


Zusammenfassung Englisch GK Abitur 2023 (Berufskolleg Erziehung & Soziales)







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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
Abiturzusammenfassung BK
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
Abiturzusammenfassung BK
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,
Abiturzusammenfassung BK
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summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional
texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion,

Abiturzusammenfassung BK Texte schreiben summary, analysing non-fictional and fictional texts, analysing statistics. comment/discussion, mediation (different types) & cartoon analysis SUMMARY 1. Introduction texttype, title, author, publication (e.x. magazine xy), year/date and topic example: The article XY", written by... and published in ... (Ort) in ... (year), deals with ... . 2. Main part . Texte schreiben focus on essential facts use linking words (when/after/afterwards/aditionally) no quotes -> own words formal language -> no personal opinion present tense !!! -> he/she/it: Infinitiv + s (e.x. "He opens the door.") ANALYSIS OF A SPEECH -> non-fictional text 1. Introduction . texttype, title, author, Publikationsort (z.B. Zeitschrift XY), year short summary of topic (2-3 sentences) The speech "..." delivered in ... (place) on... by... at that time... deals with ... The speech is addressed to ... The focus is on... 2. Main part way of argumentation (structure of speech arrangement of arguments) use of stylistic devices (name the device -> quotation -> effect on the reader) 3. Conclusion In his speech... uses many devices to support his opinion. One of the most effective devices the speaker employs is... At one point in his speech he makes use of ... To make the audience aware of.... To make the speech more memorable he makes use of... sum up (what does the speaker wants to achieve) most important informations All in all, it can be said that ... In conclusion... To put it in...

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a nutshell .... From my point of view the speech is convincing, because... The speech made me think about.... The message of the speech is clear an simple... ANALYISIS OF A FICTIONAL TEXT = short story, drama, film scene, poem, novel 1. Introduction (= title, author, publication date, theme, sometimes short summary and hypothesis) 2. Main part: a. Narrator: a first-person narrator OR a third-person narrator b. Point of view: a first-person narrator: only have a limited point of view, not knowing everything third-person narrator with a limited point of view: the narrator looks so events and characters from the perspective of one of the characters or from the outside and does not have access to the thoughts and feelings of all characters third-person narrator with an unlimited point of view: the narrator can move freely in place and time and enter the minds of characters c. Characters: round character: may be similar to real individuals and have several traits and behave in a way that is life-like; usually changes in the course of a story flat character: has only a limited number of traits or represents only a single quality; a crude representation of a character which is meant to be laughed at is called a caricature character traits (only seen in the text) d. Actions: external action: the author describes what the characters do and the events that takes place internal action: the author describes what is going on in the minds of the characters, i.e. the reader is shown the thoughts of the characters e. Flashbacks: author do not always tell their stories in a chronological order in some stories the author make use of flashbacks (i.e. the narrator goes back into the past to describe a scene that has relevance to the plot) f. Foreshadowing (= is the technique of hinting at later events in a fictional text so that the reader is prepared for them or can anticipate them g. Stylistic devices and their function (= language, tone, register, choice of word, sentence structure) 3. Conclusion short summary of the important aspects refer back to your hypothesis 1) introduction a. introduction sentence (TATTE) b. thesis statement (What? Why? How?) What? Through a formal and factual writing Why? How? structure of analysis the author wants to educate the audience of the positive and negative developments of stem cell research without deceiving the reader, by making use of rather balanced presentation of negative and positive information, many references to expert voices and the use of terminology illustrated in a complex sentence structure. 2) body part a. b. structure c. rhetorical and stylistic devices (device -> example from the text -> impact on reader) 3) conclusion style/tone/diction/atmosphere a. no new arguments b. rephrase your given arguments (do not repeat) c. restate your thesis statement (do not repeat) d. concluding sentence Skill file: Analysing texts RHETORICAL AND STYLISTIC DEVICES Rhetorical devices are often used in non-fictional texts, especially in speeches. They include references to quotations and proverbs to lend weight to the speaker's own words, unsubstantiated claims which do not leave any room for doubts or questions, drastic/vivid descriptions to appeal to the listeners' emotions, to their reason and to their conscience, superlatives to highlight certain aspects, ●repetitions of key words as a means of emphasis and to draw the listeners' attention to certain aspects, •the use of key symbols, slogans and stereotypes to emphasize and illustrate the speaker's message, the use of oppositions (e.g. good/bad) to highlight contrasts and to create polarity and tension, the use of rhetorical (i.e. not a real) questions to arouse interest and to emphasize facts, the use of patterns of identification and solidarity (e.g. the personal pronouns 'we' and 'they', personal appeals to the audience, praise of certain role models and heroes) to create the illusion of a group identity and of a mutual common goal, other characteristic features of style (e.g. short simple statements, numerous colloquialisms and slang expressions; numerous poetic and erudite expressions), evaluations of the speaker's own position (devaluation of the opponent's position). Stylistic devices make speeches, essays etc. more interesting and lively and help the writer to get and keep the reader's attention and to get the message across. Analysing steps: 1. identify stylistic device 2. refer to text passage and use appropriate term 3. explain the effect/function stylistic device Berufliches Gymnasium Grundkurs Englisch definition ► devices of sound - alliteration onomatopeia → repetition of sounds (usually consonants) at the beginning of neighbouring words → imitating sounds structural devices explanation of intended effect → to point out key words; to produce a rhythmic effect and emphasis → expressiveness examples 1. for the greater good of ...; 2. safety and security; 3. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. ... here a thud, there a patter. Doors slam, water rushes. V. Woolf, The Waves Skill file: Analysing texts or Seite 2 accumulation enumeration anaphora antithesis oxymoron parallelism → the listing of words or phrases, often in threes (when it is also called a rhythmic triad) → repetition of the same word or expression at the beginning of successive sentences or clauses Berufliches Gymnasium Grundkurs Englisch → contrasting words or phrases in parallel syntactic structures ➜ a condensed form of paradox in which two apparently contradictory words (mostly adjective and noun) are used together. → the deliberate repetition of similar or identical words or phrases in neighbouring lines, sentences or paragraphs. → to stress certain aspects of a message "Your room is a mess! A labyrinth of toys, books, shirts, shoes, trousers and socks." Every child must be taught these principles. Every citizen must uphold them. And every immigrant, by embracing these ideals, makes our country more, not less, American. → to stress a contrast by 1. That's one small step creating polarity or tension → emphatic effect → to create emphasis or a surprising and often dramatic effect → rhythmic effect, increase in intensity to clarify and/or emphasize a message for a man, one giant leap for mankind. (Neil Armstrong) 2. To err is human; to forgive, divine. (A. Pope) 3. It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father. (A. Pope) 1. sweet sorrow; 2. wise fool; 3. bittersweet; 4. "O hateful love! O loving hate!" (Romeo and Juliet) 5. deafening silence, 6. a wise fool, 7. peace force, 8. alone together 1. The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. (William A. Ward) 2. Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I will learn. (Benjamin Franklin) Skill file: Analysing texts Seite 3 repetition ► figurative devices metaphor metonymy personification → single words of whole phrases appear several times in a given text simile Berufliches Gymnasium Grundkurs Englisch → A metaphor is an implicit to make the reader comparison between two things which are basically quite different without using like or as. visualise abstract ideas thereby enhancing understanding → a word or a phrase for an object or an idea is used instead of the original with which is very closely connected or associated → a kind of metaphor in which animate and inanimate objects or abstract ideas are represented as if they were human beings and possessed human attributes → to focus attention and to emphasise individual sentences → A simile is an explicit comparison between two things which are basically quite different using words such as like or as. → to create an expressive, compact and lasting image → to create a dramatic effect and to simplify matters by reducing complexity → to enhance expressiveness 1. Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end! 2. An that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from earth. A. Lincoln, The Gettysburgh Address 1. Truths are first clouds, then rain, then harvest and food. (Henry Ward Beecher) 2. All the world's a stage / And all the men and women merely players ... (Shakespeare 1. The White House declared ... (White House = US government/ President); 2. The land belongs to the crown. (crown = king/queen /royal family/monarchy) 1. Justice is blind. 2. Necessity is the mother of invention (Not macht erfinderisch) 3. The giant mountain peaks breathed icy winds. 1. family problems ... are liable to come up thrashing like lobsters; 2. She walks like an angel. Skill file: Analysing texts Seite 4 symbol ► devices of style and tone allusion climax anticlimax euphemism (adj. euphemistic) or hyperbole exaggeration → element of imagery, in which something concrete (like a person, object, or event) stands not only for itself but also for an abstract or invisible idea irony → direct or indirect reference to an event or to a well-known excerpt of a text, e.g. to the Bible. → words or phrases are arranged in order of increasing / decreasing importance → concealing the real nature of something unpleasant by using a mild or indirect term for it. → a deliberate exaggeration Berufliches Gymnasium Grundkurs Englisch → Expression used to say the opposite of what is meant in the writer's thought → to create complex associations with the effect of the text being shortened → to put facts or events in a greater context to treat them with irony → used for emphasis, to focus the reader's attention → to respect the feelings of others or to hide the unpleasant nature of sth. → Its purpose is to emphasize something or to produce a humorous effect. → to create humours effects by emphasising and thus revealing previously obscured aspects 3. I wandered lonely as a cloud. (Wordsworth); 4. My friend is as good as gold. The Cross is the symbol of Christianity. The dove (Taube) symbolizes peace/is symbolic of peace. The headline ,,Fried Gene Tomatoes" is an allusion to the film titled, "Fried Green Tomatoes". There are three things that will endure: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." That gives you an idea of his love of God, freedom, justice, and sports cars. 1. "He has passed away." instead of "He has died." 2. "the underprivileged" instead of "the poor". 1. I was so hungry, I could eat an elephant. 2. I have told you a thousand times. 3. Good advice is rarer than rubies.(Salman Rushdie = ""Perhaps you should talk to someone." 1. It was raining cats and dogs, winds were howling and Mr Miller remarked, ,,Lovely weather, isn't it?" 2."For Brutus is an honourable man."(W. Skill file: Analysing texts Seite 5 sarcasm (adj. sarcastic) under- statement ➜ a strong form of verbal irony used to hurt someone through mockery (Spott, Hohn) or disapproval (Ablehnung) Berufliches Gymnasium Grundkurs Englisch → the opposite of exaggeration/hyperbole: to go below the factual truth The atmosphere mood tone → Sarcasm consists of bitter and aggressive humour, aiming at openly mocking and disapproving of people or institutions etc. → to create an ironic or humorous effect of the ATMOSPHERE, TONE, DICTION Atmosphere refers to the way the writer wants his reader(s) to react to events, places, situations and events. Tone refers to the writer's own attitude towards the characters, events and things he is writing about. text passage extract poem is Shakespeare, Julius Caesar) 1. Teacher: "You are absolutely the best class I've ever had." Actual meaning: "the worst class". 2. Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence. - Ashleigh Brilliant 3. I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it 1. "A bit chilly, isn't it?" (It's below zero Celsius outside) humorous satirical ironic tender bitter sad quiet etc. 2. An Biology professor might say, "Yes, I know a little bit about genetics." melancholic gloomy serious Skill file: Analysing texts Seite 6 The writer author poet playwright creates achieves captures Berufliches Gymnasium Grundkurs Englisch a mood a tone an atmosphere Diction refers to the way language is used in a text. Poetic diction is the artificial use of language to emphasise the differences between poetry and prose. ● syntax: sentence structure Diction may be informal poetic figurative metaphorical by ... (+ method and example) in ... (+ location) of ... (+ kind of tone) STYLE OF A TEXT. Style refers to the way in which a text is written and the kind of language the writer uses Different aspects of style: register: the linguistic level and style of a text that is usually appropriate to the situation it is used in formal style: use of difficult vocabulary, complex sentence structure, used for serious purposes, not appropriate in everyday conversation ● diction: choice and use of words (see above) direct literal emotive concise wordy artificial natural clumsy rhetorical colloquial familiar neutral style: level between formal and informal, generally used by educated people informal style: use of colloquial vocabulary, use of short forms, simple sentence structure, includes slang and taboo words simple sentence structure (main clauses) complex sentence structure types of charts useful phrases T T bar chart I to deal with to be about to be taken from to be published in pie chart I I to be divides into...that show... analysing statistics In + to compare the size/number of...in terms of.... I 1 to show the differences in... to show the relation between...and... line graph others Ito show the development of two/the years... I 1 + the vertical/horizontal (x/y) axis shows... 1 1 the figures are expressed as percentages... I Ito illustrate; to lead to; to prove; to indicate; to be due to 1 1 T I 1 I 1 + 1 1 1 T + 1 I A I H table I T to be twice/three times as much/big/high as... there are more than.... nearly twice as many...as.... B to have the largest/second largest/the same number amount of a (huge) majority a (small) minority Ito rise/to increase I to fall/to decrease/to decline + I steadily/continually 1 gradually/sharply/insignificantly I + Ito have increased by...per cent I I + a significant number of.... | high/low percentage of.... I I a total of; approximately; precise/exactly The given chart is a ... which is taken from.... It was published in ... and deals with ... The given numbers/statistics are/is depicted/presented in a... which is taken from .... All in all, having the... in detail, it can be concluded/said/stated that.... I T I + I 1 COMMENT = Give your opinion, back it up with all the relevant points. 1. Introduction try to get the reader's attention by starting in an interesting way include the topic/question you will write about as outlined in the task examples: This comment will consider ... The text... raises the question of/introduces the problem of..., which will be discussed in this comment. 2. Thesis (= your opinion) 3. Support for your opinion (arguments, facts, consequences, examples, ...) 4. Conclusion (conclude the most convincing arguments in two or three sentences and find a conclusion) Rhetorical devices and it's explanation/ effect sound: onomatopeia, alliteration, assonance, consonance structure: enumeration, parallelism, anaphora, inversion, repetition imagery: symbol, metaphor, personification, simile DISCUSSION = Consider all sides of an issue by providing relevant arguments and concrete examples. 1. Introduction try to get the reader's attention by starting in an interesting way examples: The problem/issue to be discussed... The text... raises the question of/introduces the problem of ..., which will be discussed in this comment. 2. Main part Side that you don't agree (arguments, facts, consequences, examples, ...). Side that you agree with (arguments, facts, consequences, examples, ...) Stylistic device alliteration (Gleicher Anfangsbuchstabe) similie (Vergleich) symbol (Symbol) include the topic/question you will write about as outlined in the task 3. Conclusion (with your personal opinion) enumeration (Aufzählung) anaphora (Gleicher Satzanfang) antithesis (Antithese) oxymoron (Widerspruch e.x. "bittersweet") parallelism (Gleicher Satzbau) repetition (Wiederholung) irony (Ironie) Metaphor (Metapher) Personification (Personifikation) climax (Steigerung) hyperbole (Hyperbel) explanation and effect to point out key words; produce a rhytmic effect to stress certain aspects of a message to create an emphatic effect to stress a contrast by creating polarity or tension to create emphasis or a surprising and often dramatic effect rhythmic effect, increase in intensity to clarify an/or emphasize a message to focus attention an to emphasise individual sentences to make the reader isualise abstract ideas thereby enhancing understanding to create a dramatic effect and to simplify matters by reducing complexity to enhance expressiveness to create complex associations with the effect of the text being shortened used for emphasis, to focus the reader's attention Its purpose is to emphasize something or to produce a humorous effect to create humours effects by emphasising an thus revealing previously obscured aspects MEDIATION = mediating a text means helping two or more people who speak different languages to understand each other by mediating the text message from one language to the other (e.x. from German to English) 1. letter to the editor a. Introduction: b. Main part: . . Dear Sir or Madam non of polite clauses for the introduction title, date and author of the article referring to reasons/motivation for writing the letter c. Conclusion: clear line of arguments stick to most important points point out own opinion on the topic explain the agreement or disagreement with the authors point of view adding own argument give evidence and examples! don't quote from the original article . 