


Sydney Präsentation







Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of
Sydney 1. Overall facts
2. History
3. Population
4. Sights
5. Climate
Table of contents
6. Festivals
9-1-1-1-1 ●
• It's on the east cost of

Sydney 1. Overall facts 2. History 3. Population 4. Sights 5. Climate Table of contents 6. Festivals 9-1-1-1-1 ● • It's on the east cost of Australia Overall Facts It's the capital of New South Wales ● Founded on 01/26/178 People who come from Sydney are called "Sydneysiders" The area is 12.368 km² big • It's the fifth expensive city in the world ● ● • Is the oldest and largest city in Australia A9 Penrith. Blue Mountains National Park Parramatta Bankstown Campbelltown M1 Sydney Area was discovered in the year 1170. The History of Sydney Between 1810 and 1821 Governor Lachlan Macquarie established the bases for the penal colony to become an actual city. Started as a penal colony on the 26/01/1788 with 800 prisoners and about 500 crewmen. Until 1851 during the gold rush it became the industrial and cultural center of Australia. In between 1830 and 1850 more and more immigrants from Ireland and GB came to Sydney. 5000000 3750000 2500000 1250000 0 1950 1960 1970 Population 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2021 Top 1: Sydney Opera House It's a multi-venue preforming arts center in Sydney Located on the bank of the Sydney Harbor It's often regarded as one of the wold's most famous and distinctive buildings ● ● Sights ● • Masterpieces of 20th century architecture ● ▪▪▪▪ Top 2: Sydney Harbour Bridge ● Is an engineering marvel built • Built over 8.5 years from 1923 to 1932 Top 3: Royal Botanic Garden Sydney ● is a common botanical garden located Opened in 1816 Is the oldest scientific institution in Australia One of the most important historical botanical institutions in the world C Top 4: The Rocks ● ● The oldest district of Sydney and thus also from all of Australia. The foundation...

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stone of today's metropolis was laid in this historic area HOTEL Blon 4800 ANTES BARTER HOURT Top 5: Sydney Tower ● • The Tower ist the largest building in Sydney ● It's 309 meters high Other sights: • Bondi beach ● • Queen Victoria Building • Blue Mountains Nationalpark Taronga Zoo 22 POUN 24 18 12 6 0 Jan Feb Mar Climate Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sydney Film Festival The world best, most imaginative new films come to Sydney each year for a week an a half of premieres, talks and parties ● ● Festivals Over 50 countries are typically represented at the festival • It's on 7 - 18 July ● SYDNEY FILM FESTIVAL ARD Other Festivals: ● ● ● ● ● Sydney's Blues and roots Festival Sydney Crystal show Sydney Fringe Festival Sydney Beer week Kidtopia Festival Thank for listening and your attention :)