


Useful Phrases Englisch







Englisch: useful phrases
Nr.1: Summary/Comprehension
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The text/excerpt/novel/short story "
Englisch: useful phrases
Nr.1: Summary/Comprehension
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The text/excerpt/novel/short story "
Englisch: useful phrases
Nr.1: Summary/Comprehension
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The text/excerpt/novel/short story "
Englisch: useful phrases
Nr.1: Summary/Comprehension
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The text/excerpt/novel/short story "
Englisch: useful phrases
Nr.1: Summary/Comprehension
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The text/excerpt/novel/short story "
Englisch: useful phrases
Nr.1: Summary/Comprehension
O W-Fragen
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The text/excerpt/novel/short story "

Englisch: useful phrases Nr.1: Summary/Comprehension ● ● Einleitung: O W-Fragen O O O O Thema einleiten The text/excerpt/novel/short story "..." written by ... and published on ... in ... - deals with - is about - discusses the question if ... - presents the problem of ... The speech "..." delivered by ... on ... in ... - addresses ... - explores the question whether ... - deals with ... The cartoon "..." created by ... and published on ... in ... - is about ... - deals with the problem of ... - depicts an attitude towards - presents a possible view on ... Hauptteil: O Eigene Formulierungen O Keine Zitate O O Keine Wertungen (→sachlich) The author ... /the reporter / the journalist - observes that ... - adds that ... - claims ... - insists ... - affirms ... - declares ... - remarks ... - announces ... - mentiones ... - states ... - refers to ... - examines ... - leaves unanswered if ... - does not consider ... Nr. 2: Analysis Einleitung ● ● Bezug zur Aufgabenstellung O In the following, I will analyse ... These Hauptteil ● O O O Analyse O The language employed stresses the view that ... The author's intention in writing this article is to convince the readers about ... He tries to He stresses view that ... Belege Zitate O O Indirect: - the author... (cf. II. 1-5) Direct: - he says that "..." (II. 1-5) Wirkung ● ● ● O O O ● O O Schluss ● O . Fictional Intention O O O O O O O This particular choice of words underlines his view on ... This metaphor employed highlights the difference between ... This... attracts the readers attention This... invites...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

