppers (pl.) prawn [pron] trout [traut] veal [vi:l] (to) admire Unit 10A Fast Food Nation (to) affect convenient [kən'vi:niənt] overweight ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz to accomplish sth. you've wanted to do Half an hour of jogging -s about 250 -. # to put on weight illness # to breathe, the breath The higher you go in the mountains the more difficult - can get. legs the area around your stomach e.g. knees, elbows Regular workout -s your muscles. Never forget to - after doing sports. B- your knees so that you can reach the floor with your hands. Mark won't be able to play football for the next three months because of his ~. the kind of food you eat Use small-s when eating. That makes the portion look bigger. a green vegetable with edible leaves Wine is made out of -s. green salad You can get red, green or yellow -s at the market. a slightly bigger shrimp a kind of fish that lives in streams the meat of baby calves Many girls models in magazines because of their slim bodies. Eating too much fast food can ~ your health. Readymade meals are a - alternative for people who don't want to cook. more weight than is normal 19 ein Ziel erreichen Kalorien verbrennen Gewicht verlieren, abnehmen Krankheit Atmung Beine Bauch Gelenk stärken dehnen beugen Verletzung VERITAS Ernährung; Diät Teller Kohl Trauben Blattsalat Paprika(schoten) Garnele Forelle Kalbfleisch bewundern betreffen, sich auf etw. auswirken bequem Übergewicht Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological (to) avoid contract habit French fries [frentf frais] consumption, (to) consume obesity [ǝu'bi:siti] obese [ǝu'bi:s] convenience store (AE) nutritious [nju:'trifəs] food court soda (AE) eating disorder stroke weight (to) gain fad digestive system [dı'dzestiv 'SISTǝm] long-term fibres (pl.) ['faibər] If you want to lose weight, you should eating too many sweets or fat things. ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz The states that you are not allowed to paint the walls in your flat without asking your landlord. It's a bad to bite your fingernails when you're nervous. thin chips (BE) to buy sth. or to eat/drink sth. being heavily overweight fat C-s sell a lot of unhealthy fast food snacks like crisps, sandwiches, donuts or soft drinks. Unit 10B Healthy Eating for Teens balanced diet the area in a shopping centre where you find all the restaurants and take-aways soft drink e.g. bulimia or anorexia a sudden occlusion of a blood vessel in the brain The only way to lose - is by changing your diet and doing sports. The food at our hotel was so delicious that I have -ed several kilos during our holiday. A - consists of grains, fruit and vegetables, dairy products, meat and only a small amount of sweets and fat. fashion, trend You should try eat a lot of healthy nährstoffreich, nahrhaft food in a diet. any organs in your body that are involved in turning the food you eat into energy and remove the waste I am seriously thinking about ving a relationship with Gina. F-s are important for your digestive system so you should eat a lot of e.g. wholemeal products. vermeiden 20 Vertrag Gewohnheit Pommes Frittes Konsum, konsumieren VERITAS Fettleibigkeit fett(leibig) Snack-Laden Gastronomie-Bereich in einem Einkaufszentrum Limonade Essstörung Infarkt Gewicht zunehmen, ansteigen ausgewogene Ernährung Modeerscheinung, Trend Verdauungssystem langfristig Ballaststoffe Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological nutrient nutritionist advise Unit 10C Fitness Myths academic success menu ['menju:] saturated fats ['saætforeitǝd fæts] in favour junk food (to) overcome a problem sport facility facility (to) invest in sth. physical mental (to) raise awareness competitive (to) launch [lo:ntf] Some people take pills to make sure they get all the -s they need. © VERITAS-Verlag, Linz experts and scientist who know everything about nutrition and diet If you need on a healthy diet, you should ask a nutritionist. pledge [pled3] promise Unit 11A Are Adults Turning Teens Into Couch Potatoes? (to) prevent sb. from doing sth. (to) stop sb. from doing sth. A- and health go hand in hand with a balanced diet. This restaurant is weird. There are absolutely no salads on the Fast food contains a lot of - which are not healthy for your