


How to Write a Comment - Easy Examples and Tips for School


How to Write a Comment - Easy Examples and Tips for School

Ein umfassender Leitfaden zum Verfassen von Kommentaren und Stellungnahmen in englischer Sprache, der wichtige Strukturelemente und hilfreiche Formulierungen aufzeigt.

  • Der Leitfaden behandelt die Grundstruktur eines Kommentars mit Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss
  • Es werden nützliche Formulierungen für verschiedene Teile des Textes vorgestellt, wie das Einleiten einer Stellungnahme oder das Gliedern von Argumenten
  • Tipps zum Beantworten von Textfragen und zur Verwendung von Synonymen werden gegeben
  • Der Fokus liegt auf klarer Strukturierung und überzeugender Argumentation



Writing Guide for Comments and Statements in English

This comprehensive guide provides essential information on crafting well-structured comments and statements in English. It covers key elements of writing and offers helpful phrases to enhance your argumentative skills.

The guide begins by outlining the basic structure of a Kommentar (comment):

  1. Introduction: State your topic and opinion
  2. Development: Present main ideas with examples
  3. Conclusion: Restate your opinion with a summary of reasons

When answering questions about a text, it's important to use the same tense as the question. The guide also emphasizes the use of synonyms and paraphrasing to enrich your writing. For example:


  • "think" can be replaced with "believe"
  • "when she was a child" can be rephrased as "in her childhood"

To discuss the content of a text, the guide provides several useful phrases:


  • "According to the author..."
  • "The article goes on to say that..."
  • "The text says that..."
  • "The author makes the point that..."

For writing a Stellungnahme (statement or comment), the guide suggests a clear structure:

  1. Introductory sentence relating to the task
  2. Arguments (pros and cons)
  3. Use of structural words
  4. Concluding sentence that summarizes the main point

The guide then offers a wealth of helpful phrases for different parts of your comment or statement:

Example: To introduce a statement:

  • "In the following, I shall deal with the problem/subject/issue of..."
  • "I would like to discuss..."
  • "I intend to present arguments in favor of... and against..."

Example: To structure arguments:

  • "Firstly / Secondly / Then / Another point / Finally..."

Example: To provide reasons:

  • "Due to / Because of / As a result of / Therefore / So..."

Example: To add aspects:

  • "In addition / Moreover / In addition to / Besides / As well as..."

Example: To express contrast:

  • "Although / In spite of / While / Whereas / However..."

Example: To give examples:

  • "For example / For instance / Such as / e.g."

Example: To conclude a statement:

  • "As a consequence / All in all / Consequently / To sum up / To conclude"
  • "I think it can be said that / In conclusion, I would like to say that"
  • "I would like to conclude by saying that..."

This guide serves as an excellent resource for students preparing for exams like the Kommentar Beispiel Abitur or anyone looking to improve their Kommentar schreiben (comment writing) skills. It provides a solid foundation for crafting well-structured and persuasive arguments in English.


  • Kommentar: Comment or opinion piece
  • Stellungnahme: Statement or position paper

By following these guidelines and using the provided phrases, students can enhance their ability to write clear, coherent, and convincing comments and statements in English.

Introduction state your topic and your opinion.
Development: Main ideas with examples
Conclusion: Restate your opinion with a summary

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How to Write a Comment - Easy Examples and Tips for School

Ein umfassender Leitfaden zum Verfassen von Kommentaren und Stellungnahmen in englischer Sprache, der wichtige Strukturelemente und hilfreiche Formulierungen aufzeigt.

  • Der Leitfaden behandelt die Grundstruktur eines Kommentars mit Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss
  • Es werden nützliche Formulierungen für verschiedene Teile des Textes vorgestellt, wie das Einleiten einer Stellungnahme oder das Gliedern von Argumenten
  • Tipps zum Beantworten von Textfragen und zur Verwendung von Synonymen werden gegeben
  • Der Fokus liegt auf klarer Strukturierung und überzeugender Argumentation








Writing Guide for Comments and Statements in English

This comprehensive guide provides essential information on crafting well-structured comments and statements in English. It covers key elements of writing and offers helpful phrases to enhance your argumentative skills.

The guide begins by outlining the basic structure of a Kommentar (comment):

  1. Introduction: State your topic and opinion
  2. Development: Present main ideas with examples
  3. Conclusion: Restate your opinion with a summary of reasons

When answering questions about a text, it's important to use the same tense as the question. The guide also emphasizes the use of synonyms and paraphrasing to enrich your writing. For example:


  • "think" can be replaced with "believe"
  • "when she was a child" can be rephrased as "in her childhood"

To discuss the content of a text, the guide provides several useful phrases:


  • "According to the author..."
  • "The article goes on to say that..."
  • "The text says that..."
  • "The author makes the point that..."

For writing a Stellungnahme (statement or comment), the guide suggests a clear structure:

  1. Introductory sentence relating to the task
  2. Arguments (pros and cons)
  3. Use of structural words
  4. Concluding sentence that summarizes the main point

The guide then offers a wealth of helpful phrases for different parts of your comment or statement:

Example: To introduce a statement:

  • "In the following, I shall deal with the problem/subject/issue of..."
  • "I would like to discuss..."
  • "I intend to present arguments in favor of... and against..."

Example: To structure arguments:

  • "Firstly / Secondly / Then / Another point / Finally..."

Example: To provide reasons:

  • "Due to / Because of / As a result of / Therefore / So..."

Example: To add aspects:

  • "In addition / Moreover / In addition to / Besides / As well as..."

Example: To express contrast:

  • "Although / In spite of / While / Whereas / However..."

Example: To give examples:

  • "For example / For instance / Such as / e.g."

Example: To conclude a statement:

  • "As a consequence / All in all / Consequently / To sum up / To conclude"
  • "I think it can be said that / In conclusion, I would like to say that"
  • "I would like to conclude by saying that..."

This guide serves as an excellent resource for students preparing for exams like the Kommentar Beispiel Abitur or anyone looking to improve their Kommentar schreiben (comment writing) skills. It provides a solid foundation for crafting well-structured and persuasive arguments in English.


  • Kommentar: Comment or opinion piece
  • Stellungnahme: Statement or position paper

By following these guidelines and using the provided phrases, students can enhance their ability to write clear, coherent, and convincing comments and statements in English.

Introduction state your topic and your opinion.
Development: Main ideas with examples
Conclusion: Restate your opinion with a summary

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