


Abiturvorbereitung Sciene and Technology







Genetic Engineering
Saviour Siblings
children who are artificially conceived to help their sick sibling with the
Genetic Engineering
Saviour Siblings
children who are artificially conceived to help their sick sibling with the
Genetic Engineering
Saviour Siblings
children who are artificially conceived to help their sick sibling with the
Genetic Engineering
Saviour Siblings
children who are artificially conceived to help their sick sibling with the
Genetic Engineering
Saviour Siblings
children who are artificially conceived to help their sick sibling with the

Genetic Engineering Saviour Siblings ● SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ● children who are artificially conceived to help their sick sibling with the genetic material needed pro the sick child can receive the help they need > the child can live a longer/better life through the help of their sibling a perfect match is instantly found Science Genetic Engineering (on humans) direct manipulation of the genes of an organism (using biotechnology) pro helps prevent diseases, hereditary diseases > could even make a disease go instinct is a major progress in science and technology every child born can be born healthy parents can follow their moral obligation to provide their child the best possible life > to ensure their child will be born healthy the human species can become stronger and survive for longer GE (on animals) con sibling can feel used or forced to help their sick sibling sibling is born for the wrong reason", not because their parents wished for a child but to help their sibling sibling acts as spare parts con designer babies could be created > limitation of diversity interferes with nature "super humans" may look down on nonsuper humans > divide in society such societies already exist, where women have to abort their fem. children, creating a surplus of single males rich people would have an advantage over the poor technology can be misused, e.g. to fulfil their wishes (of a perfect child) human gene pool will be damaged GE (of plants) pro con Is the manipulation of the animals rightful? > Animal...

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rights arguments are the same as on humans pro the research done can benefit the environment safe and healthy crops can be developed > less foods will be wasted for being,imperfect' reduced usage of pesticides > less ground-water and animals will be poisoned makes plants resistant against diseases and insects - land can be used more efficiently bacteria within the plants won't be transferred to the consumer by consumption con dangerous method as it hasn't been explored yet no known long-term effects in the food chain > could mutate less plantation will be used, reducing the source of income in third-world countries the antibiotic-resistant crops may make us antibiotic-resistant too, making us vulnerable to certain diseases too expensive for farmers and poor countries may have an impact on the soil and consumers (humans, animals) Modifying Mankind Gene Doping ● non-therapeutic use of genes, genetic elements and/or cells to enhance athletic performance pro side effects and possible health issues can be checked by doctors > athlete's health is protected can control and/or decrease abuse of doping in sports con the use of drugs is not only unhealthy, but can also lead to an addiction side effects could be too dangerous promotion of the usage of drugs (e.g. children are often inspired by athletes) Transhumanism scientific and technological alteration of the human race to go past its current physical and mental limitations pro could grant immortality could lead to health benefits (e.g. problems could be detected earlier) technological devices are already used to support humans > devices for the partially blind to see or for the handicapped or pacemakers unlimited memory could be used to help and support the elderly (to keep them out of care homes) are able to do jobs human are unable to do efficient Cloning con immortality leads to Artificial Intelligence ● refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions pro ● overpopulation/human race won't end an ideology for the rich since the poor cannot afford the technology What remains of our human side? Are we human or technology then or a bit of both? systems could be disrupted or hacked social divide between super-humans and non-super-humans con no feelings, no emotions no social skills lack humanity (may frighten elders) Under what laws and ethics would Al act? > new ethics and law system must be created could be hacked, infiltrated, manipulated easy tasks will be taken over by robots, meaning people will be replaced > people lose their jobs If something were to go wrong, who would be responsible? creation of one or several genetically identical individuals of an individual pro the extinction of species can be prevented > less species will be endangered or go instinct food production can be increased con the process isn't entirely safe or accurate as it isn't fully developed yet it is regarded as unethical > exploitation of life > failed attempts are likely couples who want children but are unable to (infertile, same-sex couple) could get children a sick person could get a clone to grow healthy organs to transplant > resource of organs, blood and bone marrow pro greenhouse effect and gases, pollution can be reduced slows climate change down since resources such as coal are running out, we need to find new sources of energy offers a clean, continual and stable source of energy renewable energy systems have a low cost of operation Sustainability Green and Sustainable Energy energy generated from natural resources such as sunlight, water and wind key to such energy resources is its environmental-friendliness sources of energy such as solar panels are easy to install Biofuels pro they are environmentally friendly cloning could be abused for wrong reasons they can be sourced from a wide range of materials no long transportation distances lack of genetic uniqueness, may mess up the gene pool, loss of diversity it is a relatively safe technology creates more (local) jobs intervention into human evolution identity crisis of the clone con fuels derived immediately from living matter/from biomass because renewable energies are new, it is cost-efficient to explore the chances of it invasion of the habitats of animals to be effective and efficient, it depends on weather conditions such as wind and sunlight to generate energy is hard to make available for the masses (except for solar panels) wind turbines pose as a danger for birds since they can get caught in the sails a lot of land is required to install solar panels, wind turbines, etc. con they produce industrial pollution (e.g. water pollution through the agriculture) they are a high-investment that needs much land conversion to grow can affect food supply and the prices because when the crops such as corn is used for fuel, there will be less to eat soil could be ruined through deprivation of nutrients