body. Jamie Oliver wanted children to stop eating fast food - of healthier food. fast food; food that isn't healthy because it contains too much sugar or fat. In order to this we need to find a solution everybody will agree with. a place where you can do all kinds of sports especially athletics a building or place that provides a specific service to put money into a certain project anything to do with your body anything to do with your mind The government should - for a healthy way of living. My sister always wants to be a better swimmer than me, she is really ~. to introduce sth. new; to start a new project 21 Nährstoff Ernährungswissenschaftler/in Ratschlag VERITAS Schulerfolg Speisekarte gesättigte Fettsäuren zu Gunsten Fast Food ein Problem bewältigen/lösen Zusage, Versprechen jemanden von etwas abhalten Sportanlage Anlage, Einrichtung in etw. investieren körperlich, physisch geistig, pychisch Bewusstsein fördern konkurrierend lancieren, einführen Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological (to) challenge sb. to do sth. to ask someone if he wants to compete with you appealing attractive tournament ['tuənəmənt] a series of contests Unit 11B Extreme Sports: My First Bungee Jump extreme sport operator cord peak steep terrifying agility [ǝ'dzılıtı] myth workout gym metabolism sweat [swet] weight training medical range sensible glowing e.g. bungee jumping, sky diving, rafting,... Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz rope the top of a mountain The way up to the mountain top was really ~. scary, horrifying the ability to move quickly and smoothly It's a that chocolate is bad for your skin. The tour-- organised a rafting trip Betreiber for us. My is finally paying off. I have lost 5 kg. Peter works out at the twice a week. One reason for obesity can be that your isn't working properly. (# sweet) I was so exhausted that my T- shirt was wet because of my ~. W- makes your muscles grow. from a doctor or another health expert Keep your consumption of sweets in a healthy ~. saturated Unit 12A Warning: Models May Not Be As Thin As They Appear how you see yourself self-image pale She was so shocked that her face went ~. #sensitive (sensible) Please be, don't do anything that could hurt you. I really like to stare up to the ~ stars. 22 jem. herausfordern etwas zu tun ansprechend Turnier Extremsport Seil Gipfel steil Angst erregend Agilität Mythos VERITAS (Fitness-)Training Fitnessstudio Stoffwechsel Schweiß Krafttraining medizinisch Bereich, Klasse, Rang vernünftig gesättigt Selbstbild blass leuchtend Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological spot mark feature ['fi:tfər] wrinkle retouched body size (to) denounce [dı'nauns] (to) impose ad agency warning label fake unattainable (to) diagnose sb. ith sth. eating disorder guideline Unit 12B Bigorexia bigorexia obsession [ab'se fən] (to) put at risk nickname (to) aspire to Unit 12C Bald and Bold bald ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz Mary says she can't go on a date with Peter because she has a - on her nose. I've had this since I fell down the stairs as a child. Everybody has some -s that distinct him or her from others. Women spend billions of Euros on cremes and lotions that promise to reduce -s. Most photos in magazines are - and no model really looks like he or she does on the picture. The is usually measured in centimetres. to condemn something openly A new law was -d by the government last week. An designs new advertisements for other companies. The says that you should not use the lotion around your eyes. not real Many beauty ideals that we see in the media are for most women. The doctors at the hospital -d her with anorexia. Anorexia and bulimia are the two most common ~ ~s. When writing your end of term paper you should stick to the - on how to do that. a disorder in which a person is obsessed with the idea that he or she is not muscular enough fixed idea You seriously - your health - if you start smoking. a shortened form of your proper pet name name having great ambitions to achieve sth. no hair on the head 23 Pickel; Punkt; Fleck; Narbe Merkmal, Eigenschaft Falte retuchiert Größe VERITAS anprangern verhängen, auferlegen Werbeagentur Warnhinweis/-schild Fälschung; künstlich unerreichbar etwas bei