


Shakespeare- Sonnet 73







Sonnet 73
Queroin 2.
After the sunset fades away in the west
Which is okp by step token away from the black night.
The deths

O Sonnet 73 Queroin 2. me In you After the sunset fades away in the west the Which is okp by step token away from the black night. The deths second's face. Content: Old - modern English Images!: to The night replaces the day like the death replaces the life. 322 2 the twilight of the day. talles to диу his fading life time (cruelty of time) leaves change colour fell off Lotree younger one about stylistic devices: →cycle (of life) • sunset: change between day and night • cycle/cythim •fice: life is burning down. symbol Per the end /death d 9 ·birds as happier times personification of the night it takes away the day. 10 a cruel thief of life contrast summer to sweet, winter-o cold / ove L symbol of joy & : form & fundion: reach quatroin explores one image. regular sonnet form : cross-chyming quatroins, 1 chyming complet

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