2. speech (pinch) a. Introduction: say hello introduce yourself and the topic bond with audience/gain attention . strong ending statement to sum up own position expectations for future articles on the issue only sign with name, don't use polite clauses at the end b. Main part: line of argumentation -> name, explain, example -> combination of facts and emotions rhetoric means keep audience's attention -> place for laughter or emotions c. Conclusion sum up the main things (aim/outlook) appeal -> what people should do 3. e-mail Subject line: fits the content attract the adressee's attention Greeting: formal: person of authority, name known -> Dear Mr. / Mrs. . a. Introduction: . company/organization, informal: peer/friend/family-> Hi, Hello, Hey b. Main part: starts with capital letters introduce yourself state the purpose of writing define the topic and name the aspects your are focusing on c. Conclusion: explain the position in detail arguments and reasons examples and important facts to back up your arguments refer to contra arguments and refute them . name not known -> Dear Sir or Madam indicate the conclusion sum up the position and the main arguments goodbye: formal: person of authority, name known -> Sincerely yours 4. newspaper article company/organization, name not known -> Signature your full name informal: peer/friend/family-> Take care, best wishes, signature your first name exiting or formal headline a. Introduction: author, title, date short summary intention for your to write purpose b. Main part: provide research + facts/quotes/examples c. Conclusion: rephrase the most important arguments briefly convincing final statement: future? Call to attention Useful phrases and words (for mediation) Referring to the communicate situation / source text: I am writing in response to the article (title) by (author), published in (source) on (date). I am a student at... and my class is doing a project on ... Before reading your article I had reservations about... but now... I have to acknowledge that.... I have to say that I strongly disagree with the idea that ... Not only does this offend... but... I consider it a real shame that .... Linking words / Connectives: On the one hand on the other hand.... However... To public opinion.... While... Although.... First(ly)..., second(ly).... Additionally... On top of that... Furthermore... Evaluation / Conclusion: One reason for this is... This is why.... Because... To sum up... In conclusion.... To put it in a nutshell... All in all, ... I would like to finish by pointing out that... As a result, ... Cartoon Analysis Analyse the cartoon Description Analysis Evaluation When and where was the cartoon published? Author? Which situation is illustrated? What are the main objects and persons? What informations does the text (bubble) give? Simple present: Where are the objects? Present progressive: to descibe actions in the cartoon gesture, posture, facial expressions, body language What social, cultural or economic issues are illustrated in the cartoon? What does the cartoonist criticize? How is the cartoonist's opinion/message conveyed? What stylistic device are used and how do they underline the meaning of the cartoon (metaphore, hyperbole, ...)? Is the cartoon convincing? What effect does the cartoon have? Does the cartoonist use suitable stylistic devices to convey his message? Useful phrased and words Description: The cartoon/picture was published on...(date) in ...(source) The cartoon was published by the cartoonist XY The cartoon/picture is about/deals with the problem of... The cartoon/picture is set in... In the cartoon/picture you can see... / The cartoon/picture shows... The largest part of the cartoon/picture is taken up by.... At the top/at the bottom.... In the foreground/in the background... In the centre... On the left/on the right.... In the bottom right-hand corner/in the top left-hand corner... / Above/below... Furthermore you can see... In the speech bubble/thought bubble you can read that.... The bubble refers to/describes/gives information about... Under the cartoon/picture there is a caption saying... Some words are printed in bold type/italics (= kursiv)/capital letters... Analysis: . The cartoon/picture The cartoon/picture appeals to the reader directly by... The character's facial expressions/body language/reveals that... You see from...that.... XY simbolizes/stands for/represents... The cartoon/picture is meant to criticize...that.... The cartoonist point seems to be that... The (funny/ironical/...) caption highlights the idea that... The picture deals with the recent discussion about... His message might be that.... At first glance one might think about... but a closer analysis show that.... The message of the cartoon is/seems to be... The cartoon is making the point that.../is making fun of.../is satirizing... The cartoon is funny/ironical/sad/serious/critical because of... The cartoon illustrates the problem of... is eye-catching/shocking/funny because... Evaluation: The cartoon is effective/convincing/successful.... The cartoon fails to convince the reader.... The cartoon could have been more effective if it had.... I think/In my opinion the cartoon is (in)suitable / (in)appropriate / (un)believable / (in)credible... I agree/disagree with the message... The challenge of social and personal development Themen: health education and medical progress impact of science, technology and the media health education and medical progress planting vegetables- personal hygiene vitamines fresh cocking- gym role models vaccination (for corona, ...) staying hydrated hospital vegan/vegetarian nutrition independing eating NI health education and medical progress disease(s) therapy losing weight food labels work-life balance medicine/pills sports enough sleep mental health healthcare system life coach to follow diet first-aid course immune system eating disorder (anorexia, ...) 3 Health and wellbeing Kondition im Sin- ne von Ausdauer ent- spricht nur selten condition: Er hat eine fantastische Kondition. - He's incredibly fit. / He's got fantas tic stamina. 3.1 Healthy and unhealthy health [hele] n ▸be in good health ▸ physical and mental health ► health disorders healthy ['helei] adj ▸ a healthy lifestyle ► lead a healthy life ▸ perfectly healthy unhealthy [An'hel0i) adj ► an unhealthy diet fit [fit] adj ► keep fit (by) ▸ a fit person ▸ physically and mentally fit condition [kən'difºn] n ▸ be out of condition form [fɔ:m] n, uncount ▸ be in fine form improve [im'pru:v] v ► improve one's health ► improve public health ▸ Health is improving in the region. improvement [im'pru:vmənt] n ► improvement in condition well [wel] adj ► Get well soon! better ['beta] adj ► feel better appetite ['æpitart] n weight [weit] n, uncount ► lose weight ►gain weight diet Idarat] n Gesundheit bei guter Gesundheit sein körperliche und geistige Gesundheit gesundheitliche Probleme gesund ein gesunder Lebensstil ein gesundes Leben führen kerngesund ungesund; krank eine ungesunde Ernährung gesund, körperlich fit sich fithalten (durch) eine fitte Person körperlich und geistig fit Kondition, Gesundheitszustand außer Form sein Form, (körperliche) Verfassung gut in Form sein sich bessern den Gesundheitszustand verbessern das Gesundheitswesen verbessern Der Gesundheitszustand in der Region verbessert sich. Besserung Verbesserung des Gesundheitszustandes gesund Gute Besserung! besser sich besser fühlen Appetit (Körper-)Gewicht abnehmen zunehmen Ernährung; Diät ▸ a healthy diet ► go on a diet disorder [dis'ɔ:də] n ► eating disorder anorexia [ænər'eksiə] n, uncount bulimia [bu'limiə] n, uncount 3.2 Illness and symptoms ill [i]] adj = sick [sık] AE ► seriously ill illness ['ilnas] n ► diagnose an illness ► recover from an illness ► serious illness weak [wi:k] adj ▸ a weak heart weakness ['wi:knas] n ▸ muscle weakness condition [kan'dif'n] n ▸ have a heart condition ▸medical condition disease [di'zi:z] n ▸a virus disease ▸ a chronic disease ► an infectious disease ➤ heart disease acute [a'kju:t] adj ► acute disease ► acute symptoms eine gesunde Ernährung eine Diät machen Funktionsstörung Essstörung Anorexie, Magersucht Bulimie, Ess-Brech-Sucht krank ernsthaft krank Krankheit, Kranksein (zeitlich beschränkt) eine Krankheit diagnostizieren sich von einer Krankheit erholen schwere Krankheit schwach, geschwächt ein schwaches Herz Schwäche Muskelschwäche Krankheit, Leiden (von längerer Dauer) ein Herzleiden haben, herzkrank sein Beschwerden, Erkrankung Krankheit, Leiden (von längerer Dauer) eine Viruserkrankung eine chronische Erkrankung eine Infektionskrankheit Herzkrankheit akut akute Erkrankung akute Symptome, akute Beschwerden Illness and symptoms ill wird in der Be- deutung krank nur als Prädikat verwendet (my son is ill), sick kann dagegen sowohl vor als auch nach dem Nomen stehen (she has two sick children at home). ill kann als Attri- but verwendet werden, wenn es cher die Bedeutung böse, unangenehm trägt (ill feelings towards sb). 