









Reasons why people volunteer
• Skills already have
• not just to help good courses
• raise awareness
·looks good on CV
· gets e

VOLUNTEERING Reasons why people volunteer • Skills already have • not just to help good courses • raise awareness ·looks good on CV · gets experience giving back to society MEDIATION p.66167 10.12.2020 Hello Recently I read the article "volunteering in Germany" published by "Die Welt" from Sophia Seiderer in 2010, which I will now summarize for you. More than every third human at the age of 14 and upwards is volunteering besides school or their job. I will now give you an example from the article: There are for example doctors, who invest their time to help younger people getting through university. You may ask yourself, why they are doing that or why exactly them? The article gives you the answer. Those people are very successful in their jobs. Important is, that the motivation has to come from yourself, you shouldn't do it, because someone tells you to. There are also websites where volunteers can communicate with you to help raising the numbers of volunteers. I hope I could answer your questions about volunteering in Germany. Hope to see you soon. yours, Lilly

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