


Fun with Will-Future and Going to-Future: Beispiele, Übungen, und Signalwörter


Fun with Will-Future and Going to-Future: Beispiele, Übungen, und Signalwörter
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The Will-Future is a crucial tense in English for expressing spontaneous decisions, promises, hopes, and predictions about the future. It is formed using 'will' or 'won't' followed by the base form of the verb for all persons. This tense is particularly useful for making predictions about events beyond one's control, expressing thoughts or hopes about future occurrences, and making spontaneous decisions or promises.



Understanding the Will-Future in English

The Will-Future is an essential tense in English used to express various future-oriented concepts. This page provides a comprehensive overview of its usage, formation, and key aspects.

Usage of Will-Future

The Will-Future is employed in several contexts:

  1. To express spontaneous decisions or promises:

    Example: "I'll text you." or "Holly and I will visit you in Cornwall."

  2. To make predictions about future events (especially those beyond the speaker's control):

    Example: "We'll miss you, Dave." or "The trip to St Agnes will take about seven hours."

  3. To convey thoughts, hopes, or assumptions about future events:

    Example: "I think you will make lots of new friends quickly." or "I'm sure Sid will hate his new home."

Formation of Will-Future

The Will-future Bildung is consistent across all persons:

  • Positive form: will + base form of the verb
  • Negative form: will not (won't) + base form of the verb

Highlight: The contraction 'll is commonly used in affirmative sentences, while won't is used in negative sentences.

Signal Words for Will-Future

Several Will-Future -- Signalwörter can indicate the use of this tense:

  • tomorrow
  • next week/month/year
  • in a year
  • probably
  • perhaps
  • maybe

Question Formation

  1. Wh-questions: What + will + subject + base form of verb

    Example: "What do you think Dave's new school will be like?"

  2. Yes/No questions: Will + subject + base form of verb

    Example: "Will your dad find work there?" Answer: "Yes, he will." / "No, he won't."

Comparison with Going-to Future

While both express future events, they have distinct uses:

  • Use Going to-future for fixed plans, intentions, or clear indications of future events.
  • Use Will-Future for spontaneous decisions, predictions, assumptions, or hopes about the future.

Vocabulary: Don't confuse "I will" (future tense) with "I want to" (expressing desire).

This comprehensive guide to the Will-Future provides students with a clear understanding of its usage, formation, and distinction from other future tenses in English.

Du verwendest das Futur mit will für spontane Entscheidungen, Versprechen
Hoffnungen und Vohersagen, die die Zukunft betreffen.

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Fun with Will-Future and Going to-Future: Beispiele, Übungen, und Signalwörter

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1.503 Follower


The Will-Future is a crucial tense in English for expressing spontaneous decisions, promises, hopes, and predictions about the future. It is formed using 'will' or 'won't' followed by the base form of the verb for all persons. This tense is particularly useful for making predictions about events beyond one's control, expressing thoughts or hopes about future occurrences, and making spontaneous decisions or promises.








Understanding the Will-Future in English

The Will-Future is an essential tense in English used to express various future-oriented concepts. This page provides a comprehensive overview of its usage, formation, and key aspects.

Usage of Will-Future

The Will-Future is employed in several contexts:

  1. To express spontaneous decisions or promises:

    Example: "I'll text you." or "Holly and I will visit you in Cornwall."

  2. To make predictions about future events (especially those beyond the speaker's control):

    Example: "We'll miss you, Dave." or "The trip to St Agnes will take about seven hours."

  3. To convey thoughts, hopes, or assumptions about future events:

    Example: "I think you will make lots of new friends quickly." or "I'm sure Sid will hate his new home."

Formation of Will-Future

The Will-future Bildung is consistent across all persons:

  • Positive form: will + base form of the verb
  • Negative form: will not (won't) + base form of the verb

Highlight: The contraction 'll is commonly used in affirmative sentences, while won't is used in negative sentences.

Signal Words for Will-Future

Several Will-Future -- Signalwörter can indicate the use of this tense:

  • tomorrow
  • next week/month/year
  • in a year
  • probably
  • perhaps
  • maybe

Question Formation

  1. Wh-questions: What + will + subject + base form of verb

    Example: "What do you think Dave's new school will be like?"

  2. Yes/No questions: Will + subject + base form of verb

    Example: "Will your dad find work there?" Answer: "Yes, he will." / "No, he won't."

Comparison with Going-to Future

While both express future events, they have distinct uses:

  • Use Going to-future for fixed plans, intentions, or clear indications of future events.
  • Use Will-Future for spontaneous decisions, predictions, assumptions, or hopes about the future.

Vocabulary: Don't confuse "I will" (future tense) with "I want to" (expressing desire).

This comprehensive guide to the Will-Future provides students with a clear understanding of its usage, formation, and distinction from other future tenses in English.

Du verwendest das Futur mit will für spontane Entscheidungen, Versprechen
Hoffnungen und Vohersagen, die die Zukunft betreffen.

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