









Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati
Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in
general, we'll give you informati

INTRODUCTION Welcome to our presentation about Canada. We will tell you interesting facts about Canada in general, we'll give you information about living under extreme weather conditions, storms in Canada, farming oil sands and the Canadian population. In the end we also have a quiz for you. We hope you will like our presentation. Enjoy it! EU General information about Canada Canada is a country in North America. The main languages are English and French. Canada just borders the U.S.A.. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.It's the biggest country after Russia. 38 million people live in Canada. In 1600 AD the European started the colonization of Canada. It's mostly freezing cold there. The longest river is the Mackenzie River. You can pay with Canadian Dollars. CANADA Alert O Ellesmere Island Queen Elizabeth United States of America Whitehorse Great O Fort Nelson olnuvik YUKON NORTHWEST Island Victoria TERRITORY Echo Bay Prince O Rupert COLUMBIA Prince o George BEF Vancouver OVictoria → cephotopix.com Bear Lake TERRITORIES Edmonton ARCTIC OCEAN Banks Island Great Yellowknife Slave Lake ALBERTA O Calgary OHay River OFort Smith O Reginal O SASKATCHEWAN Saskatoon O United States of America Cambridge Bay Islands Churchill Reindeer Lake Kaujuitoq NUNAVUT Kangiqcliniq (Rankin Inlet) MANITOBA Winnipeg Winnipeg Baffin Bay Hudson Bay Baffin Island Iqaluit O Moosonee ONTARIO Ivujivik Greenland Bay Schefferville Goose O Chisasibi QUEBEC Sept-Îles Davis Strait Chibougamau Thunder Bay O Lake Sudbury Ottawa Superior Lake O Huron Toronto Québec Lake Michigan London Buffalo Windsor Hamilton Lake Erie O O Labrador Sea NEWFOUNDLAND Iceland Montreal Island of Newfoundland Gulf of St John's Fawrence PRINCE EDWARD NEW ISLAND Sydney BRUNSWICK Charlottetown 10. Fredericton O Halifax NOVA SCOTIA NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN ephotopix Canadian flag The Canadian flag was first used on the 15th February 1965. Normal maple leaves have 23 prongs, but the Canadian flag has only 11, but the numbers of prongs on the flag have no special meaning, it's just that it looks nicer...

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with fewer prongs. The shape used today has been selected with tests of various design variants in a wind tunnel. Then the shape that looked most aesthetically in strong winds got selected. . In the beginning of the 18th century the maple leaf got a symbol for the Canadian nature. Politicians argued decades to enforce the flag. The flag was designed by George Stanley. 不 业 https://www. youtube.com /watch?v=B QRvPXmVIV S Living under extreme weather condition Canada has one of the coldest winter climates in the world. The coldest temperature ever measured is -40°C. But in summer the highest temperature is +30°C.Sometimes Canadiens dont have a warm Summer because of the extreme cold. Aside from the heavy rain and the cold temperatures in winter, there are hurricanes, blizzards and tornadoes, too, but more in a minute by Alexi. The province of Nova Scotia is mostly affected by the storms as it is located near the Atlantic Ocean. The most blizzards are in east of Canada and the most Tornados are in Ottawa. Blizzards are mostly in Winter. But Tornadoes and Hurricanes are mostly in Summer. Here are some examples for the diseases: -Windburn If your skin is too cold. -Frostible For example youre hand is extreme cold and you hold it under hot water you will get Frostible To reduce youre risk you can just keep warm. Storms in Canada Hurricanes: A Canadian hurricane is a tropical cyclone coming from the Atlantic or Pacific. With the Gulf Stream near Canada, some hurricanes can hit Canada very hard. Most of the registered hurricanes broke out in September. Tornadoes: Around 62 tornadoes are reported every year in Canada. A tornado is a vertical funnel of up to 250 miles per hour. It emerges when the wind direction forms a spiral and the wind speed is high enough. ENHANCED FUJITA SCALE FOR TORNADOES Introduced in 1971 and updated in 2007, the Enhanced Fujita scale (EF scale) rates the strength of tornadoes in the U.S. and Canada based on the damage they cause. Estimated wind speed (km/h) Blizzards: A blizzard is a snowstorm characterized by strong winds of more than 40 km/h which blow for approximately 6 hours, you can see it less than 1 kilometre because it blows and drifts snow. Blizzards can happen anywhere in Canada, except in the southwest. EF-0 When a blizzard happens, then there is no electricity and the highways in Canada are closed. Light damage >137-177 104-137 >177-217 REUTERS, SOURCE: NOAA >217-266 EF-1 EF-2 EF-3 Moderate Considerable Severe damage damage damage >266-322 EF-4 Devastating damage >322 EF-5 Incredible damage Canadian population VICTORIA WHITEHORSE Persons per km² 250 10 to 1 to 0.4 to 1 50 10 Sparsely populated YELLOWKNIFE ONTON 100 km from the southern border REGINA WINNIREG Population density, 2006 by Dissemination Area (DA) IQALUIT QUÉBEC OTTAWA TORONTO FREDERICTON 500 250 CHARLOTTETOWN 0 ST. JOHN'S (19 HALIFAX 500 km 38 million people live in Canada. Most of the landmass is uninhabited. Canadian population Largest cities of Canada: 2. 1. Toronto with 2.93 million people Montreal with 1.705 million people Calgary with 1.237 million people 3. 4. Edmonton with 1.062 million people 5. Ottawa Gatineau with 989 thousand people Most areas in Canada are uninhabited, especially the north part because there are only forests, mountains and rivers. Canada is the second biggest country in the world. CANADIAN FARMING The most well-known product from Canada is the maple syrup The most sold products are 1 grains and oil seeds 34% 2 red meat 24% 3 dairy products 12% 4 horticulture 9% 5 poultry and eggs 8% Oil sand in Canada oil sand = a kind of sand mixture stored at depths of 30 meters one of the biggest oil mines 1.5 million barrels of oil every day USA is the main buyer Mareike Noah, GFZ 2011 Canada: Oil sands in Alberta Consists of: 83% sand 10% bitumen 4% water 3% clay The sand consists of: 92% quartz grains 8% grains of minerals like mica Points scored clay 3,0% water 4,0% bitumen 10,0% Points scored mica 8,0% sand 83,0% quartz grains 92,0% Consequences for the environment and humans desolate lunar landscapes with poison ponds and sulfur mountains Heavy metals stored in ponds and carcinogenic hydrocarbons 130 square kilometers of lakes with poison broth toxic wastewater seep into the groundwater ENOT https://www.planet-wissen.de/technik/energie/erdoel/pwieoe Isandabbauinkanada 100.html https://www.google.com/search?biw=941&bih=966&tbm=isc h&sa=1&ei=kffWXLXNBO-Hk74Pk8m08Ag&q=%C3%B6lsan d+&oq=%C3%B6lsand+&gs Sources https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wirtschaft/oelsand-in-kanada-se gen-oder-fluch/4679592.htm I https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/canada-po pulation/ https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/biggest-cities-in-canada. html https://www.google.de/search?biw=1514&bih=703&tbm=isch &sa=1&ei=rxfXXPCtGMGemwWD1IDAAg&q=canada+uninh abited&oq=canada+uninhabited&gs_l=img.3...16287.22109..2 2353...0.0..0.111.1002.12j1......1....1..gws-wiz-img........Oj0i67135i 391013010i8i30.lojnkxL6Kfg#imgrc=fY0yAbr molu-M: