Aladdin: The Hit Broadway Musical brings Disney's beloved animated classic to life on stage. This enchanting production, featuring music by Alan Menken, has captivated audiences worldwide since its Broadway debut in 2011. The story follows street urchin Aladdin as he seeks to win Princess Jasmine's heart with the help of a magical Genie, all while thwarting the evil Jafar's schemes. With dazzling performances, stunning sets, and unforgettable songs like "A Whole New World," this ALADDIN Musical Deutschland 2024 production promises a magical experience for all ages.
- Runtime: Approximately 3 hours
- Based on the Oscar-winning Disney film
- Features beloved characters and new additions
- Performed in major cities worldwide, including Stuttgart and Hamburg
- Showcases Alan Menken's award-winning score
- Offers a mix of romance, comedy, and adventure