


Vortrag American Dream







American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli
American Dream
Topic Recreation
Antonia und Tijana The American Dream
What is the American Dream?
Definition: The American Dream is the beli

American Dream Topic Recreation Antonia und Tijana The American Dream What is the American Dream? Definition: The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what social class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone. The American Dream can be achieved by sacrifice, taking risks and hard work, not by chance. Timeline 1620 ● The Mayflower Compact 1861-1865 ● Beliefs and values America's History 1776 What is the American Dream? Declaration of independence 1776-1783 Then vs. Now 1950-1960 Patriotism Women in the Orights movement Martin Luther King "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" -Declaration of Independence (1776) God-given rights Pursuit of happiness Equality Life security and protection 1963 ● Freedom ● Individualism ● Mobility, optimism and flexibility ● Work ethic ● Progress 1789 Then Sense of security in a period of "need and lack" A dream of steady and secure employment Focus value system, Family and community Speech THave A Dean Matter goes viral 2010 Kaldades Now "greed and desire" Marketing concept Materialism Obsession with "fame and fortune" Expectation vs. Reality Expectation Hard work = successful life No success? → your fault Opportunities rather than problems America = melting pot of nations "That is why they call it the American DREAM, because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin Discrimination Cartoon: Black people do have the chance to achieve everything white people can, but most of the time they face more obstacles on their way. Whites Figure 1: Percent of Each...

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Group Saying That, Generally Speaking, They Believe Discrimination Against Their Own Group Exists in America Today Whites 92 Black Americans Latinos Black American 61 Native Asian Americans Americans Figure 2: Percent of Each Group Saying They Have Been Personally Discriminated Against In the Workplace Because of Their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity Reality When you are born poor, you most likely remain poor Hard achievable things seem more realistic than modest dreams = going to mars > paid maternity leave America = salad bowl ( racism, discrimination etc.) Native Americans Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying that, generally speaking, they believe discrimination exists in America today against their own racial or ethnic group (for racial or ethnic groups); against men or women (for men and women, respectively); or against LGBTQ people (for LGBTQ people). NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26 - April 9, 2017. Q1. Total N-3453 U.S. adults. Men When applying for jobs When being paid equally or considered for promotions Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying they have personally been discriminated against in each situation because of their race or ethnicity for racial or ethnic groups because of their gender (for men and women or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people) NPR Robert Wood Jon Foundation Harvard TH. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26-April 9, 2017, $5013, 56015, 55027, 56029, 55042ab S6045ah Total N-3453 US adul 68 50 24 ..... ........ .... 15 Whites Black Men Women Americans Women LGBTQ people Figure 3: Percent of Each Group Saying They Have Been Personally Discriminated Against When Interacting with Police Because of Their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity mer Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying they have personally been discriminated against when interacting with police because of their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); because of their g (for men and women) or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people). NPR Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26-April 9, 2017. Q17, 031, 048h Questions asked of half-sample. Total N-3453 US adults Asian Americans Americans LGBTQ people of ● America's history • What is the American Dream? ● Beliefs and Values Then vs. Now Expectation vs. Reality • Discrimination Multiculturalism ● ● ● Content ● ● Immigration • Politics • The American Dream threatened ● • How the American Dream threatened others • Criticism • Conclusion ● 2 America's History 3 Figure 4: Percent of Each Group Saying They or a Family Member Have Been Unfairly Stopped or Treated by the Police or Unfairly Treated by the Courts Because of Their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity Whites 32 32 hr sth. -- Latinos Men Women White Whites Black Latinos Native Asian Americans Black Americans Unfairly stopped or treated by police Unfairly treated by courts Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying they or a family member have been unfairly treated by the police or courts because of their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); because of their gender (for men and women); or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people). NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26-April 9, 2017. 