3 Health and wellbeing chronic ['kronik] adj ► chronic illness chronic symptoms tonsillitis cancer ['kænsə] n ▸ suffer from breast cancer ► He was diagnosed with lung cancer. diabetes [,dara'bi:ti:z] n, uncount AIDS [eidz] n, uncount HIV-positive [,eitfarvi:'pozǝtiv] adj attack [ǝ'tæk] n ▸ a panic attack heart attack ['ha:t,ǝtæk] n ► die of a heart attack stroke [strǝuk] n ▸ suffer a stroke blood pressure ['blad,prefǝ] n, uncount ► low blood pressure COMMON ILLNESSES ear infection conjunctivitis bronchitis whooping cough chickenpox German measles - rubella Ohrenentzündung Bindehautentzün- dung Mandelentzün- dung Bronchitis Keuchhusten Windpocken Röteln chronisch chronische Erkrankung chronische Symptome, chronische Beschwerden Krebs(erkrankung) an Brustkrebs leiden Bei ihm wurde Lungenkrebs diagnostiziert. Diabetes, Zuckerkrankheit Aids HIV-positiv Anfall eine Panikattacke Herzanfall, Herzinfarkt an einem Herzinfarkt sterben Schlaganfall einen Schlaganfall erleiden Blutdruck niedriger Blutdruck rash diarrhoea - diarrhea AE laryngitis bladder infection ******************** sinus infection shingles nausea herpes Hautausschlag Durchfall Stimmbandent- zündung Blasenentzündung Nebenhöhlenent- zündung Gürtelrose Übelkeit Herpes sick [sık] adj, BE ▸ I'm going to be sick. ▸ I feel sick. throw up [,erǝu'ap, Oru:, Orəun] phrasal v, threw up, thrown up, inform vomit ['vomit] v virus ['varərəs] n ► deadly virus ▸ contract a virus spread [spred] v, spread, spread ► spread quickly infection [in'fek[n] n ▸ bacterial infection infection [in'fekf*n] n, uncount ► protect oneself against infection ► high risk of infection infectious [in'fekfəs] adj ▸ a highly infectious virus bacteria [bæk'tıəriə] n, pl ▸ harmful bacteria hurt [hs:t] v, hurt, hurt ▸ It hurts. pain [pem] n ► back pain ► chest pains ► severe pain ache [eik] n all the little aches and pains ► stomach ache ▸ (terrible) headache ▸ backache ▸ (severe) toothache ache [eik] v symptom ['simptom] n painful ['pemfl] adj schlecht, übel Ich muss mich übergeben. Mir ist schlecht. sich erbrechen, übergeben (er)brechen Virus; Viruserkrankung tödlicher Virus an einem Virus erkranken (sich) ausbreiten, verbreiten (sich) zügig ausbreiten ansteckende Krankheit, Infektionskrankheit bakterielle Infektion Ansteckung, Infektion, Infekt sich gegen eine Infektion schützen hohe Ansteckungsgefahr ansteckend, Infektions- ein hochansteckender Virus Bakterien schädliche Bakterien wehtun, schmerzen Es tut weh. Schmerz (eher akuter Natur) Schmerz im Rücken Schmerzen in der Brust starke Schmerzen (dumpfe, länger anhaltende) Schmerzen die ganzen Wehwehchen Bauchschmerzen (schreckliche) Kopfschmerzen Rückenschmerzen (heftige) Zahnschmerzen schmerzen, wehtun (Krankheits-)Symptom schmerzhaft Illness and symptoms Achtung: I'm sick (AE) = ich bin krank (I'm ill in BE). Aber I'm going to be sick = mir ist schlecht, ich muss mich übergeben. O 3 Health and wellbeing O Bei stationären Patienten im BE ohne the: She's in hospital. Bei Besuchern, An- gestellten oder ambulanten Pa- tienten mit the: I have to go to the hospital for my regular check-up today. / She works at the hospital. broken ['braukən] adj fracture ['fræktə] n badly ['bædli] adv ▸ badly damaged seriously ['stəriəsli] adv ► seriously hurt severe [si'via] adj ► severe injuries shock [Jok] n ► receive a shock pass out [pa:s'aut] phrasal v dizzy ['dizi] adj ► feel dizzy faint [fernt] v unconscious [An'konfǝs] adj consciousness ['kontfəsnis] n ► regain consciousness come to [kam'tu:, kerm'tu:] phrasal v, came to, come to 3.4 Healthcare facilities hospital ['hospit'l] n ► take sb to hospital > be admitted to hospital clinic ['klinik] n doctor ['doktə] n ▸ consult a doctor ► see a doctor ► at the doctor's nurse [n3:s] n patient ['perfont] n ► elderly patients consultant [kən'saltǝnt] n gebrochen Knochenbruch schwer, sehr schlimm schwer beschädigt ernst(lich), schwer ernsthaft verletzt schwer, schlimm schwerwiegende Verletzungen Schock einen Schock bekommen ohnmächtig werden schwindelig sich schwindelig fühlen in Ohnmacht fallen bewusstlos Bewusstsein das Bewusstsein zurückerlangen wieder zu Bewusstsein kommen Krankenhaus jdn ins Krankenhaus einliefern ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden Klinik Arzt, Ärztin einen Arzt aufsuchen zum Arzt gehen beim Arzt Krankenschwester, (Kranken-)Pfleger Patient(in) ältere Patienten Facharzt, -ärztin dentist ['dentist] n ► at the dentist's health centre ['hele,sentǝ] n, BE ward [wɔ:d] n ▷ children's ward ► psychiatric ward operating theatre ['ppareitin,Oi:ətə] n, BE = operating room ['opereitin,ru:m] AE ICU [,arsi:'ju:] n (intensive care unit) ▸ be in (the) ICU emergency [1'm3:dzənsi] n ▸ emergency room ambulance ['æmbjələns] n call an ambulance paramedic [pærǝ'medik] n appointment [ǝ'pointmənt] n ▸ a doctor's appointment ► make an appointment surgery ['s3:dəri] n - doctor's office ['da:ktaz,a:fis] AE surgery ['s3:dzəri] n, BE - office hours ['a:fis,aurz] AE medical ['medik 1] adj ► medical history health care ['hele,keǝ] n, uncount care [kea] n ► take care (of sb / sth) public health n health service ['hel0,53:vis] n National Health Service (NHS) Zahnarzt, -ärztin beim Zahnarzt Ärztezentrum, Ärztehaus Krankenstation (im Krankenhaus) Kinderstation psychiatrische Abteilung Operationssaal Intensivstation auf der Intensivstation liegen Notfall Notaufnahme Krankenwagen einen Krankenwagen rufen (Rettungs-)Sanitäter(in) (Arzt-)Termin ein Arzttermin einen Termin vereinbaren Arztpraxis Sprechstunde medizinisch, ärztlich Krankenakte Gesundheitsfürsorge Versorgung, Pflege sich (um jdn / etw) kümmern Gesundheitswesen Gesundheitsdienst(e) staatlicher Gesundheitsdienst (in GB) Healthcare facilities 3 Health and wellbeing wwwwwwap health insurance [helem fuarans] n, uncount ▸ private health insurance ► Health insurance partially covers dental treatment. ▸ Does my health insurance cover acupuncture? Medicare ['mediker] n, AE, uncount Medicaid ('medikeid] n, AE, uncount Obamacare [oo'ba:maker], AE inform (officially known as the Affordable Care Act) 3.5 Medical treatment first aid [,f3:st'erd] n ► give sb first aid bandage ['bændid3] n plaster ['pla:stə] n, mainly BE -Band-Aid ['bænd,eid] AE ► sticking plaster (plaster) cast ['pla:sta,ka:st] n CPR [,si:,pi: 'a:] n (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) Continue CPR until help arrives. mouth to mouth [,mau ta'mav0] n ► give sb mouth to mouth Krankenversicherung private Krankenversicherung In der Krankenversicherung sind Zahnbehandlungen teilweise inbegriffen. Zahlt meine Krankenversicherung Akupunktur? Gesundheitsfürsorge für ältere Menschen (in den USA) Gesundheitsfürsorgeprogramm für Personen mit geringem Einkommen (in den USA) umgangssprachlicher Name für eine US-Gesundheitsreform, die eine Versicherungspflicht vorschreibt Erste Hilfe jdm Erste Hilfe leisten Verband Pflaster Heftpflaster Gipsverband Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung Fahren Sie mit der Herz- Lungen-Wiederbelebung fort, bis Hilfe eintrifft. Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung jdn von Mund zu Mund beatmen treatment ['tri:tmənt] n ► medical treatment ▸ natural treatment treat sb (for sth) [tri:t] v cure sb/sth [kjua] v heal (sb) [hi:l] v cure [kjuǝ] n ▸ cure for sth check-up ['tfekap] n ► go for a routine check-up examination [ig,zæmi'nefn] n ► thorough examination examine sb / sth [ig'zæmin] v ► examine sb / sth closely test [test] n ► DNA test ▸ blood test ► drug test ▸ undergo some tests test (sb for sth) [test] v X-ray ['eksrei] n ▸ have an X-ray The doctor wants to take another X-ray of your ankle. medicine ['medsn] n, uncount ► take medicine medication [medi'kerf'n] n. uncount ▸be on medication prescribe sth for sth [pri'skraib] v Behandlung medizinische Behandlung Naturheilverfahren jdn (wegen etw) behandeln jdn / etw heilen, jdn / etw kurieren (jdn) heilen; verheilen, abheilen Heilung Heilmittel gegen etw gründliche Kontrolluntersuchung zur Routineuntersuchung gehen Untersuchung gründliche Untersuchung jdn / etw untersuchen jdn / etw gründlich untersuchen Untersuchung DNA-Test Blutprobe, Bluttest Drogentest einige Untersuchungen machen lassen, sich einigen Tests unterziehen (jdn auf etw) untersuchen, testen Röntgenaufnahme, -untersuchung sich röntgen lassen Der Arzt möchte deinen Knöchel noch einmal röntgen. Medikament(e), Medizin, Arznei, Medikamente (ein-)nehmen Medikament(e) Medikamente (ein)nehmen etw gegen etw verschreiben Medical treatment 3 Health and wellbeing Häufig wird die Pluralform verwendet: The doctor prescribed antibiotics. prescription [pri'skripf'n] n ► write a prescription ▸ I need a repeat prescription for my inhaler. tablet ['tæblet] n ► take tablets pill [pil] n ► take a pill ▸ be on the pill tranquilizer ['trænkwilaizə] n antibiotic [antibar'otik] n shot [fot] n, inform injection [m'dzek[n] n ▸ be given an injection for sth ►lethal injection vaccination [væksı'nerſən] n protection [pra'tek['n] n, uncount ► protection against sth pharmacy ['fa:məsi] n pharmacist ['fa:məsist] n