


Participle Clauses instead of Relative Clauses







Relative provide additional information about a person or a thing. To make our sentences/text shorter or sound more
sophisticated, we can su

Relative provide additional information about a person or a thing. To make our sentences/text shorter or sound more sophisticated, we can substitute then with Participle Clauses. However, this only works if the verb is in the (present) progressive form. "Anyone, who is planning on going to University, Should choose the Uni he or she likes best." => "Anyone planning on going to... a.) Relativpronomen + verb im Aktiv - present participle (s.o) b.) Relativpronomen + verb im Passiv → past participle The Olympic games, which are watched -> The Olympic games watched by. Participle clauses after verbs of perception Auf Verben der Wahrnehmung, z.B smell, feel, see, taste, hear, etc.... kann ein Objekt + participle 2 folgen "I hear a baby crying" man nimmt das wahr, was gerade im Gange ist. PC giving additional information " often PC are used to give additional information, usually when two actions/processes happen (almost) simultanesly e.g. using a key, they managed to open the doch" PC instead of adverbial clause of time PCs with "when" and "while" can be used instead of adverbial clauses of time.. present participle active meaning past participle passive meaning eg: While walking down the street, I saw a dog " usually the main clause follows foe foe met an old friend looking for a job met an old friend while looking for a...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

job => Do not use because' in combination with a participle clause! e.g: "Feeling really tired decided to go to bed early. "