091, 092, 093. Questions asked of half-sample. Total N-3453 US, adults 45 Asian Native Americans Americans Figure 6: Percent of Each Group Saying They Have Been Personally Discriminated Against When Seeking Housing Because of their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity Multiculturalism Expectation: Men Americans Americans Americans Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group s up saying they have been personally discriminated against when seeking housing because of their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); because of their gender (for men and women); or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people). NPR Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26-April 9, 2017. Q25, 039, Q60 Questions asked of half-sample. Total N-3453 U.S. adults. ● Women LGBTQ Immigration people 65 ..... .... .... .. Black Latinos Native Asian people American Dream & Politics Figure 5: Percent of Each Group Saying They Have Avoided Calling the Police When In Need Due To Concern They Would Be Discriminated Against Because of Their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity American Dream endangered 22 All women Americans Americans Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying they have avoided calling the police out of concern they would be discriminated against because of their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); because of their gender (for men and women); or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people) NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America. January 26-April 9, 2017. Q88. Question asked of half-sample. Total N-3453 U.S. adults. Figure 9: Percent of Women in Each Group Saying They or a Female Family Member Have Personally Experienced Sexual Harassment Because Are Women White Black America Melting pot → fusion of different ethnicities, nationalities and cultures Latina Reality: America = salad bowl → Different Ethnicities come together but they don't become one Native Asian American American women women LGBTQ people America attracts many immigrants because of the "promised" opportunities ● The American Dream seems achievable BUT most immigrants are faced with discrimination and other burdens ● Each generation of immigrants faces different obstacles NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26-April 9, 2017. Q92. Question asked of half-sample. Total N-3453 U.S. adults. LGBTQ people of color Non- LGBTQ women LGBTQ women ● The American Dream is used for election campaigns ● Example: Trump advertises himself as the perfect example for "from rags to riches" even though he inherited most of his wealth from his father. 1492 Columbus discovers America 1620 The Mayflower Compact 1861-1865 American Civil War America's History 1776 1776 - 1783 Declaration of independence 1920 1950-1960 FE FULL FQUALITY USING PREACHAL Revolutionary war FREEDOM EQUAL HOUSING REEDOM TOO- QUAL 4 ESS Women gain the Civil rights movement right to vote 1789 Implementation of the constitution 1963 Martin Luther Kings Speech "I Have A Dream" 1791 Bill of Rights United New York 2020 Congress Segund OF THE and hold of the big Bill of rights BUA 'Black Lives Matter' goes viral 9/11 most people working in the World Trade Center lived the American Dream however a lot of them were killed by hijacked planes crashing into the building. American Dream endangering others America interfering with other countries business often lead to wars because part of those countries did not accept Americas values and beliefs → people living there had to endure war and bad living conditions America convinced that all countries should adopt their beliefs and values ● ● America's History 1620: Mayflower compact Set of rules for self-governance The first governing document of Plymouth colony 4th of July 1776: Declaration of Independence Announcing and explaining the separation from Great Britain 1776-1783: Revolutionary War War of Independence ▸ Great Britain against the 13 colonies ▸ Britains troops were sent to confiscate military ordance 5 America's History 1791: Bill of Rights First ten amendments of the United States constitution. In Order for the constitution to take effect it had to be approved by nine of 13 states. 1950-1960: Civil rights movement The fight against racism, racial segregation and inequality Goal : constitutional rights for everyone (e.g the right to vote and attend public facilities together with white Americans) Important people: Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks 6 What is the American Dream? 7 Your impression? 8 "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" Declaration of Independence, 1776 9 What is the American Dream? • No specific definition First expressed by James T. Adams, 1931 a nation with unlimited opportunities basic idea: anyone can achieve anything "From rags to riches" Regardless of your background Equality and individualism Dream of materialism, social order, patriotism and growth ● 10 James T. Adams https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/235517-the-american-dream- is-that-dream-of-a-land-in What is the American Dream? A survey by "The New York Times" T 11 https://youtu.be/C48aGtPluZo Beliefs and Values 12 Beliefs and Values God-given Rights • Liberty: personal and religious freedom ● • Pursuit of Happiness: • Success and wealth • Individualism and optimism Equality: equal rights for everybody • Life: secure and protected (Law, Government, Military) 13 Freedom individual freedom and opportunities Freedom of speech ● ● Beliefs and Values Individualism Independence as individuals Success ● ● 14 FORRE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Dream Mobility, Optimism, Flexibility Move to improve life through better jobs etc. (Social mobility) Success related to individual achievements and own flexibility ● Beliefs and Values Work ethic Work hard and show self discipline ● ● Material success through hard work • Education is key to prosperity • One is "a member of God's chosen people", following a divine providence ● 15 Progress • Personal progress by making use of opportunities Nations progress reflected in growing prosperity, economic strength and political power Society should generally be open for change and inventions ● Beliefs and Values Patriotism "I'm proud to be an American" = National pride • National symbols: the Statue of Liberty, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the U.S. Flag, The national Anthem) ● 16 Then vs. Now 17 ● Concept created to give society a genuine sense of security in a period of "need and lack" After the Great Depression and WW2 Americans dreamt of steady and secure employment and owning a home Lead to a strong work ethic Focus: Then Then vs. Now Wholesome values system Family Community 18 ● Marketing concept Nation of hard working producers => nation of consumers Convinced that material goods are a necessity for happiness • "Need and lack" => “greed and desire" Obsession with "fame and fortune" Pursuit of materialism affects society negatively ● Now Then vs. Now ● 19 Now Then vs. Now "Manhattan is a tough place,” says Donald Trump in the voiceover to the opening credits of The Apprentice. "If you're not careful, it can chew you up and spit you out." The camera cuts to a homeless man lying prostrate on a bench, presumably to underscore The Donald's message that the man really should have been more careful. "But if you work real hard, you can really hit it big, and I mean really big," he continues. Cue montage of Trumpian bigness, private planes, fancy parties and a series of objects emblazoned with the word TRUMP in gold letters. https://time.com/4446915/american-dream-making-you-unhappy/ 20 Expectations vs. Reality 21 ● ● Expectation Hard work leads to successful life if you're not successful it's your fault you were to lazy and did not work hard enough Opportunities rather than problems America is a melting pot and everyone is welcomed to join the new world full of opportunities Resulting in immigration in hopes of better chances of success 22 Reality ● A child born poor in America is most likely "That's why they call it to remain poor the American Dream, ● ● Dreams of unachievable things seem more likely than modest dreams going to mars > paid maternity leave Unrealistic expectations Immigrants are faced with extreme racism rather than a melting pot ► Salad Bowl and no real success 23 because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin https://www.quotemaster.org/American+Dream Discrimination 24 HORSEY ©2014 LOS ANGELES TIMES START CROW LOSE JIM BLACK DENTAL OF SLAVERY WHITE STURNS YNCHINGS LOSE 100 TURNS David Horsey/Los Angeles Times VOTING TURNS CROPPING LOSE 8 TURNS SEGREGATION OSE 25 TURNS FREE LAND FROM INDIANS JUMP 2 SPACES RIGHTS ERA CIVIL REDLINING MOVE AHEAD 5 SPACES LOSE 7 TURNS BASED COURIS&COPS LOSE 6 TURNS POOR SCHOOLS LOSE 9 TURNS GANG CULTURE FREE LABOR FROM SLAVES TAKE ANOTHER TURN 5 TURNIS FREE TURN ACTION GE AFFIRMATIVE SUBPRIME MORTGAGE SCAMS LOSE A TURN FOTO INCARCERATION 6 TURNS WEALTA GAP GO BACK 5 American Dream GAME PRISON LOSE https://sandratrappen.com/2014/25/07/selling-the-american-dream/ ARE YOU JUST SLOW OR WHAT? 55 Whites Figure 1: Percent of Each Group Saying That, Generally Speaking, They Believe Discrimination Against Their Own Group Exists in America Today 92 Black Americans 78 Latinos 75 Native Americans 61 Asian Americans 44 Men 68 Women 26 Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying that, generally speaking, they believe discrimination exists in America today against their own racial or ethnic group (for racial or ethnic groups); against men or women (for men and women, respectively); or against LGBTQ people (for LGBTQ people). NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26 April 9, 2017. Q1. Total N=3453 U.S. adults. 90 LGBTQ people ● Discrimination Black Americans feel discriminated against the most (92%) White Americans feel less discriminated against (55%) Gender groups: LGBTQ people feel the most discriminated against (90%) 19 13 Whites Figure 2: Percent of Each Group Saying They Have Been Personally Discriminated Against In the Workplace Because of Their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity 56 57 Black Americans 33 32 Latinos 31 33 Native Americans 27 25 Asian Americans 18 18 Men 31 27 41 Women 20 ■When applying for jobs ■When being paid equally or considered for promotions Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying they have personally been discriminated against in each situation because of their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); because of their gender (for men and women); or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people). NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26 - April 9, 2017. S5/Q13, S6/Q15, S5/Q27, S6/Q29, S5/Q42a/b, S6/Q45a/b. Total N=3453 U.S. adults. 