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Amazon rainforest dieback One of the nine tipping points that could be triggered by climate change Table of contents ● Facts about the tipping point Why the tipping point is of importance in the context of global climate ? The consequences of the tipping point Ideas to prevent the tipping point from tipping Karibisches Meer Kolumbien Ecuador Peru Venezuela Pazifischer Ozean Guyana Bolivien AMAZONIEN Atlantischer Ozean Suriname Franz.- Guayan Brasilien Amazonase PORTAL Facts about the tipping point ● ● largest rainforest in the world • twice the sice of india ● ● • located in 9 different countries in South America ; • 60% Brasilia • 13 % Peru • 10% Columbia • small areas in Venezuela, Equador, Bolivia, Guyana and French-Guyana ● - produces 20 % of the Co2 in the world Why the tipping point is of importance in the context of global climate? ● ● ● Stores carbon that is released into the air as a greenhouse gas through fire or decomposition The trees store moisture and release it again through the rain, which is necessary for neighboring regions The rainforest produces 20 percent of the oxygen The consequences of the tipping point • Through agriculture, animal husbandry and co. less Co2 is produced and more carbon is released into the air. That leads to ; ● Increase in sea level • Flood • Extreme weather • More diseases 60 DIE KETTENREAKTION AM AMAZONAS CO₂ AIR AIRL Menschen und Tiere verlieren ihren einzigartigen Lebensraum am Amazonas. Der TIPPING POINT ist erreicht: die Folgen der Zerstörung kippen zu uns. EINE KETTENREAKTION TRITT IN KRAFT: Entwaldung. ...führt zu Austrocknung ...führt zu Waldbränden führt zu einem Ausstoß gigantischer Mengen CO₂ ... führt zu einer katastrophalen Beschleunigung des Klimawandels rund...
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um den Globus. Naturkatastrophen bedrohen auch uns in Deutschland. C MEE steig Schl EXT droh und! GES Herz Aten nehn HOC www.w hinte und a Ideas to prevent the tipping point from tipping ● ● ● ● ● Develop sustainable agroforestry Try to limit deforestation Some things each of us can do to help; no food from factory farming buy organic food avoid palm oil drink water from the tap buy as few finished products as possible