


Writing a comment







L: prep.
As well, people need tourism because
without some goldances a city is hard to
We need travel guides and
L: prep.
As well, people need tourism because
without some goldances a city is hard to
We need travel guides and
L: prep.
As well, people need tourism because
without some goldances a city is hard to
We need travel guides and
L: prep.
As well, people need tourism because
without some goldances a city is hard to
We need travel guides and
L: prep.
As well, people need tourism because
without some goldances a city is hard to
We need travel guides and

R RIL? AR L: prep. AR Az As well, people need tourism because without some goldances a city is hard to We need travel guides and discover. taxi drivers, that inform us about the sights. of a city eat, feel healthier and live longer. But we in some areas world forget that many peopre still don't have dean drinking water and they are mainourished. If we continue consuming our planet's/ the Earth's the resources at the current rate pres, progr Travelling is also very important for people to just relax and enjoy their holidays. (from their everyday life I the stress of everyday life They need to escape life. It's proven that regularly people that travel sometimes regularyly are healthier and happier. who We will ecosystem u sopport irreversibly damage the planet's life so system. Travelling has a huge impact. "on this damage. It's a threat for the nature and the environment. AR in my opinion we need a strategy which meets everyone's needs without damaging the environment. People could travel to places that are dose to their home town 1 People living in (western) industrialized countries (in the northern hemisphere) I unclear (a variety of food People of the modern society have more to (to choose from) or at least they could take energy-efficient trains, are gaining ... / are becoming more and more popular process which gain popularity. in progress C Why Society? (?) 'We won't have a society if we destroy the environment! This quotation means that the future is endangered if the...

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people destroy a lifestyle that leaves their environment by producing a huge carbon our society loves It is Postprint. A fact is that to travel and tourism plays an important role for millions of people. So the question AZ AZ arises if tourism ruins the environment & twherever hotels motels } we go, in every city there are or B and B's. Every big city has a tourism centre and some touristic attractions. Are there places anywhere in the untouched by fourism? world Yes, there are places that are untouched. Pole Firstly there are the North and the South GIL inhabited Pole. The Poles are only settled by some natives and AZ if you are lucky, you can see some polar bears, there are no but I such things as hotels [don't exist there. The other extreme, deserts, aren'ts touched by tourism as well. Deep down in the Sahara you won't find anything that has to do with Hourism. ZAZ: defining relic- AL L ASB AZ Also there are a few islands, that are still untouched by the human species. You can't find tourism there as twett. But most of the islands today. are a popular destination for travellers.- Ⓡ either LVESOL 18E90 unclear/ misleading As a consequence people get stete health problems. Skin cancer and eye cataract are the result of change this process. In addition, you need space to build your hotels. deforest to R To make this this space you people defores / tate lots of areas. Many habitats disappear and animals. On the other hand of tourism. creates Tourism giver jobs. are at risk of extinction. ecosystem (to) This change in the ecosystem causes lots natural disasters of catastrophes like droughts, wildfires, floodings and hurricanes. Many experts point out that the change of the nature will have 4 G:no art. extreme the nature can't recover itself Gooday anymore. or... "can't regenerate (itself)... anymore. G there are some advantages for to many people. Hor islands like the Seychelles examples some on g live from their tourists. 90 per cent ir linked of the jobs are connected to tourism. L So tourism ts es plays a vital role in every day their day life. everyday N broadens your horizons (2) R Liprep. (2) Another point is that travelling makes you richer. You see different places, meet I backgrounds new people from different countries and cultures learn more about other cultures and religions. J (plural!) You can improve your language skills by (English) with speaking to other people. That's how you learn and grow. L Az да ΔΞ AL R AZ As a result, there are places without the few. influence of tourism, but only very R Most of the continent is settled by human beings and where there is a humang being Those places are often (that) as where inhabited not settled of all. So you can say, wherever can live, also people settle, there is tourism. does have But what impact has tourism on the environment? Does it ruin 2 Our planet first of all, there is no doubt that the causes environmental damage. tourism Most of the people want to travel to erotic places, where they have to travel to by plane. Planes produce lots of emissions. emit The fomes cohich they produce contain nitrogen oxides and carbon diotide. Those gases mit with water vapour and produce acid rain, which that damages trees and contaminates drinking lakes and rives. Also many water and people get health problems like respiratory as disorders such asthma and bronchitts. # when you arrive in the city, you need a taxi or far re you need to rent a car. Those vehicles L emit contribute to also produce lots of exhaust fomes. They support the greenhouse effect. The earth is getting warmer and warmer and the already existing holes in the ozon layer will become bigger. 95/88 ON - The Environment CLASS TEST No. 3 (KS2.2) Writing a comment Choose one of the following tasks and write a comment of about 200-300 words. 1. While digging for a new supermarket just outside the town, construction workers discovered a new species of lizard. Environmentalists have asked to stop the digging and construction in order to protect the rare species. Comment on their demand. Is there anywhere in the world untouched by tourism? Does tourism ruin the environment? Discuss what advantages and disadvantages of tourism. 3. Assess the importance of a greener tourism for the environment. How can we spend our holidays in order to contribute to it? Advantage - you see new places meet new people - learn about different cultures 18/11:16 Good luck with your last class test! Ⓒ - north and south pole ? deep in the you can escape your dayly - Life →→ relax tourism makes work 2 Arbeitsplätze-moneyjebs La viele Länder leben von Tourismus 26th February 2018 room forest, some desirts, I: 149 Spr: 13u 14NP Me a few islandss Disadbantage if you fly -> not cuvlionmentally frienciky Ls/going by ccv) not either gases →→greenhouse offect ->ocen layer ->temperature --> glace: melt... If you rent a car → gases Hotels -> no organic food, too much food is produced things - causes environmental damage like pollution and with forest Pares -traffic deforestation to build hotels