22 LGBTQ people ● ● Discrimination Black Americans face discrimination in the workplace the most ( 56% + 57%) White Americans the least (19% +13% Gender groups: Women face discrimination in the workplace the most ( 31% + 41%) 10 Whites Figure 3: Percent of Each Group Saying They Have Been Personally Discriminated Against When Interacting with Police Because of Their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity 50 Black Americans 27 Latinos 29 18 Native Asian Americans Americans 18 Men 15 Women 11 28 24 White LGBTQ LGBTQ people of color people Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying they have personally been discriminated against when interacting with police because of their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); because of their gender (for men and women); or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people). NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26 - April 9, 2017. Q17, Q31, Q48a/b. Questions asked of half-sample. Total N=3453 U.S. adults. ● ● Discrimination Black Americans are the most discriminated against by police (50%) White Americans are the least discriminated against by police (10%) Gender groups : LGBTQ people of color are discriminated against by police the most (24%) 6 7 Whites Figure 4: Percent of Each Group Saying They or a Family Member Have Been Unfairly Stopped or Treated by the Police or Unfairly Treated by the Courts Because of Their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity 60 45 Black Americans 27 20 Latinos 32 32 Native Americans 12 6 18 16 Men 12 8 29 26 26 Women LGBTQ people Asian Americans Unfairly stopped or treated by police Unfairly treated by courts Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying they or a family member have been unfairly treated by the police or courts because of their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); because of their gender (for men and women); or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people). NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26 - April 9, 2017. Q91, Q92, Q93. Questions asked of half-sample. Total N=3453 U.S. adults. ● ● Discrimination 60% of Black Americans are mistreated by police and 45% by courts Only 6% of White Americans are mistreated by Police and 7% by courts Difference: 54% and 38% 2 Whites Figure 5: Percent of Each Group Saying They Have Avoided Calling the Police When In Need Due To Concern They Would Be Discriminated Against Because of Their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity 31 Black Americans 17 Latinos 22 8 Native Asian Americans Americans 8 Men 9 Women 5 30 Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying they have avoided calling the police out of concern they would be discriminated against because of their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); because of their gender (for men and women); or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people). NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26 - April 9, 2017. Q88. Question asked of half-sample. Total N=3453 U.S. adults. 30 White LGBTQ LGBTQ people of people color ● Discrimination Black Americans avoid calling the Police in fear they might be discriminated against the most (31%) Only 2% of White Americans avoid calling the Police 30% of LGBTQ people of color avoid calling the police while only 5% of white LGBTQ people do so 5 Whites Figure 6: Percent of Each Group Saying They Have Been Personally Discriminated Against When Seeking Housing Because of their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity 45 Black Americans 31 Latinos 17 Native Americans 25 Asian Americans 10 Men 16 31 Women 22 LGBTQ people Note: percentages shown reflect the percent of each group saying they have been personally discriminated against when seeking housing because of their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); because of their gender (for men and women); or because of their LGBTQ identity (for LGBTQ people). NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26 - April 9, 2017. Q25, Q39, Q60a/b. Questions asked of half-sample. Total N-3453 U.S. adults. ● ● Discrimination Black Americans have been discriminated against when seeking housing the most (45%) 5% of White Americans have been discriminated against when seeking housing Gender groups: 22% of LGBTQ people have been discriminated against when seeking housing 23 Whites Figure 11: Percent of Each Group Saying They Have Personally Experienced Slurs About Their Race or Ethnicity, Gender, or LGBTQ Identity 51 Black Americans 37 Latinos 35 Native Americans 32 Asian Americans 7 Men 18 Women 32 Note: numbers shown reflect the percent of each group saying they have personally experienced slurs specifically about their race or ethnicity (for racial or ethnic groups); their gender or gender identity (net) (for men and women); or their gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation (net) (for LGBTQ people). NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Discrimination in America, January 26 - April 9, 2017. Q63a/b. Total N=3453 U.S. adults. 57 LGBTQ people Discrimination Black Americans experienced slurs about their race or ethnicity the most (51%) Overall LGBTQ people experienced slurs about there identity the most (57%) White Americans experienced it the least (23%) Only 7% of men experienced it before Multiculturalism 33 Chinese Irish Italian Multiculturalism American Dream Mexican Russian AMERICAN https://www.cglearn.it/mysite/civilization/ american-culture/a-story-of-immigration/ melting-pot-or-salad-bowl/ 34 Chinese Irish Italian Mexican Russian https://www.cglearn.it/mysite/civilization/ american-culture/a-story-of-immigration/ melting-pot-or-salad-bowl/ Multiculturalism American Dream • Expectation: America as a melting pot = a fusion of nationalities, ethnicities and cultures ● Reality: more like a salad bowl = different cultures, nationalities living together without becoming one 35 Immigration 36 Immigration American Dream IMMIGRANT PERSPECTIVES THE AMERICAN DREAM 37 ● ● Immigration American Dream America: "the land of the free and endless opportunities" Attracted many immigrants who promised themselves a better life with better conditions and more opportunities American Dream seemed achievable Reality shows that many immigrants are faced with racism and other burdens Each