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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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The Elizabethan world view
The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything
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Shakespeare The Elizabethan world view The Great Chain of Being: chain that is hierarchically ordered, God set an order for everything in the universe The Signs of the Zodiac: astrology was an important influence The Wheel of Fortune: believed to determine the fate of a person The four humours: elements that effect the behaviour of all living things Pronouns thou/thee means you thy/thine means your Verbs ow'st means own, grow'st means grow art means are, hath means has, doth means does x :Shall compare thee to a summer's day? e.g.: regular meter -> harmony, peace, balance, stability irregular meter -> disharmony, confusion Sonnet: three quatrains then one couplet -> rhyme scheme: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG -turn after the three quatrains: shift of thought or feeling, often indicated by "but" or "yet" GOD Angels Humans -couplet: conclusion or summary 154 sonnets in general -1-126 are addressed to a young man -127-154 are addressed to a "dark lady" Animals Plants -plays focus more on secular issues than on religious themes Language is often used for persuasion, seduction, elements of challenge Stylistic devices anaphora, alliteration, allusion, metaphor, repetition, rhetorical question, parallelism, personification, imagery, simile, assonance, onomatopoeia, form of punctuation, use of personal pronouns,... Doctic Form lambic pentameter: style of writing verse in lines of ten syllables with emphasis on every second scheme -> blank verse ->comes close to natural speaking and sounds more elevated, less ordinary Hi continuing reference -his work entertains and...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

inspires -timeless and relevant themes -basis/influence for new literature -part of history (representative of Elizabethan age) -poetic texts are still present in today's world (song lyrics, quotes on social media) created the universe controlls nature Lifeless things Monarch, Kings (Elizabeth I. Nobles, churchmen commoners, pauper •Ox •Cat •Mouse -outdated picture of society, woman and the world -mostly about western culture -very hard to understand (language has changed) -plays were made for stage, not to be read -knowledge irrelevant for most students Oak • Flowers Themes love, family relationships and conflicts, revenge, betrayal, ambition, good and evil, loyalty, what it means to be a real man, power, nature, beauty, old age, death,... Gold Iron cuffure -very rich and diverse national culture -lots of traditional music, dances and clothes -known for English language literature -Nigerian film-industry: Nollywood society -mainly young people (75%) -7th most populous country -over 250 different ethnic groups (Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa Fulani) -over 500 languages spoken -"Nigerian dream": becoming successful in a short amount of time -socially active women who stand up for diversity -free primary and secondary education economy and politics -emerging global power ("giant of Africa") -very big oil and natural gas industry -legal und judicial system with three codes of law →> separations of power-> democracy Nigeria -growing agriculture industry -highest GDP in Africa history -joined the Commonwealth -became a republic (in 1999) after becoming independent (in 1960) religion -many different religious orientations -> Muslims, Christians (various denominations) environment -many resources -> oil, natural gas, diamonds, gold -Lagos: "city of future" ->Eko Atlantic City -tourism -Nollywood only popular in Nigeria -> western cultures do not understand their local problems that are shown in the films -overpopulation -slums, poverty -> bad living conditions -organised crimes -low life expectancy -unemployment -inequality between men and women -many diseases that cannot be fought →> poor medical supply -many kids do not have access to education -> high illiteracy level (25% of the youth) -many young people leave the country -> problems of migration (feeling foreign) -lack of infrastructure, bad education and healthcare system -inefficient financial system -> money made from oil is not invested in education -> high level of corruption -depend on the oil industry -inability to provide enough food -restriction of freedom of speech -Nigeria was a British protectorate (1901) -> identity loss, problems of finding their proper culture -were affected by slave trade: 15th to 19th century -Civil War "Republic of Biafra" (1967-1970) between Igbo&Yoruba -religious tension -terrorism (Boko Haram -> abduction of school children) -> want to spread muslimity -oil spills -pollution of water and air -> diseases, lack of drinking water,... -deforestation -> species loss, global warming,... -lack of electricity CHAD American dream Definition -opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement regardless of origin, ideals which allow every American to prosper and advance socially and financially through hard work -dream to live the ideal life one has imagined -> peace, freedom, successful life, pursuit of happiness -dream of being able to develop to the fullest of one's potential -economic: prosperity and material wealth ("from rags to riches"), financial independence, industrialisation provides