


USA History







US history at a glace
Here are some facts about US history you should learn by heart for your final exams:
The Pilgrims come to America on a

US history at a glace Here are some facts about US history you should learn by heart for your final exams: The Pilgrims come to America on a ship called Mayflower. The Boston Tea Party: Rebels disguised as Indians throw tea into Boston Harbor. 1620 1773 1775-1783 1776 1789 1840 1890 Manifest Destiny: The USA expands to the West. The transcontinental railroad is built. 1861 1865 Northern and Southern states fight each other in the Civil War. 1865 16th President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated. 1876 1917 From 1920 1929 1940 1865-1920 Industrialisation: The Ford Motor Company in Michigan is the first to use assembly lines in car production. The USA enters World War I. The Hollywood movie industry begins to grow. The Great Depression: Economic crises after the stock markets crash. In 1933 President Roosevelt announces the New Deal. 1941 1945 The Revolutionary War: Americans fight for independence from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence: The United States of America is born. George Washington becomes the first President of the USA. 1963 2001 Battle at the Little Bighorn (and others): Native Americans fight against White settlement on their land. 2008 1955-1968 The Civil Rights Movement: Martin Luther speaks for African-American rights at the March on Washington, D.C. in 1963 - he is spot five years later. President John F. Kennedy is shot in Dallas, Texas. 1959-1975 The Vietnam War: US soldiers fight the communist Vietcong. 1945 1991 The Cold War:...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

The USA and the Soviet Union as two opposing Superpowers. 1948/49: Berlin blockade 1950 1953 Korean War 1961: Berlin wall crisis and 1962: Cuban missile crisis December 7th: Japan attacks the US naval base at Pearl Habor, Hawaii. The USA enters World War II. August 6th and 9th: The USA drops atomic bombs on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 9/11: Terrorists hijack planes and fly them into the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Barack Obama becomes the first African-American President.