jemandem diagnostizieren Essstörung Richtlinie Bigorexie Besessenheit gefährden Spitz-, Kosename etw. anstreben kahl Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological bold cyclist wig brave self-confident incurable [in'kjuərəbl] disorder ego boost talent scout (to) judge sb. on sth. (to) bother Check Your Progress 4 bar (to) claim caffeine ['kæfi:n] (to) skip a meal occasional [ǝ'kerzənl] stimulant ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz proud sb. riding a bike fake hair that you can wear if you are bold #fearful secure with oneself #curable Many types of cancer are still ~. A friend of mine was suffering from an eating-~. Being on stage and singing in front of all the people gave me a real. T-s are people who are looking for new talents who they can promote. We shouldn't people - their appearance. Don't about the laundry, I'll do it when I come home. Can I have a ~ of chocolate before dinner? I know some crazy people who - that they have seen ghosts in this house. Coffee, coke and energy drinks contain a lot of ~. Some people try to lose weight by ~ping meals. sometimes a substance that makes you feel wide awake 24 stolz Radfahrer/in Perücke mutig selbstbewusst unheilbar Störung VERITAS Bestätigung furs Selbstbewusstsein Talentsucher jem. nach etw. beurteilen sich kümmern, bemühen Riegel behaupten Koffein eine Mahlzeit auslassen gelegentlich Aufputschmittel Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological Topic 5: Fame and Media Lead-in celebrity [sı'lebriti] fame (to) avoid doing sth. be repelled by sth. famous profession findings (pl.) Words in Context success mass media media coverage ['mi:dıǝ 'kAvərid3] gossip tabloid ['tæbloid] (to) pursue [pa'sju:] glossy curiosity [,kjuarı'DSITI] market value short-lived downside pressure star, somebody who is famous the state of being widely known You should going into the sun when you have already got a sunburn. Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz I was by the smell when I entered the house. well-known by the public job, what you do for a living results The new book of J.K. Rowling was a big ~. means of communication that reach a large number of people, e.g. TV or newspapers There is always a large ~ of the Olympic games. There was a lot of about the split up of the actress and her husband before the divorce was officially announced. yellow press, newspapers that often report about stars and scandals to keep going after sth./sb. G-magazines usually report about stars and scandals. the state of being curious about sht. or really interested in sth. The more popular a star is the higher is his or her ~. The careers of musicians that land a one-hit-wonder is usually rather -. the disadvantages or negative aspects of sth. Female stars are under a lot of - to look young and attractive. I can't resist the of chocolate. the state of not achieving sth. temptation [tempterson] failure ['feiljər] Unit 13A Oprah Winfrey: Media Mogul 25 Berühmtheit, Star Ruhm vermeiden etwas zu tun von etwas abgestoßen werden berühmt Beruf Ergebnisse, Resultate Erfolg VERITAS Massenmedien mediale Berichterstattung Tratsch, Klatsch Boulevard-, Klatschpresse etw./jem. verfolgen glänzend Neugier Marktwert kurzlebig Kehr-, Schattenseite Druck Verführung Versagen Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological turning point philanthropist [fi'lænerǝpist] (to) abuse sb. scholarship ['skolǝsıp] anchor (AE) endorsement [in'do:smənt] (to) influence a "rags to riches" story breakthrough audience ['o:dions] humble ['hambl] hero ['hiǝrǝu] hardship award The big movie he starred in was the of his career. incredible sb. who supports others with money or who gives money to charity ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz My brother got a ~ for university, that means that he doesn't have to pay the tuition fee himself. a person that reads the news on TV Unit 13B Shahrukh Khan: Indian Superstar (to) rise moving up (to) be obsessive about sb. Some fans are about their stars and follow them wherever they go. The man who -d six little girls will jem. missbrauchen spend the rest of his life in prison. support, i.e. supporting a politician during his election. campaign Many stars are role models and therefore the opinion of their fans. stories that are about sb. who was poor but who made a fortune and is now rich Casting shows promise talented young people a, i.e. they promise them to make them famous over night. There is usually a live-- at the studio when late-night-shows or talk shows are produced. #proud, arrogant Unit 13C Justin Bieber: Teenage Idol tongue-tied the male protagonist of a book or a film suffering The Oscars are the most importants in the film industry. not able to say a thing out of astonishment The story of Justin Bieber is the story of an success. Unit 14A Connecting With The Fans unchallenged She is the queen of twitter. 