work for everyone -social: equal justice, independence, freedom, classless society, individuality, solidarity, multiculturalism, pluralism, upward mobility, religious freedom, liberty -political: democracy/political freedom, right to vote, protection of each person's inalienable rights (Human Rights) -individual: individual responsibility to succeed in a competitive society which is marked by an enormous social and cultural diversity (with strong will & hard work one can achieve anything), self-fulfilment History 1492: discovery of seemingly unpopulated continent by Columbus -> geographical basis September 1620: Mayflower arrived in a bay they called Plymouth Bay -> Puritans' beliefs and values had a long lasting effect on the society -> idea of America as the God-promised land "The New Canaan" 1775-1783: American War of Independence July 4, 1776: Declaration of Independence stresses the right of the individual, while at the same time taking the rights of others into consideration, "All men are created equal" 1787: US Constitution = new ideas of a democratic state stated in the preamble of the constitution 1789: Bill of Rights = first ten amendments to the American Constitution -> guarantee America's citizens certain inalienable rights, e.g. freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the press as well as the right to bear arms 1839: "Manifest Destiny" -> American people have been chosen to establish on earth the moral dignity and salvation of man - the immutable truth and beneficence of God 1914-1928: WW1 -> Treaty of Versailles post WW2: Ultimate establishment of the US as a global superpower Today: -Multicultural society: various ethnic groups and their cultural heritage are accepted in their own right in the American society -Melting pot theory: people from all over the world come to America, bring their cultures to create a new/unique America American Nightmare Critical view on today's American dream -selfish individualism and materialism (causes environmental contamination) -extent of immigration/ deportation of immigrants/ border control signifies separation from their families -punishment, arrest, public shootings/ gun control, slavery -discrimination of minorities -> police brutality against African-Americans -> BLM as a response to the mistreatment -division: growing gap between rich and poor -unemployment rate rises -more poverty increasing crime -no health insurance and social welfare -> a whole nation's dream that only a few people live -> the richest 1% own as much as the other 99% -problems like 9/11, financial crisis in 2008, Vietnam War Corona -confirms that the American Dream is not available anymore, unreachable -fundament for the American Dream- economy -economic disruption and closures, small businesses are financially fragile, unemployment rate rises -adverse effects on education, safety, public health, liberty, insecurity, isolation, no stability Death of a Salesman 1 Willy 2 Biff We meet Willy Loman, a traveling salesman. who has trouble driving. 5 Home 6 Biff and Happy come home to find their mother furious about them leaving their dad. Biff says they're all losers. 3 Willy's son Biff returns home from working as a farmhand in the West. Willy feels Biff could be more successful. AVA 4 Flashbacks Willy's flashbacks make him crazy. He wakes the house and everyone learns of his troubles with his wife and job. Crash Willy realizes his sons love him. He decides to kill himself so Biff can get the insurance money. 7 Affair The next day, nothing. goes right. Willy gets fired and Biff gets denied his loan. Biff and Happy ditch Willy at a restaurant for some girls. Willy daydreams about his affair in Boston. End In the end, Linda is still in denial about her husband's troubles. Biff wants to be a better man and Happy wants to be just like his dad. critiques the American Dream all of the characters pursue a different kind of American dream Ben Loman: -embodies the American Dream -> the ability to start with nothing and somehow make a fortune -signifies that a few people can achieve the "rags to riches" version of the AD -but one must be ruthless or at least a bit wild like Ben in order to achieve it "When I walked into the jungle, I was seventeen. When I walked out I was twenty-one. And, by God, I was rich!" Happy Loman: -is following in Willy's footsteps of self-delusion and pretences -he is content with going from job to job, as long as he has some income and can devote himself into female interests Biff Loman: -is pulled by two different dreams -one is that of his father's world of business, sales and capitalism -the other is the dream of nature, the great outdoors, and working with his hands -in the end of the play he realises that his father has pursued the "wrong" dream -at Willy's funeral he decides that he will not allow the same thing to happen to himself -> turns away from Willy's dream Willy Loman: -is obsessed with the values of the AD especially with wealth and success -> even views his own death as meaningful because the insurance will pay his family his life insurance "After all the high-ways, and the trains, and the appointments, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive." -he is betting on becoming successful by becoming popular and having a charming personality not by working hard or being innovative -however, his dream does not come true; he remains a poor and replaceable substitute for the rest of his life but he does not want to accept it -until the end of his life he is