


Argumentative Essay







argumentative essay
Useful phrases:
altough, because, but, even if, however, in order to, in spite of,
provided that..., since,
argumentative essay
Useful phrases:
altough, because, but, even if, however, in order to, in spite of,
provided that..., since,

argumentative essay Useful phrases: CONNECTIVES: altough, because, but, even if, however, in order to, in spite of, provided that..., since, so that, unless Thesis sentence: Should people really...? Many people are convinced that... However, others... Nowdays it's often discussed if... It's an interesting/important question/issue whether.. It is really necessary that... ordering: First of all... I would like to begin with... Firstly...,Secondly,Thirdly..., etc. My main argument is... In addition to that... Finally... To sum up.... Adverbs of dagree: absolutely, almost, at least, completely, extremely, hardly, particulary, rarely, really, reather commenting: actually, apparently, fortunately, in fact, in my oppinion, it is true that, of course, perhaps, possibly, probably, unfortuately. comparinG/Contrasting equally, in the same way, Likewise, as well as, on the one hand... on the otherhand, unlike, in contrast to giving examples for example, for instance, by way of illustration giving reasons as a result, consequently, there for conclusion/summary To sump up..... In short,.... Considering all these arguments,... I would conclude that..... I have come to the conclusion that... My suggestion is that... appeal to... is... Having weighed up all the arguments, I would like to.

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