


writing a comment







englisch klausur
writing a comment
general statement about your opinion
as an introduction to the topic
- clear position

englisch klausur writing a comment introductionn -task general statement about your opinion as an introduction to the topic - clear positioning - maimpart position - 2-3 arguments - reasons -examples conclusion - short summary of the most important arguments for your own opinion - solutions / consequences / implication assistance -Recently there was a discussion about.... -Nowadays o there are .... o people.. -The discussion about .... -Many people think.... - In the following I'd like to discuss introduction My personal view is that ...., because.... - In my opinion .... - From my point of view.... Moreover I think It may be argued that .... - Another argument for/against is. - Another point for / against is ... - An example for this argument is... o the pro and cons of... o the various arguments supporting/ -... is a good example for that denying/about/... (argument) - The pro/ contra argument is .... - On the one hand .... - The central / main argument - Furthermore .... - Additionally one can say - Also it should be considered, that .... positioning simple present - Another important argument is that ... - It should be mentioned that ..... - To the contrary .... - On the one hand there are - Nevertheless it should be thought about .... argument counter- justification initiate - In conclusion you can say that. - Looking at both sides I would say - Considering these facts.... I think..... - In summary, one can say. - With respect to the arguments above, I am the opinion that - To sum it...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

up - In a nutshell, - As a result / consequence... - In summary .... conclusion