convinced that he is very popular -> in reality only his family visits his funeral -he projects his dreams of the AD on his son Biff and wants him to be the famous businessman that Willy could never be -> Biff does not want to live up to Willy's expectations and this destroys their relationship "He had the wrong dreams. All, all, wrong. (...) He never knew who he was." -in the end Willy is still not able to detach from the AD even if he has clearly failed -he loses his identity due to his obsession -> The American Dream does not suit all people and should not be pursued unconditionally. Sometimes it can make life worse for people than if they ignore it. Even if you believe in the American Dream, you should not overdo it and never lose sight of the human aspect -as happened to Willy in the play. Utopia and Dystopia Hopian literature a fictional text dealing with an ideal (future) society -> imaginary place of ideal perfection Characteristics Peaceful government, law, social conditions, equality, access to education, healthcare, employment, promotion of freedom and independence, happiness, peace, safety, paradise-like, peaceful government -> optimistic about the future society Developments end all wars, conflicts, crisis and terrorism high technological standards around the globe all basic needs will be covered for everyone democratic world order living in harmony with nature Dystopian literature a fictional text dealing with a future society in which human freedom is severely limited often criticises our present day society by exposing trends and tendencies towards totalitarian control result of two world wars Characteristics Use of propaganda to manipulate the citizens of a society Restriction of information, independent thought and freedom Worshipping of a figurehead or concept Omnipresent surveillance and control of citizens Living in a dehumanised state Distrust and banishment of the natural world Uniformity governs all aspects of life, individuality and dissent are disapproved of Society as an illusion of a perfect utopian world Living in a dystopian world conflicts for resources, high crime rates, destroyed cities and infrastructure, diseases, death, everyone only cares for themselves Brave New World short summary: Hatchery Tour During the tour, we learn all about the creepy new world and how people are made. John Bernard meets John on the reservation and discovers he is the son of the director. Date Bernard has a date with Lenina, but really wants to know about true love. 6 Civilization Bernard brings John and Linda back to civilization. The director is ruined by the return of his wife and son. M Reservation Bernard takes Lenina on vacation. The director says that he had visited the reservation long ago. 7 John Hates This Life Lenina wants sex with John, but he wants to stay chaste. Nobody cares about death. He starts a riot. Soma Bernard gets fired and takes soma to deal. Lighthouse John becomes a celebrity for beating himself to feel sorrow, and eventually hangs himself. Dystopian elements -the people do not have any individuality -> everyone is the same -no feelings exist -> everyone enjoys promiscuity and no one has a family because everyone is made inside of tubes -the system has full control over the people -people who question the system are abandoned -> because they endanger the stability -people are kept away from the nature -totalitaristic system, no democracy -absence of art, history, religion and family ties Alopian elements -a world that is technically advanced -society has been perfected and people live happily and peacefully -everyone is always happy (because of the Soma) -no conflicts or wars -no diseases and no aging -everyone accepts the social order -> live in harmony →> Brave New World is an illusion of a perfect society when in reality it is a Distopian novel. The only truly content characters are those who have blinded themselves to the reality of their situation by taking drugs. As soon as the characters stop using drugs, they find their lives depressingly devoid of meaning. Genetic Engineering -process of direct manipulation of genes within an organism by which the sequence of an organism's DNA is altered by technological means Opportunities Challenges -able to develop an extensive understanding of life by examining it, -manipulates the natural product possibly improving it -helps to prevent/cure diseases -children will be smarter, stronger, better looking Cloning Opportunities -could resolve fertility issues -eliminate defective chromosomes -medical advancements (e.g. in organ transplantation) -selective human traits: could lead engineered humans for specific traits Genetically modified food Food derived from genetically modified organisms Opportunities -increase supply of food -> less starvation -positive effect on human health by reducing exposure to insecticides -can be designed to contain a higher level of nutrients depending on area -disease resistant plants require fewer environmental resources (water, fertiliser,...) -increase yields and decrease land use Gene Testing Opportunities -possibility of having a healthier child -chance to prepare oneself to the hardship of having a disabled child Science Artificial Intelligence Opportunities -efficiency and accuracy -eliminate human error -contribution to the workforce (manufacturing,exploration, microsurgery,...) -reducing cost -improving human decision making -less individuality -moral and ethical foundations of our society are affected by the