


Notes on Short Stories (The Escape, Loose Change, She shall not be moved, the third and final continent)







-generations that have been born in the country their parents/grandparents moved to have better chances and feel

NOTES ON ALL SHORT STORIES -generations that have been born in the country their parents/grandparents moved to have better chances and feel much more at home because they don't really know how different their parents/grandparents origin is in every aspect -the further the generations have integrated into country, the less they are aware of traditional norms -foreigners who have lived in the country for a long time and established their life are less likely to help out and stand up for other refugees -different age groups suffer from different things (loneliness, racism, poverty) -> also depending on when you moved to country of choice -two types of refugees: powerful and fierce vs. Inferior and shy -traditional norms from origin are hardly being adapted into new life -> may even seem weird -money and success is not everything one should strive for because in the end money wont buy you happiness when you're lonely -> different ages, different things you aspire to have

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