


Englisch Präsentation über „The Outback“







Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General
Australia Text
Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback.
I present you the thems General

THE OUTBACK Australia Text Hello class ... and Mr/Mrs.... Today I present you something abouth the Outback. I present you the thems General Facts, Animals, Plants, The royal flying doctor, School Activities and at last i have my list of references. We start with the general facts. The outback is a very huge are in Australia and covers abouth 70% of it. But outback is just a colloquial term fort he large indecomissioned and mainly dry area in Australiens inland and the remote coasts. Let's go on with the Animals. The animals are in general small, for example the Bilby, they have a size abouth 20 til 50 centimeter. But also big animals like the Kangaroo live there. They get up to 2,8 meters. Cute little Wombats live in the outback to. They have a size abouth 1 meter and a weight abouth 20 til 35 kilogram. (als Funfact kannst du noch einbauen: I have a little fun fact for you tot he Wombat, because the poop in cubes.) The next them i would like to present is plants. Abouth 600 species of plants grow in the Outback. Famous for growing there are the Desert oak tree he rises a size abouth 12 meters. Another tree ist he Mulga tree he is abouth 18 meters. At last we...

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have the Spinfex gras, it's just 30 til 40 centimeters small. Let's move on withe the Royal flying doctor. The royal flying doctor is a doctor who flys in Australia because Normal doctors and Hospitals are not nearby, so it would take a long time to reach them. They are 24 houres opporitional and also reaches remote locations in only a short time. On the picture on my presentation you can see the Flight pathes. Now we come to school. Similar like the doctors, there are also no schools nearby, so there you have the school oft he air. The first school of the air opend in 1951, and its Distance learning. Today there are 16 school of the air in Australia. On the prasentatio you see three different school logos. At last we have the topic Activities. In the outback you can do many extraordonary activities and experiance a lot. Many people say you can't visit the outback without visiting the Uluru. The Uluru is the largest rock in the world. He occopys abouth 3 squarekilometers, is 2 kilometer wide, 863 meters high and is having a girth of 9 kilometers. The next activitie ist o ride the Ghana. The ghana is a luxus train and passangers drive through some of australiens most remote and most breath taking wildness areas in one of the comfortable ways imaginable. The last activitie i would like to present you ist o catch a sunset from the back of a camel. As the name already says you ride on a back of a camel during a sunset. The most time you are on the beach. Here is my list of references. Thanks for your attantion I hope you enjoyed. If you have any Questions you can ask them now. THEMES ▪ General facts ▪ Animals ▪ Plants ▪ The royal flying Doctor ▪ School Activities ▪ List of references http:/ WARNING NO FUEL FOR 500km Tablelands Hwy 228 GENERAL FACTS Huge area 70% of Australia Outback is just a colloquial term ANIMALS ▪ In general small The bilby ■ ■ Kangaroo Wombats PLANTS Desert Oak tree ▪ Mulga tree - Spinfex grass ■ Port Hedland Perth Broome C WA Meekatharra Kalgoorlie O Darwin SA NT Alice Springs Mount Isa Longreach O Port Augusta Adelaide OLD Charleville Broken Hill Cairns VIC Townsville Roma Dubbo Melbourne Launceston Rockhampton Bundaberg Brisbane Sydney THE ROYAL FLYING DOCTOR - No Doctors/Hospitals nearby 24-Hours Remote locations ■ THE /004 5 GRAMMAR AIR LEARN TO LEAD of alice the SCHOOL. Springs AA BROKE PARTED BUT THE AIR HILL SCHOOL Schools are far away ▪ School of the air Since 1951 ▪ Distance learning ▪ Today 16 schools ■ The Leaning Tower of Pisa 57m The Great Pyramid at Giza 139m THE GHAN Y St Peter's Basilica 136m Uluru 348m THE GHAN The Eiffel Tower 324m The Sydney Harbour Bridge 134m GEREEEEE ACTIVITIES ▪ Visit the Uluru ▪ Ride the Ghana ▪ Catch a Sunset from the Back of a Camel LIST OF REFERENCES ■ ■ ■ ■ https://www.tripstodiscover.com/top-things-to-do-in-the-australian-outback/ http://www.australien-info.de/school-of-the-air.html https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/reports/2014/10/the- modern-outback https://www.australianoutbackplants.com/our-plant-list https://www.opalauctions.com/learn/opal-information/list-australian- outback-animals-found-in-the-opal-fields LIST OF REFERENCES https://www.planet- ■ wissen.de/kultur/australien_und_ozeanien/australisches_outback/index.html ▪ https://www.flyingdoctor.org.au https://www.iccs.org.uk/blog/bilby-vs-bunny-are-conservationists-losing-fight- easter https://www.tierwelt-live.de/tiere/rotes-riesenkaenguru_tierportrait ▪ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allocasuarina decaisneana LIST OF REFERENCES ■ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_mulga_tree.jpg https://www.fruugo.de/spinifex-grass-wachst-im-sudlichen-australien-poster- print-von-konrad-wothe-strzelecki-wuste/p-15253962-32981216 https://www.schwarzaufweiss.de/australien/queensland-fernschule.htm https://www.happybackpacker.de/nuetzliches/gunstige-backpacker- mietwagen-in-australien-finden/ ▪ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outback 13.04.2021 LIST OF REFERENCES http://www.daytrippa.com.au/broken-hill/full-guide/business/6312 http://www.assoa.org.au/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7 &products id=29 ▪ https://tags.edu.pk ▪ https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/3136/uluru-central-australia https://theplanetsworld.com/4328-top-9-things-to-do-in-australian- outback https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Australia THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION any questions?