Context Starter Cornelsen: Additional Teen Years Vocabulary
This page continues the bilingual vocabulary list, focusing on appearance, rebellion, and emotional needs during adolescence. The Cornelsen Access 1 Vokabeln PDF compatible content provides essential terms for discussing the more challenging aspects of teenage life.
Key vocabulary items include:
"Appearance" (Aussehen): This term is crucial when discussing the importance of physical appearance during adolescence.
"To rebel against" (sich gegen etwas auflehnen): This phrase captures the common teenage tendency to challenge authority and norms.
"The social environment" (das soziale/ gesellschaftliche Umfeld): This term is essential for discussing the broader context in which teenagers develop.
"Provocative" (provozierend, anstößig, (sexuell auch) aufreizend): This adjective describes behavior or appearance that may be intentionally challenging or shocking.
"To yearn for security" (sich nach Sicherheit/ Geborgenheit sehnen): This phrase expresses the underlying need for stability that many teenagers feel, even as they seek independence.
Definition: "Social environment" refers to the immediate physical surroundings, social relationships, and cultural milieus within which defined groups of people function and interact.
These terms complement the vocabulary from the previous page, providing a more comprehensive toolkit for discussing the complexities of adolescence. The Cornelsen Englisch Klasse 5 Vokabeln resource is particularly useful for students looking to expand their ability to express nuanced ideas about teenage experiences in both English and German.
Highlight: The inclusion of the term "to yearn for security" highlights the emotional complexity of adolescence, where the desire for independence often coexists with a need for stability and comfort.
This vocabulary set, which could be used with Cornelsen Access 1 Vokabeln Karteikarten, is invaluable for students preparing for discussions or essays on teenage life, social issues, or personal development. It enables learners to articulate sophisticated ideas about the challenges and experiences of adolescence in both languages.