26 Wendepunkt Philantrop, Menschenfreund Stipendium VERITAS Nachrichtensprecher Unterstützung beeinflussen "Vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionär"-Geschichte Durchbruch ansteigen von jem.besessen sein Publikum bescheiden Held Entbehrungen, Elend Preis (Ehrung) sprachlos Unglaublich, unfassbar Unangefochten Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological (to) lead the pack supremacy [su'premǝsı] Unit 14B The Media and Privacy (to) snoop (to) give sb. a tip humiliating (to) exploit sb. disappointment (to) provide sth. coverage ['kAvərid3] aftermath Unit 14C A New Kind of Visual News earthquake footage ['futid3] eyewitness citizen on demand (to) broadcast TV newscast viewing habit be in front of a group of people dominant position (to) assault [ǝ'sɔ:lt] (to) track sb. down to look for secret information He gave me a great tip where to buy cheap shoes. ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz Reality-shows can be really - for the people who participate in them. treat sb. badly for your own profit He thought that he would get the job so his was great when he didn't. There was a big - in San Francisco, many buildings were destroyed. The government -d food and shelter for the victims of the hurricane. There will be a lot of of the upcoming elections. something that results from or follows an event The camera team collected enough so that there will be a report about the accident on the news. sb. who saw a crime happening the people who live in a city or town We will gladly send you our catalogue ~. to present a radio or TV programme to the public a TV programme that is dedicated to the news of the world Unit 15A Celebrity Stories and Scandals alleged [ǝ'led3d] Thes of people have significantly changed within the past few years. The robbers escaped in a red car. violently attacking sb. to find sb. 27 die Gruppe anführen Vorherrschaft VERITAS schnüffeln, spionieren jem. einen Hinweis geben demütigend, beschämend jem. ausbeuten, ausnützen Enttäuschung Erdbeben etw. zur Verfügung stellen Berichterstattung Nachwehen, Auswirkungen Filmmaterial Augenzeuge Bürger/in auf Anfrage übertragen Nachrichtensendung Sehgewohnheiten angeblich, mutmaßlich jem. (tätlich) angreifen jem. aufspüren Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological (to) chase [tfeis] (to) misuse Unit 15B Stars and Addictions availability (to) handle sth. (to) rely on sth. [rı'lar] (to) cure sb. candid treatment breakdown (to) persuade sb. salary (to) maintain (to) appreciate [ǝ'pri:fieit] run after sb. and try to catch him making improper, illegal or incorrect use of sth. ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz the state of being available/accessable Can you all the work or shall I help you? Unit 15C How Young Is too Young to be a Pop Star? casualty ['kazjulti] victim sympathy (to) get messed You can my word, I will not tell your secret to anyone. The doctors did everything to ~ him from his illness. honest Although he was injured in the accident, he didn't want any medical -. feeling pity for sb. to get into trouble After everything that he had gone through he suffered a nervous ~. to talk sb. into sth. the money you get for the job you do to keep up, to continue I really your help, I don't know what I would do without you. 28 jem. verfolgen missbrauchen VERITAS Verfügbarkeit etwas bewältigen, regeln sich auf etw. verlassen jem. heilen ehrlich, aufrichtig Behandlung Opfer Mitleid in Unordnung (hier: Schwierigkeiten) geraten Zusammenbruch jem. überreden Gehalt erhalten, aufrecht halten schätzen Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological Topic 6: Travel & Tourism