chemist's ['kemists] n, BE - drugstore ['dragstǝ:r] AE chemist ['kemist] n, BE operation (on sb for sth) [pp"ref"n] n ▸ perform an operation operate (on sb for sth) ['op*reit] v save sb/sth [serv] v ► save sb's life surgery ['s3:d3°ri] n, uncount ▸ undergo surgery cosmetic surgery surgeon ['s3:d3ºn] n relief [rili:f] n Rezept ein Rezept ausstellen Ich brauche ein neues Rezept für meinen Inhalator. Tablette Tabletten (ein)nehmen Pille, Tablette eine Pille (ein)nehmen die Pille nehmen Beruhigungsmittel Antibiotikum Spritze, Injektion Spritze, Injektion eine Spritze gegen etw bekommen tödliche Spritze Impfung Schutz Schutz vor etw Apotheke Drogist(in); Apotheker(in) Apotheke, Drogerie Drogist(in); Apotheker(in) Operation (an jdm wegen etw) eine Operation durchführen (jdn wegen etw) operieren jdn / etw retten jdm das Leben retten chirurgischer Eingriff operiert werden Schönheitsoperation Chirurg(in) Linderung, Erleichterung ► immediate relief from pain stitch [stit] n ►have stitches stay [ster] v ▸ stay in hospital ▸ stay in bed remain [rı'mein] v ►remain in bed fill (a tooth) [fil] v filling ['filiŋ] n have sth out [hæv'aut, hæd'aut] phrasal v, had, had ▸ have a tooth out ► exercise regularly acupuncture ['ækjopaŋ(k)tə] n homeopathy [,haumi'ppǝ0i] n osteopathy [,osti'opǝ0i] n jacuzzi [dzə'ku:zi] n spa [spa:] n sauna ['sɔ:nə, 'sauna] n massage ['mæsa:(d)3] n ► back massage ► give (sb) a massage sofortige Linderung der Schmerzen Stich (Wunde) genäht werden bleiben im Krankenhaus bleiben im Bett bleiben bleiben im Bett bleiben 3.6 Alternative medicine, wellness remedy (for sth) ['remədi] n ► herbal remedy ▸ (old) home remedy practitioner [præk'tıf nə] n ▸ alternative practitioner alternative medicine [5:l'ts:nativ medsən] n physiotherapy [,fiziǝ(v)'0erapi] n exercise ['eksəsaiz] n Alternative medicine, wellness (einen Zahn) plombieren, füllen Zahnfüllung, Plombe etw entfernen lassen einen Zahn entfernen lassen Heilmittel (gegen etw) pflanzliches Heilmittel (altes) Hausmittel (Heil-)Praktiker Heilpraktiker Alternativmedizin Krankengymnastik, Physiotherapie körperliche Aktivität, Bewegung regelmäßig Sport machen Akupunktur Homöopathie Osteopathie Whirlpool, Jacuzzi Heilbad, Thermalbad Sauna Massage Rückenmassage (jdn) massieren O impact of science, technology and the media Genetic Engineering = Process to alter the structure of nature of genes in human beings, animals or food using techniques like molecular cloning and transformation. = It is the process of adding and modifiying DNA in an organism to bring about a great deal of transformation PRO Can lead to crops which have natural pest resistance Opportunity to begin producing substances that can enter the human food chain Can be used to help current food resources by producing more of them Improves pharmaceuticals It allows to be treated with their own cells Able to develop a stronger understanding of life by examing it and possibly improving it Helps to prevent/cure illnesses possibily of a child "Children will be smarter, stronger & better looking" Genetic modified food = Consist of, contains, or has been produces from genetically modified plants, animals or microorganisms PRO Income can be increased and costs reduced Genetically modified plants are resistant to disease and pest infestation Therefor fewer pesticides and chemicals are needed Helps fight hunger in the world (reliable harvests) Important part of agricultural market -> statistics show that three years ago 40% of all food was produces with the help of genetically modified organisms CON Creates the potential for problematic pathogens (Krankheitserreger)-> Because bacteria e.g. becomes restistant to pharmaceuticals or gene changes could get out of control (e.g. Covid) Creates a series of unknown hybrids through the natural cross-pollination process that would provide unpredictable results for society Unfavourable level of diversity Unpredictable outcomes could create new diseases Puts agricultural workers at risk for financial harm Abusive purpose "designer baby" Creates unwanted side effect Playing god, manipulation God's creature Less individuality Genetically modified plants are necessary to adapt to the process of climate change & are testes before approval CON When genetically modified plants spread in nature, they displace natural plants and thus damage biological diversity Possible side effects and dangers have not been adequately researched yet Production can lead to the development of new allergies and further antibiotic resistance Morally and ethically justifiable? Industry puts profit over people's health Fierce competition -> farms that do not use genetic engineering are at a disadvantage Genetic pool is limited Artificial intelligence = Simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems PRO Reduction in "human error" (with AI, the decisions are taken from the previously gathered information applying a certain set of algorithms) We can overcome many risky limitations of humans by developing an AI robot which in turn can do risky things for us Available 24/7 -> CON AI is making humans lazy with its applications automating the majority of the work High costs of creations Every new invention will have advantages and disadvantages, but we need to take care of that and use the positive sides of the invention to create a better world. -> Ensure the "rise of robots" doesn't get out of hand. Lacking out of box thinking Unemployment (AI is replacing repetitive tasks and other works) Human interference is becoming less No emotions PRO Reduce genetic and inherited diseases Better chance to succeed in life (no disease) Life spans will increase Could fit into society's expectations regarding the look Parents could customise the look of their kid -> to may identify more? Designer babies = Babies that are products of genetic engineering = Baby whose genetic makeup has been selected in order to eradicate a particular defect or to ensure that a particular gene is present CON Expensive, only rich people can afford it -> unfair for poor families Terminated embryos have no choice Loss of individuality Unpredictable consequences Who tells us what bad and good trades are? Where do we draw the line which we should not cross? What about the people, who cannot afford this process or who have a disease that cannot be cured at the moment? -> social outsider? Looks should not be important in this society -> diversity is the key Cloning = Creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another = Means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two = Dolly the sheep: Female sheep, was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell body-> lived until the age of 6, when she developed severe diseases Issues involved in cloning for reproductive purposes Safety of cloning is not guaranteed and clones might die (quickly) Cloned children may suffer identify conflicts Children as "products" or commodities Children are "designed" (defects are not accepted) Negative effects on the society (will they accept the clones?) Issues involved in cloning for therapeutic reasons Human lives may be reproduced to the state of tools Human live created in order to be destroyed -> whose life has mor value (unborn, ill, born) Are embryos individuals? When does human life start? It may reduce respect for life? Crosses the divide between sexual/asexual reproduction Self-driving cars PRO Multi-tasking while in car & no human error Less accidents due to communication with other self driving cars = less traffic jams Better for environment -> electric cars decreased fuel consumption Disabled or elderly have better chance to be part of the society Driverless cars should save their driver and passengers at all costs PRO CON Loss of privacy, everything will be tracked -> data security Costs a lot No road marking -> system might not work careful enough Loss of jobs-> taxi and truck drivers System could have mistakes Criminals & hackers could manipulate the system Marketing Cars are made to protect There is a safe system (rules) Value of life is not countable The driver ist not responsible CON More people are safe, more people are happy Cars could make mistakes As a human you wouldn't just drive other people You would feel miserable, if you would be safe People who are innocent should't die 22 Media and communication the media + Plural- oder Singular verb Immer häu- figer wird die Kleinschreibung internet ver- wendet, da der Begriff nicht mehr als Eigen- name, sondern als normales Substantiv be- trachtet wird. 22.1 Media and influence the media ['mi:dia] n social media ► digital media ▸news media ▸ new media ► mass media ► media coverage influence (on sb / sth) ['influans] n ▸ a powerful influence ▸ have an influence on sb / sth ▷ a malign influence ► exert an influence on sb / sth influence sb / sth ['mfluans] v ▸ influence sb / sth heavily the Internet ['intanet] n, uncount - internet ► mobile internet ▸ internet connection ▸ internet access ▸ surf the internet ► search the internet for sth ► on the internet ► go on the internet ► wireless internet the WWW 22.2 Internet and social media [,dablju:,dablju:'dablju:] n (World Wide Web) the Web [web] n die Medien soziale Netzwerke, Social Media digitale Medien Nachrichtenmedien neue Medien Massenmedien Berichterstattung durch die ▸ web page ▸ website ▸ web browser ▸surf the Web Medien Einfluss (auf jdn / etw) ein starker Einfluss Einfluss auf jdn / etw haben ein bösartiger