immigrate generations faces different obstacles 38 American Dream & Politics 39 ● ● ● ● American Dream and Politics The American Dreams influence on politics Election campaigns build on the image of the American Dream Consumerism used as a tool to paint the picture of the American Dream Advertising "past values" Example: Tump advertises himself as the walking image of "from rags to riches" while having inherited most of his wealth from his father 40 *** MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! ★★ https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-trademarked-make-america-great- again-2015-5?amp American Dream threatened American Dream threatened The American Dream and 9/11 4 planes were hijacked by terrorists Terror group Al-Qaeda by Osama Bin Laden Almost 3000 victims and 25000 injured • American Dream led to many immigrants In hopes of a better life The World Trade Center employed many people who were living the American Dream 42 https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/zehn- jahre-nach-9-11/die-vorgeschichte-der-11- september-2001-11134441.html https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/ article13322466/Der-11-September-und- was-er-aus-Amerika-machte.html American Dream threatened others American Dream threatened others The American Dream and the Vietnam War American Dream: spreading their idea of democracy all over the world America interfered in 1965 Vietnam was divided into communistic north and democratic south America lost due to the troops being unfamiliar surroundings and psychological problems American Dream failed: huge loss, society let down, surviving soldiers excluded and suffer consequences 44 https://www.geo.de/magazine/geo-epoche/18555-rtkl-vietnamkrieg- warum-das-massaker-von-my-lai-so-grausam-war Criticism 45 ● ● Criticism The American Dream Competitive rugged individualism and self-reliance Normalization of: giving up personal life Working "to death" to prove worthiness People unable to commit = failure toughening up = intolerance Many people fail ▸ Problem most likely in the system More complicated than just effort 46 07 14:00 0320 14:00 11 .. WA STEVEN SALAITA DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM NOW! IN AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY, PEOPLE ARE RICH BECAUSE OF "HARD WORK." YET NOBODY CAN EXPLAIN WHY THOSE WHO DO ALL THE ACTUAL LABOR HAVE NO MONEY. https://sandratrappen.com/2014/04/07/selling-the-american-dream/ Conclusion 47 ● ● ● Conclusion The American Dream The American Dream is a belief founded in a time of need and lack which turned into greed and desire. The concept of hard work = success does not exist in the modern capitalistic America The illusion is kept alive still, to influence society Problems of the American Dream: ▸ Discrimination, split society, debt, unavailable for everyone 48 THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS DREAM CARLSON https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/interpretation-cartoon-american- dream Thank you for listening! 49 Sources 50 • Background https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Americana ● • Picture 1 https://www.hanisauland.de/node/986 • Picture 2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonial_history_of_the_United_States • Picture 3 https://www.geschichte-abitur.de/ancien-regime/unabhangigkeitskrieg • Picture 4 https://politisch-schizophren.de/2016/03/24/amerikanische-revolution-und-unabhaengigkeitskrieg/ • Picture 5 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_Map_of_the_United_States_(1789).png • Picture 6 https://billofrightsinstitute.org/primary-sources/bill-of-rights • Picture 7 https://www.google.de/imgres? Sources imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flookaside.fbsbx.com%2Flookaside%2Fcrawler%2Fmedia%2F%3Fmedia_id%3D574 161365944488&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2Fcategory%2FCommunity%2FA merican-Civil- War-1861-1865-313603932000234%2F&tbnid=EB4qiF3T6OyOqM&vet=12ahUKEwiAqZr-2a71AhUo6rslHaDPA DgQMygGegUIARDCAQ..i&docid=3XtskJYkXgJ4zM&w=480&h=436&q=1861%20usa%20civil%20war&hl=de -de&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwiAqZr-2a71AhUo6rslHaDPADgQMygGegUIARDCAQ 51 • Picture 8 https://africanamericansinthe1920s.weebly.com/naacp.html • Picture 9 https://womenatthecenter.nyhistory.org/obstacles-to-suffrage-after-1920/ Picture 10 https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/marsch-auf-washington-i-have-a-dream- a-951239.html ● Picture 11 https://news.artnet.com/art-world/collecting-2020-black-lives-matter-protests-1878480 • Picture 12 https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/235517-the-american-dream-is-that-dream-of-a- land-in Sources ● Picture 13 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American Dream • Video https://youtu.be/C48aGtPluZo ● ● Picture 14 https://www.quotemaster.org/American+Dream Picture 15 https://sandratrappen.com/2014/04/07/selling-the-american-dream/ 52 ● ● ● ● ● https://time.com/4446915/american-dream-making-you-unhappy/ https://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/7943/ Sources self_improvement_and_motivation/the_politics_of_the_american_dream.html Picture 16 https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-trademarked-make- america-great-again-2015-5?amp Picture 17 https://sandratrappen.com/2014/04/07/selling-the-american-dream/ https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/research/2017/10/discrimination-in-america-- experiences-and-views.html https://www.bushcenter.org/catalyst/state-of-the-american-dream/popal-what-it- takes-to-make-it-in-america.html 53