Lead-in market share holiday destination Words in context wealthy ['wel01] (to) go abroad leisure ['lezər] (AE) outing seaside package holiday tour operator unspoiled beach developing country all year round scenery ['si:nəri] travel agent destination budget traveller self-catering accommodation recreational facility [,rekri'eifanal fə'sılıtı]] © VERITAS-Verlag, Linz The is a percentage of the total sales of sth. the place where you plan to go on holiday rich This year we won't stay at home during our holiday, we will ~. spare time trip There are many famous and beautiful --resorts in Italy. A ~ usually includes the flights, the transfers and an all-inclusive hotel arrangement. Our organised a sightseeing- tour around the city. beaches that are clean and not visited by too many tourists Countries in Africa or Asia are often considered to be s in comparison to the Western developed countries. You can go swimming in an indoor swimming pool -. landscape sb who is selling holiday packages to customers in a travel agency the place where you want to travel B-s are travellers who try to spend less money on their holiday or who book cheap package holidays. meals like breakfast, lunch or dinner are not included in the holiday package. the hotel/ bed&breakfast/ hos where you stay during your holiday e.g. swimming pools, tennis courts, golf courses 29 Marktanteil Urlaubs-, Ferienziel VERITAS reich ins Ausland gehen, verreisen Freizeit Ausflug Meer(esküste) Pauschalurlaub Reiseveranstalter makelloser Strand Entwicklungsland ganzjährig Landschaft Reisebüromitarbeiter/in Reiseziel Billigtourist Selbstverpflegung Unterkunft Freizeiteinrichtung Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological carbon footprint trip journey tour expedition excursion [ık'sk3:[an] in queues brochure ['braufjuar] Unit 16A Welcome to XUK adventurous mutual tent holiday camp (to) relax (to) hang out catalogue pricelist advertising leaflet ['ædvətaızın 'li:lit] availability [ǝ,verlə'biliti] Unit 16B Welcome to Austria © VERITAS-Verlag, Linz Every one of us should try to minimize his own e.g. by using public transport or riding the bike for short distances. a short holiday or journey; We went on a weekend-- to Paris last spring. the act of travelling from one place to another We took a sightseeing- around the city on a double-decker-bus. a longer journey undertaken for a specific (scientific) pu ose a short trip undertaken for a specific purpose The passengers had to wait - in front of the check-in-desks at the airport. colourful leaflet that contains information about e.g. tourist attractions A activities such as mountain climbing or rafting are especially enjoyed by the young people who visit Austria. a portable shelter in which you usually sleep when you go camping Many children like to spend their holidays in a without their parents. Many hotels offer a spa where people can ~. I like ing with friends at the shopping centre. Order our for free and see more of our offers there. A of our holidays is included to the catalogue. a small brochure with information about a certain product or service You should ask about the ~ of sports equipment to rent. 30 CO2-Bilanz Be fair to each other and treat the gegenseitig others with respect. Ausflug; Reise Reise Tour, Reise Expedition Ausflug VERITAS in Schlangen Prospekt abenteuerlich Zelt Ferienlager sich erholen sich aufhalten, herumtreiben Katalog Preisliste Werbebroschüre Verfügbarkeit Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological stunning gorgeous ['go:dzəs] currency ['karǝnsı] hiking gem [dzem] picturesque monastery discount fares (to) recommend (to) discover travel guide backpacker dorm (itory) (to) hover bike lane [bark lein] Unit 17A The Catastrophic honeymoon tour connecting flight (to) be stranded (to) escape (to) endure natural disaster Ⓒ VERITAS-Verlag, Linz The view from the top of the mountain was ~. strikingly beautiful, great Most European countries use the Euro as their ~. walking up a mountain a precious stone e.g. a ruby This church is a baroque -. The view over the mountains was really ~. a place where monks or nuns live Children get 50% off the normal entrance fee. The price you have to pay for going by public transport, i.e. bus. fares I can this restaurant, they serve the best steaks in town. I've read in the that this museum is always worth a visit. Tourists who travel with only a backpack. Some of them tramp to their destination and stay in cheap accommodations like youth hostels. a big bedroom that is shared by many people He was -ing between life and death. Honeymoon Tour The best way to a city is to walk entdecken through the streets without a map. a holiday you take after your wedding There was a delay of our flight to Frankfurt so we had to run to catch our to Rome. not being able to get away to run away from sth. to suffer sth. Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods or tsumanis are examples for -s. umwerfend, fantastisch 31 zauberhaft, großartig Währung wandern Juwel malerisch Kloster Ermäßigung Preise empfehlen a lane next to the road for cyclists Radweg only VERITAS Reiseführer Rucksacktourist Schlafsaal schweben Hochzeitsreise Anschlussflug festsitzen flüchten ertragen Naturkatastrophe Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological (to) seek shelter campsite rescuer ['reskjuar] (to) be trapped chairlift (to) be injured mattress (to) dampen (to) whoop (to) swoon Unit 18A Hotel Reviews merge into (to) be occupied Unit 18B Ecotourism ecotourism nature reserve sustainable Unit 17B Two Tales of Holiday Romance corny (to) conserve/ (to) preserve (to) waste Unit 18C A Radical Solution endangered [in'deindzərəd] They had to from the rain in an old, deserted hous. ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz The was flooded by the rain ad our tent and everything we had in there was wet. sb. who helps other people out of a dangerous situation The hikers were in the cave and couldn't get out. You can either hike up the mountain or use the to get up to the top. Luckily no one was in the accident. I couldn't sleep on that hard ~, it hurt my back all night long. The atmosphere at the party was -ed by the news about our friend's accident. The audience -ed and clapped. Many women for men with blue eyes. to blend in, to unite gradually The toilet has been for at least 15 minutes, I hope everything is ok. a form of tourism that tries to protect the environment National parks are often a part of a~. S- sources of energy like solar energy need to be further developed. We need to do anything in our power to our forests and the animals living there. We a lot of energy by not using it carefully. The film was about a really love kitschig, abgedroschen story. dämpfen, schwächen The Siberian tiger is on the red list of animals because there are only a few hundred left. 32 Schutz / Zuflucht suchen Zeltplatz Retter/in gefangen/in der Falle sein Sessellift VERITAS verletzt sein Matratze jauchzen, schreien in Verzückung geraten, schwärmen übergehen in besetzt sein Ökotourismus Naturschutzgebiet nachhaltig, erneuerbar erhalten, schützen verschwenden gefährdet Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck English in Context 5. Student's Book Wordlists: chronological hastening carbon dioxide climate change destruction pollution exploitation (to) wreck sth. commodity Check Your Progress 6 asset peculiar disruption sanctuary permission entrance permit shoals of fish (to) flit (to) be adamant ⒸVERITAS-Verlag, Linz doing sth. in a hurry The amount of - we produce needs to be reduced. C- is one main reason why the polar ice caps are melting. We need to stop environmental - because it will lead to the of our planet. the act of making sth. dirty, e.g. water pollution or air pollution The of our planet's resources needs to be stopped. to destroy sth. sth. of value that you can sell The gorgeous landscape is one of the country's greatest -s. unusual, uncommon, special Sorry for the but I need to talk to you for a second. a sacred or holy place being allowed to do sth. If you don't have an ~, you are not allowed to go behind that door. While snorkelling we could see ~ swimming nearby. I saw a shadow -ting behind the house. There is no sense talking to him about it, he is in his opinion. 33 eilig, eilend CO2 Klimawandel Zerstörung VERITAS Verschmutzung Ausbeutung etw. zerstören Ware Reichtum besonders, eigentümlich Unterbrechung, Störung Heiligtum Erlaubnis Zutrittserlaubnis Fischschwärme flitzen, huschen auf etw. beharren Maryan Oschounig, Christina Loböck