Einfluss, ein unheilvoller Einfluss Einfluss auf jdn / etw ausüben jdn / etw beeinflussen jdn / etw stark beeinflussen das Internet mobiles Internet Internetverbindung Internetzugang im Internet surfen im Internet nach etw suchen im Internet ins Internet gehen drahtloses Internet das Internet das Netz, das Web Webseite Webseite Webbrowser im Netz surfen TAKEN FROM THE HEADLINES: FAKE NEWS Fake news is deliberate misinformation presented as genuine news coverage. It is not a new term and used to mean news satire. Nowadays, however, it is described by some as one aspect of the so-called post-truth era. It refers to false reports usually spread via internet-based social media such as Facebook or Twitter, fake news websites and even mainstream media with the aim of influencing or manipulating political, social or economic events and developments. Donald Trump created a new shift in meaning after winning the US presidency in 2016, when he started using the term to refer to media coverage of current events that differed from his own views. A member of the Trump administration also coined the expression "alternative facts", which is commonly understood as a euphemism for a false statement. fake news misinformation news coverage news satire post-truth era false report mainstream media shift in meaning media coverage coin an expression alternative facts euphemism ► search (on) the Web access ['ækses] n, uncount ► access to the internet ► access to a website access sth ['ækses] v ► access the web ► access one's account homepage ['haum peid3] n address 'dres] n ▸ email address ▸ internet address ▸ web address Fake News, beabsichtigte Falschmeldung Falschinformation, falsche Berichterstattung Berichterstattung Nachrichtensatire Internet and social media postfaktisches Zeitalter Falschmeldung Mainstream-Medien, Massenmedien Bedeutungswandel Medienberichterstattung einen Ausdruck prägen alternative Fakten Euphemismus, beschönigende Umschreibung im Netz suchen Zugang, Zugriff Zugriff auf das Internet Zugriff auf eine Webseite auf etw zugreifen, in etw hineinkommen aufs Netz zugreifen auf sein Konto zugreifen Startseite einer Website Adresse E-Mail-Adresse Internetadresse Webadresse 22 Media and communication link [link] n ► click on a link ▸ a link to a website ► hyperlink URL [ju:a:'el] n (uniform resource locator) browser ['brauzə] n ▸ internet browser search engine ['s3:t),endzin] n google sb/sth ['gu:gl] v hit [hit] n support [sǝ'po:t] n ▸ technical support ► provide support for sb webmaster ['web,ma:stə] n server ['s3:və] n ► web server ▸ email server ► proxy server administrator [ǝd'ministreitə] n ▸ network administrator use sth [ju:z] v ▸ use a search engine user ['ju:zə] n internet user username ['ju:zəneim] n user-friendly [ju:zə'frendli] adj log in (to sth) [,log'in] phrasal v ► log in to one's account log out (of sth) [,log'aut] phrasal v ► log out of one's email account Link einen Link anklicken ein Link zu einer Webseite Querverweis, Hyperlink URL Browser Internetbrowser Suchmaschine jdn / etw googeln Treffer (bei einer Suche) Support, Unterstützung, Hilfe technische Unterstützung jdm Unterstützung bieten, jdn unterstützen Webmaster(in) (erstellt und wartet Websites) Server, zentraler Netzwerkcomputer Webserver Emailserver Proxy-Server Administrator(in), Verwalter(in) Netzadministrator(in) etw benutzen, etw bedienen eine Suchmaschine benutzen Benutzer(in), Anwender(in) Internetnutzer(in) Benutzername benutzerfreundlich sich (in etw) anmelden, sich (in etw) einloggen sich in seinem Konto anmelder sich (aus etw) abmelden, sich (aus etw) ausloggen sich von seinem E-Mail-Konto abmelden password ['pa:sw3:d] n ▸ a strong password ▸ change one's password online ['on lain, ,on'lain] adj ► go online ► online shopping ► online course ► online community ► online banking offline ['of,lain, pflan] adj ► go offline ► offline mode email ['i:meil] n, uncount - mail ► send an email ► receive an email ▸ email account email (sb) ['i:meil] v - mail mailbox ['meilbaks) n ▸ check the mailbox inbox ['inboks] n outbox ['autboks] n webmail ['webmeil) n, uncount ▸ webmail service attachment [ǝ'tætfmant] n ▸ email attachment spam (spam] n, uncount ► spam email phishing (fin) n Passwort, Kennwort ein sicheres Passwort sein Passwort ändern online, mit dem Internet verbunden online gehen Einkaufen übers Internet, Onlineshopping Online-Kurs Online-Community Online-Banking offline, vom Internet getrennt offline gehen Offline-Modus E-Mail, Mail eine E-Mail schicken eine E-Mail empfangen E-Mail-Konto (jdm) mailen, E-Mails versenden Mailbox die Mailbox abrufen Posteingang Postausgang Webmail (browserbasierter E-Mail-Dienst) Webmaildienst E-Mail-Anhang E-Mail-Anhang Spam(mail) (unerwünschte Werbemails) Spamimall) Internet and social media und persönlichen Benutzerdonen) Vorsicht, Beto- nung! Online vor einem Nomen = ['onlain). Steht es frei = [,on'lam] O 22 Media and communication I'm Englischen wird meist wifi benutst wenn damit das draht- lose Netzwerk (WLAN) gemeint I the free with at the O profile ['prǝufail] n ► profile picture ► create a profile chat (with sb) [tfæt] v instant messaging [intstənt'mesidzin] n, uncount chat room ['tfætru:m] n privacy ['privast] n, BE network ['netws:k] n ▸ social network local area network [,lauklearia'netws:k) n (LAN) wireless local area network [waralas lauklearia netwock] (WLAN) WiFi ['warfai] n wireless ['watalas] adj wireless network connection [ka'nek*n] n connect to [ka'nekttu:] phrasal v connect to the internet ▸ connect to the wireless network disconnect [diska nekt] v ► disconnect from the internet broadband [broadband) uncount broadband connection podcast (podkat) an download a podcast podcast (pod) v Profil Profilbild ein Profil anlegen (mit jdm) (im Internet) chatten Instant Messaging, Nachrichtensofortversand Chatroom Privatsphäre Netzwerk soziales Netzwerk lokales Netzwerk aus verkabelten Computern drahtloses lokales Netzwerk WLAN, WIFI drahtlos, kabellos WLAN-Netzwerk Verbindung verbinden mit, eine Verbindung herstellen mit (sich) mit dem Internet verbinden die Verbindung abbrechen die Verbindung zum internet trennen Breitband, DSL Breitbandanachus Fodunt webcast ['webka:st] n post (sth) [poust] v ▸ post photos ▸ post comments post [post] n ▸ blog post blog [blog] n blog (blog) blog on a website vlog (vlog) internet forum [anet Exram) n interactive [ntaktre) od upload pictures 22.3 Television and radio Webcast, Radio- oder Fernsehsendung übers Internet (etw) posten, (etw) im Internet veröffentlichen Fotos posten Kommentare posten Post, Beitrag (in einem Internetforum) Blogbeitrag, Blogeintrag Blog, Internet Tagebuch bloggen, an einem Blog schreiben auf einer Webseite bloggen Vlog (Videotagebuch im Internet) Internetforum interaktiv Download Herunterladen Fotos hochladen Out Computing Cloud 11 Television and radio O Digital education . PRO Sources for research are endless (online research) Lessons and tasks are more interactive You don't have to carry much weight (books, ...) Stress factor school Teachers Homeworks Learning in a flexible way Using of digital skills everyday learning and teaching Peer Groups (talking, distraction, ...) -> pressure Exams (pressure) Internships/placements School system UK & USA UK >5: nursery school, todler group or playground 5-11: primary school -> 5-7 infant school, 7-11 junior school 11-18: secondary school -> -> 11-16 secondary school, 16-18 6th form college 40.000-50.000 euro per year (maybe scholarships) middle and high school (14-16 years old) had school uniforms sixth form college (from 16 years old) had no obligation boys: shirt, tie, trousers, sweater/jacket, black or brown leather shoes girls: blouse, skirt, tights, sweater/jacket, black or brown leather shoes CONTRA High costs (unfair for those who can't afford) Getting lazy (copy & paste) Cheating becomes easier Not using the correct keyboard creates spelling mistakes Decurate preparations is lacking (clear rules, ...) Grades Pressure from your family (expectations to achieve) School covers major part of your day Your commute school (bus, train, cars, ...) Noise USA elementary school -> class 1-4, 5 and 6 junior high/middle school. -> class 7-8 and 9 (senior) high school (class 9-12) -> age: once your are 14 years old state schools (no school fees) private schools (expensive) not common to wear school uniforms many schools had dress codes private schools = school uniforms (improve discipline and avoid "fashion cliques") to pass an exam truancy to graduate from high school enrolment to drop out of school scholarship discipline entrance exam. diploma graduation grade extra-curricular activity curfew to take a course/an exam admission education fee to pay tuition fees to be enrolled graduate to attend school high school diploma code of conduct to fund sth. to cut class compulsory schooling optional (subject) Definition Edutainement: Edutainement is the knowledge transfer in an entertaining and playful way trough movies, TV (e.x. ,,Willi wills Wissen", ,,Wissen mach Ah!" or Dora the Exploarer") or computer programmes. It is the act of learninf through a medium that both educates and entertains. Learning ist the key element. The combination of education and entertainment aims to increase motivation and make learning more efficient and successful. Edutainment can also be used to focus on specific social or health issues. Entertainment programmes on television can incorporate information and knowledge