


Argumentative Essay (example)







Should you do an exchange trip in Australia?
Many german students decide to go on an
exchange year after or during school. Often
they go to

Should you do an exchange trip in Australia? Many german students decide to go on an exchange year after or during school. Often they go to countries, where they speak English, like Australia. So now, I'm going to give you some ideas of the advantages and disad- vantages of an exchange year in Australia. I would first like to look at the reasons why people don't want to go to Australia. Some people are insecure about beeing alone in a coun- try, they don't know, because they would become homesick. In addition to that some students are very afraid of poisonous animals which are really numerous in Australia. There is another way of looking at the question. In Australia you would get a nice host family and you would experience new cities and sights, new activities, adventures and an completely different lifestyle, than you had in germany, so you would forget your homesick- ness very fast. Furthermore you would learn so much about the Australien culture and nature. I promise that's really interesting. Of course, one of the most important reasons for exchange students to go there, is that it's the best way to improve your English and that means in turn you can speak almost per- fectly Engush at school or in your future job. Some people think it actually boosts your self confidence enormously, becaus you have managed...

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everything on your own. In my view, the arguments for the exchange year are way more stronger and I think these great experiences are valuable. I understand the fears that are speaking against an exchange trip. but i think it's worth it to overcome them. Finally I would be very happy going on an exchange trip to Australia!