the readers to sympathise/identify with ... The point of view adopted - creates - evokes - establishes A feeling of/ an ... atmosphere The author... - intends to Zusammenfassung Bezug zur These - means to - aims to - aspires to Non-Fictional Convinces/persuades/encourages/appeals to the audience Of his view that ... Of his believe that ... To feel responsible for ... To stand up against / for ... To take action against / for... Atmosphere Setting (place, time) Characters / constellations / interactions (Stage directions → Drama) monologue / dialogue who talks more? (lyric speaker) narrative techniques: - point of view - perspective - scenic / panoramic structure / plot tone - authors attitude towards the topic rhetorical/stylistic devices choice of words / word fields O O O O Communicative strategies Message / intention Rhetorical / stylistic devices Techniques of argumentation / line of argument Style, register, tone Hauptteil Nr. 3: Comment (eigene Meinung) / ZeitungsKOMMENTAR Einleitung ● Interesse wecken / Relevanz hervorheben When discussing ..., We need to In order to achieve that goal, we need to ... Therefore, the question arises whether ... Eigene Meinung/These + Argumente 1 Absatz pro Argument Formal letter ● ● ● ➤ Schluss O there are good reasons to support the view that ... Firstly... Secondly... Finally ... Additionally / Furthermore / In addition ... Both ... and ... ● O O O O O O ● 0 0 0 0 0 0 Personal letter 000 ● O O Discussion (pro/contra + eigene Meinung) O O O O O O Zusammenfassen All in all ... In conclusion ... Compared to ... On the one hand ... On the other hand ... Whereas ... therefore ... As a consequence .../as a result ... / However.../Still, one must not forget that ... Even though ..., it is important to mention that ... This view is not convincing because ... As a matter of fact, ... Undoubtedly Evidently... Genau wie comment nur Pro-/Kontraargumente abwägen ● Anrede: To sum up, ... Taking everything into account ... After having balanced the pro and cons, I come to the conclusion that ... Eigene Adresse rechts oben Adresse des Empfängers links unten drunter Anrede: - Dear Mr../Mrs.. (Name bekannt) - Dear Sir/Madam (Name unbekannt) Schlussformel - yours sincerely (Name bekannt) - yours faithfully (Name unbekant) Voller Name Long forms (I am statt I'm) Formal, polite, complex Letter to the editor - Hi/Dear ... Schlussformel - best wishes - all the best, - see you soon Vorname reicht Short forms (I'm) Colloquial English (everyday English) Datum rechts oben Anrede: - Sir/Madam (→ ohne "dear" !) ● Speech/talk/debate statement ● ● ● ● - with reference to your article "..." published on ..., I want to ... - I am writing you with reference to your article "...", published on ... ● Meinung wiedergeben + Bezug zum Artikel - After stuying the article carefully, I am sorry to say that I do not agree with the author's view that ... - I read the article with deep interest and therefor would like to take the chance to express my support for the author's view that ... Schlussformel einfach nur Name, Wohnort ● Ähnlich wie Comment: eigene Meinung Sprache abhängig von Publikum Direkte Ansprache des Publikums Rhetorische Mittel/kommunikative Skills einbauen Anrede - Good evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen - dear fellow speakers ... - I am deeply honoured to have the opportunity to speak to you - it is a regard pleasure for me to be here and to talk about such an important issue - as ... said, you don't ask what.... Ask instead what... Hauptteil → comment Schluss O Appell, Aufruf, Frage - All my evidence points into one direction: Interview - Looking at all the facts, I have to draw the conclusion that ... - Let me conclude with ... - If we don't act now, we'll ... - I put my trust in you that ... Gesprochene Sprache nacheifern → question tags, Füllwöter (ehm, well...) Einleitung - Hello, .... Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming. - nice to meet you too. - good evening. Tonight, we have... on our show. Hello ...! - Thank you for inviting me tonight. - our topic tonight is ... Hauptteil Fragen! → Details erfragen, nachhaken, Begründungen einfodern - To start off, would you like to say something about ... - could you tell your listeners something about ... - I'm not sure if I understood that correctly - could you rephrase that? - you just said .... How does that fit into your previous statement about ... -What do you mean by ... -I'm glad I brought that up, because ... -Let me explain that in some more detail -That's a good question, let me try to explain why ... -Lets get back to my original question ... Schluss Bewertung, Kommentar, Danken -I'm sorry to say that our time is up -Thank you..., it was a pleasure to talk to you -the pleasure was all mine, I'm glad I had the chance to present my views -You've given us some great insight into ... Article / report ● ● ● Opening statement ● Auch so wie comment/discussion ● ● Objektiv !! Einleitung: - Knappe Überschrift Hauptteil: - W-Fragen - Informationen - Zitate / Beispiele / Fakten - it is believed that ... - the police confirmed that ... - eye-witnesses report that ... - people are concerned / worried about ... Nr. 4: Mediation ● ● ● Einleitung: Thema interessant einführen → Interesse wecken → Fragestellung / Problem darlegen → Zuhörer ansprechen Hauptteil: eigene Meinung Schluss: Zusammenfassen → möglicherw. eine Lösung vorschlagen Rherotical / stylistic devices & communicative strategies Sinn übertragen (nicht Wort für Wort) → nur das Wichtigste Aufgabenstellung: Rhetorical/stylistic devices ● Anaphora - Adressat - Welche Informationen genau - entweder: letter, email, speech, article ● Alliteration →gleiches Anfangswort (Nobody.... Nobody.... And nobody ...) → gleicher Anfangsbuchstabe ("red rose" / "bigger box") Contrast/antithesis → Gegenteil ("hot" - ,,cold") Enumeration Aufzählung ("a banana, an apple, a plum and a strawberry") Exaggeration / hyperbole → Übertreibung ("We've heard this a thousand times") Metaphor → Verbildlichung ● Personification ● ● ● ● → Personifizikation ("the sun is laughing") ● Parallelism → Parallelisierung ("look at you. Look at us.") Comparision → Vergleich ("red like blood", "dark like the night") Communicative strategies Inclusive language Rhetorical question → rhetorische Frage → Publikum miteinbeziehen ("we", "our", "all of us") Direct address → "you", "my friends" Emotional language → referring to emotional connoted words ("love", "family", "friends")