









proccess of interaction and integration among the people, companies an
dgovernments of different nations
process driven
proccess of interaction and integration among the people, companies an
dgovernments of different nations
process driven
proccess of interaction and integration among the people, companies an
dgovernments of different nations
process driven

● ● ● Globalisation proccess of interaction and integration among the people, companies an dgovernments of different nations process driven by international trade and investment process effects on environment, culture, political systems, economic development, prosperity, human physical well being pro countries help eachother/interact with eachother access to everything, e.g. in supermarkets easy to keep contact with people from all over the world good mobility global market → worldwide market for companies and consumers to access products from different countries →→secures jobs (can lift people out of poverty), stability and safety it has increased cross-cultural understanding and sharing (strengthen ties between nations and dampen xenophobia; socially we have become more open and tolerant towards each other and people who live in the other part of the world) information and technology spread more easily increases economic growth (→ by increasing the international exchange of goods, technological advances, information globalization increases economic development for any country participating in the global economy increase in economic growth means better living standards, higher incomes, more wealth brings opportunities to poorer countries → allows companies to move their production from high-cost locations to lower-cost locations abroad → jobs, informatio technology, and other economic opportunities to countries with fewer resources creation of world power and less and ● ● ● ● . ● contra workers in poor countries are exploited because wages are very low there workers lose their jobs when companies go abroad cheap travel means more damage in the environment international enterprises rule the global market → local/smaller businesses have the chance to join the global market may contribute to cultural homogeneity unequal economic growth (While globalization tends to...

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increase economic growth for many countries, the growth isn't equal-richer countries often benefit more than developing countries) leading to the incursion of communicable diseases (deadly diseases like HIV/AIDS are being spread by travelers) The oppression of weaker and poorer economies by those that are more robust; "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer" multinational corporations often get away with poor, unsafe, unethical, or exploitative working conditions due to variations in laws and regulations from one country to another growing inequalities →widening social gaps environmental degradation national cultures, identities are threatened ate change, global warming Global players: company/institution with world-wide presence in production and/or distribution powerful influence on local economies, international relations, politics critizised because of environmental standards/bad labour ● Gap between the rich and the poor poor towns: bigger classes less guidance counselors ● ● ● ● ● ● . ● less compartmentalized power sectors Learning about and sharing of new and interesting cultures diffusion of new ideas, technologies, services, lifestyles fast fashion . frustrated, poorly-paid teachers; leave school, more substitute teachers students who misbehave are more likely to get suspended/expelled from school bilingual education programs are shut down ● more dilapidated facilities more poorly equipped rich towns: well-equipped students get more support students get more opportunities and tend to be more successfull NGO's profit is more important than human rights → bad business model fashion industry is based on materialism poor people live under miserable, unsustainable, inhuman conditions → overworked and unpaid pressure, exhausted workers child labour enormous environmental problems as a consequence positive fast →→ no circumstances cheap negative No quality low wages for workers miserable conditions not clean/unhygienic make you buy and buy more Non-governmental organization do not belong to a government or a for-profit corporation focus on human rights, ecology and health English as a lingua franca lingua franca: language that facilitates communication or trade between who speak different languages ● historical factors British Colonialism and Imperialism Britain had many colonies in every continent 1922: almost a quarter of the world was part of British empire → lot of former colonies still use English as their official language Role of US military → has hundreds of military bases located in other countries → local communities communicate with troops in English Globalization music, radio, tv → English being taught as a second language is part of the curriculum in many countries → tourism →→ English is the leading language in tourism → the internet first started an English plattform → language of science majority of scientific work is published in English