controversial progress in biotechnology ("right to play God?") -embryos are living creatures and using them for research in this way is murder Challenges -interferes with nature and the god-given ecology, against religious ethics -division of people and social unrest (normal/cloned) -> second class citizens -change of how we perceive individuality & contaminate our DNA diversity Challenges -severe threat to the environment, animal and human health (can trigger allergies, immunity against antibiotics, emergence of new diseases) -lower of biodiversity -lengthy and costly process -loss of agriculture jobs Challenges -contraposes healthy and disabled people (a sick child is unworthy of living) -humanity should concentrate on providing improved conditions for disabled people, not eliminating them -risk of false test results. -expensive Challenges -shortage of jobs-> robots replace humans -increasingly dependency of humans on machines -technology powerful enough to permanently exterminate humanity -lack of creativity, empathy, humility City of the future Singapore as an example for a futuristic city because of their sustainable development Housing -sophisticated computer models that help the architecture to improve the environmental quality -land reclamation (creating land from nothing) Transport -Marina Bay -underground infrastructure -zero-carbon house -in the future: structures over roads -urban air mobility (e.g. deliveries) Food -food tailored to the exact calorie and nutrition needs of citizens -> personalised nutritional value food -Sustenir (controlled agriculture farm) -> produce indoors without sunlight and soil -> emphasize certain characteristics to plants -expand agriculture footprint up into the sky Water -extensive network of rivers and canals -catchment system -twice destination plant: produces fresh water from the sea Medical technology -automated needle targeting system Electricity -wireless power transfer -power through air Education -usage of tech tools for a digital mindset (for everyone even old people) -advanced learning concepts Nature -protected parkland -people build connections with green spaces Globalization Definition process in which barriers between nations are removed, accelerated by modern technologies Economy -no trading barriers and free trade promote global economic growth (creates jobs, greater competition between companies, lower prices for consumers) -advances in communication, transportation, trade, infrastructure and quick dissemination of information -international collaboration and competition -companies outsource their production to countries with significantly lower wages -international division of labour -> freed developing countries from extreme poverty World wide market offers access for companies and consumers to various products of different countries World Trade Organisation →> promote rise in international trade and foreign direct investment Fair trade campaigns can help developing countries to get a fair share of the profits created -global problems can be collectively solved (pandemic,...) the European Union -> secure peace -> promote economic growth -> overcame hostility after WW2 the United Nations →> defends human rights and fundamental freedoms -> preserve international peace and security World Health Organisation -> achieve better health for everyone Poor working conditions in developing countries -low safety standards Dolitics -conflicts between countries can be handled diplomatically and Terrorism as a threat to world peace -> cultural differences lead to conflicts with a better understanding of the situation -promotes democratic structures -in developed countries people lost their jobs because of outsourcing Labour mobility -> loss of identity -redundancies in the domestic workforce interested people all over the world -> makes research, protest and activism more effective -reduction of global barriers (global village effect because of travel and the media) -> contributes to tolerance and openness -products have a bad quality (e.g. "Made in China") -limited resources are disappearing because of global consumption, travel and transport -often toxic waste is left to 3rd world countries Rise of 'global players' -> dominating market shares and lowering the chances of survival for small businesses Disparity between wealth and poverty Monetary crisis (2008) -> unemployment rate increased, people needed to leave their countries -> shows that a crisis in one country will also affect all the others through Globalization Culture and Society English as a global language -> native language or lingua franca -> easier international communication -people can move and travel freely -> learning more about other cultures and people -> increase cultural awareness and reduce the causes of conflict -"side effects of increased migration: illegal immigration, people- -exchange between academics, experts, politically smuggling and bad treatment of immigrant minorities Overpopulation Globalisation more seen as a "westernisation" -> Western Culture, propagated by the media, serves as an example for many developing countries -> threatens local languages and cultural and linguistic diversity -> cultural homogeneity Technologies -people can connect through social networking communities (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) -> improvement in communication -distances are shrinking, information is spreading faster than ever before -mass media ties world together -greater variety of products and goods Environment -Paris Agreement →> every nation of the world, take united action, aim to reduce temperature by 2 degrees and to reduce CO2 emissions -increased awareness of environmental problems - social media addiction -> cybercrimes (cyber bullying....) -internet propaganda, fake news, manipulation -dark web -control of world media by only a few corporations -rise of fake news -rise in temperature, global warming -melting of polar ice caps -excessive water/air pollution -desertification -extinction of endangered species -> decreasing of biodiversity -minimised living space The United Kingdom From Empire to Commonwealth -Late 19th to early 20th century: England owns one fifth of the land worldwide -Since 16th century: 1. settlement colonies (Canada, New Zealand, Australia) 2. trading colonies (India) 3. naval bases (Gibraltar (Mediterranean)) -decolonisation movement and two world wars -> decline of the British Empire and the foundation of the Commonwealth of Nations (1918) System of Government -Government of the United Kingdom-Her Majesty's Government -led by the prime minister -> belongs to the supreme decision-making committee: the Cabinet -the monarch is the head of the state -MP's (Members of Parliament) represent an electoral district -> sit in the House of Commons -> is elected every five years, has real power -House of Lords -> only limited power, can only delay a law, not stop it Doyal family -loved by the media -attracts tourists -symbol of Britain -a tradition to keep -they do a lot of charity -> good role model -> people look up to them -close to the people -they create a feeling of being proud to be British Commonwealth -voluntary association of 53 countries of the former British Empire -head: British monarch -United by: language, culture, history, values, democracy, economic development, the rule of law, guarantee of human rights -includes 30% of the world's population -> humanity, equality, destiny -stability and continuity due to the lifelong reign -suitable head of states as they are taught how to rule from a young age -politically neutral UNITED KINGDOM Mutticutturalism -result of colonialism and imperialism -many workers came from Commonwealth countries NORTHERN OF BELANG WALES BRITISH ISLES -very expensive (money+taxes) -outdated institution -> they only represent the white British people but Britain has become a multicultural society -> represents the old and inelegitarian class system -> not representative for the British people anymore -too many scandals -great efforts to integrate people from ethnic minorities -enriches the culture (-> look at Globalisation-Culture and Society for opportunities and challenges of migration) -> Multicultural society based on equality and acceptance -cannot be elected by the people -> no one outside of the family can become a monarch -> contradicts the democratic system -they cannot decide wether they want to be royal -no real power or important function Problems facing migrants in Britain -Integration can be difficult -> discrimination -many of them have low-paid jobs -significant increase in anti-Islam sentiment (because of terrorist-attacks) -not many members of ethnic minorities in politics -loss of identity and the feeling of not knowing where you belong -> they cannot combine their original culture and traditions with the British ones because they are so different from each other Scottish Independence -wanted since late 20th century -2014: referendum -> 55% wanted to stay in the United Kingdom -second referendum of independence has been proposed -English politics are corrupt -> establish a just society -interference from England-> Scotland often does not have a say in decisions -England made big mistakes with handling Covid-19 which also affected Scotland -people are sick of being ruled by someone they did not even vote for -could decriminalise drug use, looser immigration rules, reform the tax system to target high earners and nuclear disarmament -economic advantages if they go back to the EU -> free trade, no borders,... Brexit Britain leaves the EU 23rd June 2016: referendum -> 52% decided to leave →> country is divided deeply responsibility of national governments (health, education,...) -large sum that is paid into the EU-household budget -lack of identification with the EU/national pride because of the British empire -the world is going through vast changes and the last thing needed is division -Scotland does not fulfill the expectations for a member of the EU -bank system is connected to England -Scotland would be military weak -> unable to defend itself against an attack without support from the rest of the UK -autonomy, independency -threat to European trade ties -banks will leave the UK because there are greater advantages of trading within the EU -Own asylum policy, protection from overcharging immigration -more freedom for trade deals with e.g. India & China -exploitation of the British benefits (social security system) -> open borders are a security risk -nearly half of Britain's exports go to the EU -> leaving free trade zone has negative effects -> EU tries to impose regulation in policy areas that should be the imported good being more expensive -around 3 million jobs are linked to the EU -> increasing unemployment -beneficial for countries to work closely in today's globalized world -dominated by big countries at the expense of the smaller members -foreign powers might try to gain political and economic foothold in Scotland in order to weaken the UK