


The effects of consumerism







English 12
The effects of consumerism
Richard Docwra
Exposure to one advertisement can be powerful enough to influence someone.
[...] But
English 12
The effects of consumerism
Richard Docwra
Exposure to one advertisement can be powerful enough to influence someone.
[...] But

English 12 10 The effects of consumerism Richard Docwra Exposure to one advertisement can be powerful enough to influence someone. [...] But when we are exposed to thousands of advertisements a day, and consumerism is promoted in most of the mental inputs we receive, this can trap us within a consumerist bubble and can mould our entire worldviews out aspirations, views, lifestyles and many other things. [...] Some of the effects of consumerism on us are what one might expect from a culture that promotes consumption. We slip into a cycle of wanting more things - whether it is the new iPod, another holiday abroad or simply a particular type of food and the pursuit of these things takes up our time, energy, stress and money. [...] We also constantly compare ourselves with other people (both real and fictitious), wanting to be like them or in their position. This leads us into a 17 diasetisfaction unhappiness an edge nervous dominate sth et domineret 13 potentially possibly 22product placement Produktplatzierung Imposition Zumutung 27 manipulate sb/sth control sh sth in a negative way s broades your horizons experience more of the world prompt sb force sb import-reliant dependent on Importing Sfinite Smited 50 state of constant dissatisfaction - we are never happy with what we have and are always on edge So, consumerism not only affects our behaviour (we spend more time on consumerist activities)...

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but also our thinking (our aspirations, attitudes and worldviews). [...] What is wrong with consumerism? There is not necessarily anything morally wrong in buying and selling things, nor even in promoting them. But the extreme form of consumerism that now dominates the Western world has a number of unpleasant and even potentially dangerous characteristics. 1 -?- It's Intrusive (aufdringlich) Advertising, selling and product placement is simply an annoying imposition on one's peace and personal space Advertising is everywhere, and spoils many experiences and pleasant views. It is like having a stranger following you and shouting at you for several hours a day. 2 -?- it is manipulative Both advertising and consumerism itself try to manipulate us into adopting a particular view of how we should live rather than letting us decide for ourselves. [...] Modern advertising is not just about telling people about a product. It is now about creating wants and needs that we might not have had before seeing the advertisement. In other words, it creates false desires and needs in us by manipulating us. [...] 3 -?- It does not meet our needs Some people may believe that consumerism meets all their desires in life. But for an increasing number of people it does not. It creates impossible aspirations - quite simply, the principles it is based on make it a logical impossibility that it will make us happy. If the idea of consumerism is to continually create new needs in people and make them consume more, this will result in us constantly chasing after a carrot on a stick. [...] 5-? It affects our world views and characters Consumerism does not just restrict our choices. It is also a significant influence on our perspectives on the world. For example, if we are spending much of our time and energy seeking the next product or activity to consume, then we have less time and enthusiasm to learn about the world or broaden our horizons. Also, consumerism is unlikely to prompt us to question important things such as the availability of the resources that maintain our lifestyles, the capacity of the planet to hold the waste we generate or the vulnerability of the centralized, import- reliant food supply systems we currently use. [...] 6 -?- It is unsustainable We live on a planet with a rapidly growing population (6.7 billion people and counting) and a finite set of natural resources for this population to consume. [...] We are already living way beyond the planet's limits. 4 -?- It restricts our choices and lives In its broadest sense, consumerism can be seen as a particular view of the "good life' - a view that says life is better when you have more 'market goods' (products, services and activities). [...] There are, however, many other ways we could live (e.g. simple living or a focus on time and people rather than possessions), some of which people may feel are more appropriate for them. [...] Given this worrying situation, it seems obvious that we can't continue with the ever-increasing levels of consumption demanded by consumerism without major consequences. In fact, what we urgently need is precisely the opposite of consumerism - namely, a philosophy that urges us to reduce our levels of consumption. (706 words) From: The website of lifesquared, 2009 'exposure Ausgesetmein Kontakt mental input things in the outside world that make us think trap abjdn fongen Source: Crossover 2. Fifth edition. Cornlesen Berlin 2016 mould ab/sth form, influence st/ worldview the way we think of the world aspiration hope and ambition "all into sth easily fall into th pursuit [po's just] Streben Bictitious not real 35 50 55 s given because of this situation Exercise The Effects of consumerism Advertising can affect the way we see the world./true: Consumerism makes us try to model ourselves on other people /true: The goal of consumption is to promote happiness/ false: LJ But when we are exposed to thousands of consumerism is promoted in most of the mental inputs we receive, this can trap us within a consumerist bubble and can mould our entire worldviews out aspirations, views, lifestyles and many other things. [... (V. 2-4) money. [...] We also constantly compare ourselves with other people (both real and fictitious), wanting to be like them or in their position. (1.10-1) (1.12) state of constant dissensfaction- are never happy with what we have and are always on eden So, consumerism not only affects our behaviour (we spend more Consumerism can Change how we behave, but not how we think /false: - There are alternatives to the Consumerist lifestyle|true:-) We are almost using up the world's Resources false)" "ting to be like them or in their position. This leads us into a 1 state of constant disisfaction-we are never happy with what we have and are always on edge So, consumerism not only affects our behaviour (we spend more time on consumertat activities) but also our thinking (our aspirations, al and worldviews). [ services and activities). [...] There are, however, many other ways we could live (e.g. simple living or a focus on time and people rather than possessions), some of which people may feel are more appropriate for them. (...) (11.43011 We are already living way beyond the planet's limits. (58)