


Latein: is, ea, id - Übungen, Lückentext, Tabelle & Beispiele


Latein: is, ea, id - Übungen, Lückentext, Tabelle & Beispiele
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The demonstrative pronoun "is, ea, id" in Latin serves as a versatile tool for indicating or referring to specific people, objects, or concepts. This pronoun declines for gender, number, and case, allowing for precise and nuanced communication in Latin texts and speech.

  • Is, ea, id is used to mean "this, that, he, she, it" depending on context
  • It declines fully for all three genders in singular and plural
  • The pronoun agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies or replaces
  • Understanding its declension is crucial for accurate Latin translation and composition



Demonstrative Pronoun is, ea, id in Latin

This page presents a comprehensive declension table for the Latin demonstrative pronoun is, ea, id. The table showcases the various forms of this pronoun across different cases, genders, and numbers.

Definition: Is, ea, id is a demonstrative pronoun in Latin that can mean "this," "that," "he," "she," or "it" depending on the context.

The declension table is organized as follows:

  • Rows represent the five main Latin cases: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, and Ablative.
  • Columns are divided into Singular and Plural, with each further subdivided into masculine (m), feminine (f), and neuter (n) genders.

Highlight: The pronoun is, ea, id changes its form to agree with the gender, number, and case of the noun it modifies or replaces in a sentence.

Key points from the declension table:

  1. Singular forms:

    • Nominative: is (m), ea (f), id (n)
    • Genitive: eius (all genders)
    • Dative: ei (all genders)
    • Accusative: eum (m), eam (f), id (n)
    • Ablative: eo (m, n), ea (f)
  2. Plural forms:

    • Nominative: ei/ii (m), eae (f), ea (n)
    • Genitive: eorum (m, n), earum (f)
    • Dative: eis/iis (all genders)
    • Accusative: eos (m), eas (f), ea (n)
    • Ablative: eis/iis (all genders)

Vocabulary: The Latin term "Demonstrativpronomen" means "demonstrative pronoun" in English.

Understanding and memorizing this declension table is crucial for students of Latin, as it enables them to use the pronoun correctly in various grammatical contexts.

Example: In the sentence "Is liber est bonus" (This book is good), "is" agrees with "liber" (book) in masculine gender and nominative case.

Mastering the declension of is, ea, id will significantly improve a student's ability to comprehend and compose Latin texts accurately.

Demonstrativpronomen is, ea. id
is, ea, ia
dieser, diese, dieses

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Latein: is, ea, id - Übungen, Lückentext, Tabelle & Beispiele

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611 Follower


The demonstrative pronoun "is, ea, id" in Latin serves as a versatile tool for indicating or referring to specific people, objects, or concepts. This pronoun declines for gender, number, and case, allowing for precise and nuanced communication in Latin texts and speech.

  • Is, ea, id is used to mean "this, that, he, she, it" depending on context
  • It declines fully for all three genders in singular and plural
  • The pronoun agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies or replaces
  • Understanding its declension is crucial for accurate Latin translation and composition



Demonstrative Pronoun is, ea, id in Latin

This page presents a comprehensive declension table for the Latin demonstrative pronoun is, ea, id. The table showcases the various forms of this pronoun across different cases, genders, and numbers.

Definition: Is, ea, id is a demonstrative pronoun in Latin that can mean "this," "that," "he," "she," or "it" depending on the context.

The declension table is organized as follows:

  • Rows represent the five main Latin cases: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, and Ablative.
  • Columns are divided into Singular and Plural, with each further subdivided into masculine (m), feminine (f), and neuter (n) genders.

Highlight: The pronoun is, ea, id changes its form to agree with the gender, number, and case of the noun it modifies or replaces in a sentence.

Key points from the declension table:

  1. Singular forms:

    • Nominative: is (m), ea (f), id (n)
    • Genitive: eius (all genders)
    • Dative: ei (all genders)
    • Accusative: eum (m), eam (f), id (n)
    • Ablative: eo (m, n), ea (f)
  2. Plural forms:

    • Nominative: ei/ii (m), eae (f), ea (n)
    • Genitive: eorum (m, n), earum (f)
    • Dative: eis/iis (all genders)
    • Accusative: eos (m), eas (f), ea (n)
    • Ablative: eis/iis (all genders)

Vocabulary: The Latin term "Demonstrativpronomen" means "demonstrative pronoun" in English.

Understanding and memorizing this declension table is crucial for students of Latin, as it enables them to use the pronoun correctly in various grammatical contexts.

Example: In the sentence "Is liber est bonus" (This book is good), "is" agrees with "liber" (book) in masculine gender and nominative case.

Mastering the declension of is, ea, id will significantly improve a student's ability to comprehend and compose Latin texts accurately.

Demonstrativpronomen is, ea. id
is, ea, ia
dieser, diese, dieses

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