elements in a targeted way, also in the sense of enlightenment. But Edutainement does not fit to all topics & subjects and also not to all ages. 5 Education o o O 5.1 Education and learning education [edzu'ker[n] n, uncount ▸ receive an excellent education ► provide education (for sb) educate sb ['edzukert] v educational [,edzu'kerfənl] adj bring sb up [briŋ'ap, ,bro:t'ap] phrasal v, brought, brought ▸ a well-brought-up boy upbringing ['ap briniŋ] n, uncount ▸ a strict upbringing develop (sth) [dı'velǝp] v personality [p3:sǝ'næləti] n ► to be a strong personality ▸ personality trait ► Her choice of clothes reflects her personality. manners ['mænəz] n pl ▸teach sb manners ►have bad manners polite [pa'lait] adj rude [ru:d] adj difficulty ['difikalti] n, uncount ▸ have difficulty (in) doing sth ▸face increasing difficulty schulische (Aus-)Bildung, Schulbildung eine exzellente (schulische) Ausbildung erhalten Bildungsangebote (für jdn) bereithalten jdn (aus)bilden Bildungs- eine strenge Erziehung (etw) entwickeln; (etw) Tausbilden difficult ['difikalt] adj encouragement [in'karıdzmənt] n, uncount jdn aufziehen, jdn erziehen ein wohlerzogener Junge (familiäre) Erziehung; Kinderstube Persönlichkeit, Charakter eine starke Persönlichkeit sein Persönlichkeitsmerkmal Ihr Kleidungsstil spiegelt ihre Persönlichkeit wider. Manieren, Benehmen jdm Manieren beibringen schlechte Manieren haben höflich unhöflich, rüde, beleidigend Schwierigkeit, Problem Schwierigkeiten damit haben, etw zu tun mit wachsenden Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert sein schwierig Unterstützung, Förderung ► offer (sb) encouragement encourage sb to do sth [in'karıd3] v nurture sb / sth ['ns:tfǝ] v ▸ A love of reading and learning should be nurtured. support [sǝ'pɔ:t] n, uncount support sb/sth [sǝ'pɔ:t] v praise [preiz] n, uncount ► receive praise ► James was full of praise for his son. praise sb for sth [preiz] v obey sb/sth [ǝ'ber] v ► refuse to obey sb ► refuse to obey the rules disobey sb / sth [disǝ'ber] v discipline ['disəplin] n, uncount ► maintain discipline ▸ a lack of discipline ► The school was criticized for having very poor discipline. punishment ['panıfmənt] n ▸ a harsh punishment ► an appropriate punishment ▸as (a) punishment punish sb for sth ['p^nIf] V ▸ be unjustly punished improvement (on sth) [im'pru:vmənt] n, sing ▸ room for improvement no pl ► see a considerable improvement ▸ show great improvement improve jdm Unterstützung anbieten, jdn aufmuntern jdn dazu ermutigen, etw zun tun, jdm Mut machen Education and learning jdn / etw fördern Die Liebe zum Lesen und Lernen sollte gefördert werden. Hilfe, Unterstützung jdm helfen, etw unterstützen Lob gelobt werden, Lob erhalten James war voller Lob für seinen Sohn. jdn für etw loben jdm gehorchen, etw befolgen jdm den Gehorsam verweigern sich weigern, die Regeln zu befolgen jdm nicht gehorchen, sich jdm / etw widersetzen un Disziplin, strenge Ordnung die Disziplin wahren ein Mangel an Disziplin Die Schule wurde für ihre stark mangelhafte Disziplin kritisiert. Strafe; Bestrafung eine harte Strafe eine angemessene Strafe zur Strafe, als Strafe jdn für etw bestrafen zu Unrecht bestraft werden Verbesserung, Fortschritt (gegenüber etw) Steigerungsmöglichkeiten, Verbesserungsspielraum eine erhebliche Verbesserung feststellen sich sehr verbessern sich (ver)bessern O punish wird haupt- säch-lich im Passiv verwendet: She was punished for lying to her parents. O O study-Prozess der Wissensancio ning: I studied really hard for my crains. learn-fusion ning von Wissen I learnt French in three years und bei prak tischen Fahigpeition She's learning O progress ['praugres] n, uncount ► make progress ► slow progress ► steady progress step-by-step [stepbar'step] adj ▸ a step-by-step guide memory ['meməri] n, uncount ▸ have an excellent memory ▸ have a poor memory ▸ short-term memory ► long-term memory skill [skil] n ► develop a skill ▸ social skills talent ['tælənt] n ▸ a hidden talent profit from sth ['profitfram] phrasal v learn sth [13:n, 13:nt/13:nd] v, learned/BE a. learnt, learned/learnt ▸ I learned a lot about art in school. ▸ be eager to learn ►learn sth (off) by heart learner ['ls:na] n distance learning ['distans, 13:nın] n, uncount study (sth) ['stadi] v ► study for an exam practice (in sth) ['præktis] n, uncount Fortschritt(e) Fortschritte machen langsame Fortschritte stetige Fortschritte kleinschrittig, Schritt-für- Schritt- eine schrittweise Anleitung Gedächtnis ein ausgezeichnetes Gedächtnis haben ein schlechtes Gedächtnis haben Kurzzeitgedächtnis Langzeitgedächtnis Fähigkeit, Fertigkeit eine Fähigkeit entwickeln, eine Kompetenz erwerben Sozialkompetenz Begabung, Talent ein verborgenes Talent von etw profitieren, durch etw gewinnen etw lernen In der Schule habe ich viel über Kunst gelernt. lernbegierig sein, wissbegierig sein etw auswendig lernen Lernende(r), Lerner(in) Fernunterricht, Lernen per Fernkurs (etw) lernen für eine Prüfung lernen Übung (in etw) ► put sth into practice practise (for) sth ['præktis] v, BE = practice ['præktis] AE pick sth up [,pik'^p] phrasal v get sb/sth [get, got, got] v, got, got, inform ▸ I don't get it. participate (in class) [pa:'tisipeit] vastoin pupil ['pju:pl] n, esp BE student ['stju:dnt] n ► exchange student schoolchild ['sku:ltfarld, -'tfildrǝn] n, pl schoolchildren classmate ['kla:smert] n 5.2 School system and institutions staff [sta:f] n, BE, uncountab ▸ teaching staff ► recruit staff teacher ['ti:tfə] n ► Spanish teacher headteacher [hed'ti:tfo] n, BE = principal AE faculty ['fæklţi] n, AE, uncount ▸ faculty member year [ja] n, BE - form BE, grade esp AE stage [steid3] n ► key stage (one of the 4 stages into which years 1-11 are divided in English schools) level ['levl] n ► advanced level ► reach a high level etw in die Praxis, umsetzen (für) etw üben etw aufschnappen, etw nebenbei lernen jdn / etw verstehen School system and institutio Ich verstehe es nicht. sich (am Unterricht) beteiligen Schüler(in) Schüler(in); Student(in) Austauschstudent(in) Schulkind, Schüler(in) S Klassenkamerad(in), Mitschüler(in) Lehrkollegiumda b Lehrkörperth sối va a Lehrpersonal einstellen Lehrer(in) Spanischlehrer(in) Schulleiter(in), Rektor(in) Lehrerkollegium Teil des Lehrerkollegiums Schuljahr, Klassenstu Stufe Leistungsstufe, Bildungsniveau Niveau, Leistungsstand fortgeschrittenes Niveau ein hohes Niveau erreichen O Of 109 Education O o ▸ raise the level beginner [bigina] n ▸ a class for beginners intermediate [inta'mi:diət] adj ▸ an intermediate course yo curriculum [kə'rikjuləm] n ▸ National Curriculum BE lesson ['lesan] n - period AE ► an English lesson ► first lesson ► take singing lessons ► give music lessons ► give sb extra lessons in English ► skip lessons subject ['subd3ikt] n ▸ on the subject of ► take a subject ► academic subjects ► vocational subjects ▸ compulsory subject ► optional subject course [ko:s] n ► run a course (on sth) timetable ['taim terb'l] n schedule ['skedgu:l] AE class [kla:s] n ▸ history class ▸ beginners' class ► graduating class evening class das Niveau erhöhen Anfänger(in) eine Anfängergruppe, ein Anfängerkurs mittleren Niveaus ein Kurs auf mittlerem Niveau Lehrplan, Bildungsplan der staatliche britische Lehrplan für die Jahrgangsstufen 1-11 (5-bis 16-Jährige) (Unterrichts-)Stunde eine Englischstunde erste Stunde Gesangsunterricht nehmen Musik unterrichten jdm Nachhilfe in Englisch geben schwänzen, nicht zum Unterricht gehen Schulfach, Studienfach zum Thema ein Fach belegen wissenschaftliche Fächer berufsbezogene Fächer Pflichtfach Wahlfach Kurs, Lehrgang einen Kurs (über etw) leiten Stundenplan Unterricht(sstunde); Kurs; Geschichtsunterricht, -kurs Anfängerkurs Abschlussklasse Abendkurs Klasse school [sku:1] n ► at school ► go to school ► leave school ▸ She started school this year. ► skip school private school ['praivit,sku:l] n = independent school BE public schoolkodtok ['pablik,sku:l] n, BE public schoold ['pablik,sku:l] n, AE state school ['stert,sku:l] n, BE boarding school ['bɔ:diŋ,sku:l] n all-day school ['ɔ:lder,sku:l] n daycare ['der,kea] n ▸ be in daycare playschool ['plerisku:1] n, BE nursery school ['n3:sari,sku:l] n - kindergarten BE, preschool AE kindergarten ['kində,ga:tn] n, AE primary school ['praiməri,sku:l] n, mainly BE elementary school [,elr'mentri,sku:l] adj, AE middle school n ['midl,sku:1], BE dated grammar school ['græma,sku:l] n, BE comprehensive (school) [,kompri'hensiv,sku:l] n, BE Schule in der Schule zur Schule gehen die Schule beenden, von der Schule abgehen Sie geht seit diesem Jahr zur Schule., Sie wurde dieses Jahr eingeschult. schwänzen, nicht zum Unterricht gehen Privatschule Privatschule staatliche Schule staatliche, öffentliche Schule Internatsschule Ganztagesschule Kita in die Kita gehen School system and institutions Spielgruppe Kindergarten, Kindertagesstätte, Kita Vorschule Grundschule Grundschule Mittelstufe (für Kinder zwischen 9 und 13) entspricht: Gymnasium entspricht: Gesamtschule O O O 5 Education o O high school ['har,sku:l] n, mainly AE ► graduate from high school secondary school ['sekəndri, sku:l] n, BE junior high school [dzu:'njǝ'harsku:l] n, AE = middle school AE senior high school [si:nja 'harsku:l] n, AE sixth form ['sikse,fo:m] n, BE, uncount ► sixth form college sixth former fɔ:mə] n, BE school-leaver [sku:l'li:və] n, BE graduate ['grædzuǝt] n, AE ► high school graduate 5.3 In school book [buk] n reader ['ri:da] n textbook ['tekstbuk] n dictionary ['dikfanri] n ► look sth up in the dictionary pen (pen) n pencil ['pensl] n ballpoint (pen) [bodpoint('pen)] n ink (ank) n entspricht: Sekundarstufe den Highschool-Abschluss machen Sekundarstufe, weiterführende Schule entspricht: Mittelstufe, Sek I (12- bis 15-Jährige) entspricht: Oberstufe, Sek II (15- bis 18-Jährige) entspricht: Oberstufe, Abschlussstufe der Sek II Oberstufenschule Schüler(in) der Abiturklasse (der/die sich auf den A-Level- oder AS-Level-Abschluss vorbereitet) Schulabgäng(er) Schüler(in) mit Highschool- Abschluss Highschool-Absolvent(in) Buch Lesebuch; Lektüre Lehrbuch, Schulbuch Wörterbuch etw im Wörterbuch nachschlagen Stift, Schreiber Bleistift Kugelschreiber kerfarbe paper ['perpə] n, uncount ▸ a piece of paper ▸ a sheet of paper ruler ['ru:lə] n rubber ['rabə] n, BE = eraser [ı'rei-sa] AE pencil sharpener ['pensǝl fa:pənə] n classroom ['kla:srum] n board [bo:d] n ► write sth on the board ► wipe the board whiteboard ['wartbɔ:d] n ▸ whiteboard marker wipe sth [waip] v ► wipe off sth notebook ['noutbuk] n uniform ['ju:nifo:m] n ► wear a school uniform school year ['sku:ljiə] n = academic year vacation [ver'kerfºn] n, AE ▸ summer vacation holiday ['holǝder] n, BE ► holiday job ► bank holiday holidays ['hplǝderz] pl, BE break [breik] n ► spring break AE ▸ summer break ► autumn break ► take a break from sth half-term ['ha:fts:m] n, BE ► We went to London at half-term. Papier ein Blatt Papier ein Stück Papier Lineal Radiergummi Spitzer Klassenzimmer Tafel, Wandtafel etw an die Tafel schreiben die Tafel wischen Whiteboard Tafelstift etw (ab)wischen etw abwischen Notizbuch, Notizenheft Uniform eine Schuluniform tragen Schuljahr (Schul-)Ferien Sommerferien, Sommerurlaub Urlaub Ferienjob gesetzlicher Feiertag Schulferien Schulferien, Pause Frühjahrsferien Sommerferien Herbstferien eine Pause machen von etw Faschingsferien, Pfingstferien, Herbstferien Wir sind in den Pfingstferien nach London gefahren. O O O In schoo The influence of roles and their perceptions Themen: cultural diversity, role models and gender roles, lifestyle and peer groups cultural diversity Definition "Integration" Integration means the action or process of successfully joining or mixing with a different group of people while "multi culturalism" refers to the state of a society or the world in which there exists numerous distinct and cultural groups seen to be politically relevant or a program or policy promoting such a society. learn new languages racial prejudice diversity in a country and the world variety of food homogenization discrimination mixed cultural diversity participation in cultural events variety of goods multiculturalism Advantages more cultural diversity -> cultural traditions, food, language more tolerance, open-minded more innovation and creativity immigrants support the economy in workplace or school recognize and respect other ways of life develop and understanding each other multi-ethnic Disadvantages cultures are different and can't integrate (parallel society) nativ people becoming a minority in their own country cultures which do not share the same values can cause conflicts and tension inequality for immigrants (get badly paid jobs) some immigrants don't want to integrate -> create division Black Lives Matter Gründung am 13. Juli 2013 durch drei dunkelhäutige Frauen Bewegung gegen Gewalt gegen Schwarze bzw "people of colour" -> Proteste gegen die Tötung Schwarzer durch Polizeibeamte und zu anderen Problemen wie racial profiling, Polizeigewalt und Rassismus #BlackLivesMatter verbreitete sich in den sozialen Medien. Dezentralisiertes Netzwerk-> Keine formale Hierarchie oder Struktur (auch wenn es Versuche gibt, dies zu ändern) International bekanntester Vorfall ist die Tötung von George Floyd durch einen Polizeibeamten ATTER VIC 15 Individual and society 284 O O O individual [individuǝl] n identity [ar'dentiti] n ▸ cultural identity ► develop one's identity ► an identity crisis ► retain one's identity identify with sb / sth [ar'dentifar] v society [sǝ'sarəti] n ▸ a classless society ▸ a dog-eat-dog society ▸ a hedonistic society ▸ the affluent society ► ethnically diverse society social ['sǝuf'l] adj ▸ social status ► the social structure social cohesion ▸ social conscience civilization [sivilai'zerf'n] n solidarity [,splı'dærati] n ▸ a feeling of solidarity ► declare one's solidarity with sb ▸ show solidarity with sb ▸ Many people are here in che solidarity with the families of the victims of the attack. law [la:] n norm [no:m] n ▸ social norms role [raul] n ▸ a social role ▸ a role conflict ▸ a role model ▸a role allocation ▸ a gender role Individuum Identität kulturelle Identität seine Identität herausbilden eine Identitätskrise seine Identität bewahren sich mit jdm / etw identifizieren Gesellschaft eine klassenlose Gesellschaft eine Ellenbogengesellschaft eine Spaßgesellschaft die Überflussgesellschaft multikulturelle Gesellschaft gesellschaftlich gesellschaftlicher Status die Gesellschaftsstruktur gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt gesellschaftliches (oder soziales) Gewissen Zivilisation, Kultur Solidarität ein Gefühl der Solidarität sich mit jdm solidarisch erklären sich mit jdm solidarisch zeigen Viele Menschen versammeln sich hier aus Solidarität mit den Familien der Anschlagsopfer. Gesetz; Regel Norm Sozialnormen Rolle eine gesellschaftliche Rolle ein Rollenkonflikt ein Vorbild eine Rollenzuweisung eine Geschlechterrolle pastoral society Weidegesellschaft, pastorale Gesellschaft horticultural society hortikulturelle Gesellschaft, Gartenbaugesellschaft ▸ an understanding of one's role in society fulfil sth [ful'fil] v, BE -fulfill sth AE industrial society industrielle Gesellschaft ▸ fulfil a role fulfil sb's expectations status ['stertas] n values ['vælju:] n pl belief [bili:f] n group [gru:p] n ▸ a group member group conformity group dynamics peer group pressure community [ka'mju:nati] n agrarian society = agricultural society Agrargesellschaft a sense of community clique [kli:k) n belong to a clique Types of society ein Rollenverständnis etw erfüllen hunter-gatherer society Jäger- und Sammlergesellschaft mass society Massengesellschaft postindustrial society postindustrielle Gesellschaft eine Rolle erfüllen jds Erwartungen erfüllen Status Werte, Wertvorstellungen Überzeugung, Ansicht Gruppe ein Gruppenmitglied Gruppenkonformität Gruppendynamik Gruppendruck Gemeinschaft ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl Clique zu einer Clique gehören 285 15 Individual and society 286 O O O O minority [mar'norəti] n ► an ethnic minority share sth [fea] v ▸ share in sth interaction [intǝ"ækfən] n territory ['teritori] n culture ['kaltfə] n ► dominant culture ► material culture relationship [r'leifənfıp] n institution [insti'tju:fən] n like-minded [,laik'maindid] adj ► like-minded people subculture ['sab kaltfǝ] n counterculture ['kauntǝ,kaltfə] n conform (to sth) [kən'fɔ:m] v superior (to sb) [su:'piǝriǝ] adj inferior (to sb) [in'fiaria] adj assimilation [ǝsımı'leifən] n inclusion (inklu:3°n] n ▸ social inclusion exclude sb from sth [iks'klu:d] v ► excluded from society exclusion from sth [iks'klu:3'n] n ▸ social exclusion marginalize sb ('ma:dzin"larz] v ▸ a marginalized minority Minderheit eine ethnische Minderh etw teilen an etw teilhaben Interaktion Territorium Kultur Leitkultur materielle Kultur Beziehung Institution gleichgesinnt Gleichgesinnte Subkultur (von der Mehrheit abweichende Kultur in einer Gesellschaft) Gegenkultur sich (in etw) einfügen, sich (an etw) anpassen (jdm) überlegen (jdm) unterlegen, (jdm) untergeordnet Integration, Eingliederung: Assimilation Einbeziehung, Inklusion gesellschaftliche Inklusion jdn von etw ausschließen von der Gesellschaft ausgeschlossen Ausschluss von etw soziale Ausgrenzung, gesellschaftliche Ausgrenzung jdn an den Rand drängen eine an den Rand (der Gesellschaft) gedrängte Minderheit outcast ['autka:st] n ▸ a social outcast stereotype ['steriǝ(o)tarp] n ▸ a racist stereotype ▸ reinforce a stereotype ► fit the stereotype ▸ perpetuate a stereotype ▸ challenge a stereotype ► gender stereotypes prejudice ['predgadis] n ➤ racial prejudice ► overcome one's prejudices ▸ free from prejudice cliché ['kli:fer] n ▸ a hackneyed cliché biased ['barəst] adj ▸ be heavily biased pigeonhole sb ['pidzmhǝul] v ▸ pigeonhole sb as a communist Außenseiter(in), Ausgestoßene(r) ein gesellschaftlicher Außenseiter Stereotyp, Vorurteil ein rassistisches Vorurteil ein Stereotyp verstärken dem Stereotyp entsprechen ein Stereotyp aufrechterhalten ein Stereotyp infrage stellen Geschlechterstereotypen Vorurteil Rassenvorurteil seine Vorurteile überwinden ohne Vorurteil Klischee ein abgedroschenes Klischee voreingenommen sehr voreingenommen sein jdn in eine Schublade stecken jdn als Kommunist abstempeln Race Die Begriffe race und racial bereiten bei der Übersetzung große Probleme. Im Deutschen ist der Begriff 'Rasse' in Bezug auf die menschliche Vielfalt tabuisiert. Obwohl im Englischen race und racial in bestimmten, allgemeinen Kontexten verwendet werden (z. B. racial bias - Diskriminierung gegenüber bestimmter Volksgruppen; racial tension - ethnische Spannungen; racial abuse -rassistische Beschimpfungen, rassistisch motivierter Übergriff), haben sie stark negative Konnotationen und es wird inzwischen meist versucht, sie durch weniger geladene Begriffe wie z. B. ethnicity, peoples, community, ethnic o. ä. zu ersetzen. Individual and society O 287