


Social Media







Comment on Social Media
Nowadays social media is used by people all over the world. It has its advantages and
disadvantages and influences m
Comment on Social Media
Nowadays social media is used by people all over the world. It has its advantages and
disadvantages and influences m

Comment on Social Media Nowadays social media is used by people all over the world. It has its advantages and disadvantages and influences millions of lives. In the following I will elaborate more specifically whether I see it as a more positive or negative influence. At first social media may seem like a great opportunity. One can communicate with others and therefore make friends or stay in touch easily. Generally one is always up to date on friends and family's lives, news and education. Everyone can share their knowledge and opinions about a variety of topics, gather others experiences and find new ideas to integrate in one's life. It's a bright place for self expression and positivity and spreads awareness about important topics such as racism, feminism, environmental improvement or just generally: injustice and inequality. It is also a great tool for education because students can educate themselves on various topics and all it requires is a click. It helps them to carry out research and increases creativity and helps them in difficult aspects like politics. The economy has also reached the world of social media. People can buy, sell and advertise their products as well as shine light on smaller businesses. One can access new job opportunities as many organizations recruit their employees through...

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Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.

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social media or advertise their business there. So social media seems like a great thing and one can be blinded by all the different advantages that one forgets the disadvantages, danger and bad influence. I mentioned that one can make friends easily which is true, but there is also the chance of getting catfished and getting into danger because of personality-stealing or lying people. Therefore there is a lot of identity theft on social media. Another aspect I mentioned was staying up to date. This can lead to overuse and addiction and the always posting what one is doing can lead to stalkers. The overuse then often leads to neglect of real life friends and family or even school and work. The next aspect I raised was the self expression and positivity. But there is even more negativity and hate on the internet. Millions of people get cyber bullied, there are so called shit storms and a lot of hate speeches. And that is a thing that no one can escape because its everywhere on social media. Furthermore I mentioned the spreading awareness of important topics. This is of course a great thing but yet again there are millions of people who have a different opinion and comment racist, homophobic, misogynistic etc. things, that can be severely upsetting and disturbing. The aspect of education can be bad because there are a lot of fake news and non-accurate sources that can lead to false impressions, more hate and a threat to democracy. Moreover social media can often lead to a distorted reality and body images. Teenagers often choose unrealistic body images and constantly compare themselves to models or edited pictures which then lead to a low self confidence, self hate and sometimes even depression or suicide. I also specified the awareness of inequality. But the usage of social media itself can increase inequality. Poor people can be left behind or rather feel excluded from society if they don't have the chance of social media usage. In addition I considered the positive economy aspect and job opportunities. But yet again social media also increases job loss and replacing of many jobs that the artificial intelligence takes over. So in conclusion I think social media definitely has its advantages but the negative influence on society and the dangers of it are beating the good aspects and I think everyone should be careful and not too naive when surfing on social media. Comment on Social Media Nowadays social media is used by people all over the world. It has its advantages and disadvantages and influences millions of lives. In the following I will elaborate more specifically whether I see it as a more positive or negative influence. At first social media may seem like a great opportunity. One can communicate with others and therefore make friends or stay in touch easily. Generally one is always up to date on friends and family's lives, news and education. Everyone can share their knowledge and opinions about a variety of topics, gather others experiences and find new ideas to integrate in one's life. It's a bright place for self expression and positivity and spreads awareness about important topics such as racism, feminism, environmental improvement or just generally: injustice and inequality. It is also a great tool for education because students can educate themselves on various topics and all it requires is a click. It helps them to carry out research and increases creativity and helps them in difficult aspects like politics. The economy has also reached the world of social media. People can buy, sell and advertise their products as well as shine light on smaller businesses. One can access new job opportunities as many organizations recruit their employees through social media or advertise their business there. So social media seems like a great thing and one can be blinded by all the different advantages that one forgets the disadvantages, danger and bad influence. I mentioned that one can make friends easily which is true, but there is also the chance of getting catfished and getting into danger because of personality-stealing or lying people. Therefore there is a lot of identity theft on social media. Another aspect I mentioned was staying up to date. This can lead to overuse and addiction and the always posting what one is doing can lead to stalkers. The overuse then often leads to neglect of real life friends and family or even school and work. The next aspect I raised was the self expression and positivity. But there is even more negativity and hate on the internet. Millions of people get cyber bullied, there are so called shit storms and a lot of hate speeches. And that is a thing that no one can escape because its everywhere on social media. Furthermore I mentioned the spreading awareness of important topics. This is of course a great thing but yet again there are millions of people who have a different opinion and comment racist, homophobic, misogynistic etc. things, that can be severely upsetting and disturbing. The aspect of education can be bad because there are a lot of fake news and non-accurate sources that can lead to false impressions, more hate and a threat to democracy. Moreover social media can often lead to a distorted reality and body images. Teenagers often choose unrealistic body images and constantly compare themselves to models or edited pictures which then lead to a low self confidence, self hate and sometimes even depression or suicide. I also specified the awareness of inequality. But the usage of social media itself can increase inequality. Poor people can be left behind or rather feel excluded from society if they don't have the chance of social media usage. In addition I considered the positive economy aspect and job opportunities. But yet again social media also increases job loss and replacing of many jobs that the artificial intelligence takes over. So in conclusion I think social media definitely has its advantages but the negative influence on society and the dangers of it are beating the good aspects and I think everyone should be careful and not too naive when surfing on social media.