


1984 - utopia and dytopia







-member of the Inner Party
-gaine Winston's truet
-Winston's torturer
- from friend to traitor
-mysterious, powerfu
-member of the Inner Party
-gaine Winston's truet
-Winston's torturer
- from friend to traitor
-mysterious, powerfu
-member of the Inner Party
-gaine Winston's truet
-Winston's torturer
- from friend to traitor
-mysterious, powerfu
-member of the Inner Party
-gaine Winston's truet
-Winston's torturer
- from friend to traitor
-mysterious, powerfu
-member of the Inner Party
-gaine Winston's truet
-Winston's torturer
- from friend to traitor
-mysterious, powerfu
-member of the Inner Party
-gaine Winston's truet
-Winston's torturer
- from friend to traitor
-mysterious, powerfu
-member of the Inner Party
-gaine Winston's truet
-Winston's torturer
- from friend to traitor
-mysterious, powerfu
-member of the Inner Party
-gaine Winston's truet
-Winston's torturer
- from friend to traitor
-mysterious, powerfu

19.84 characters O'Brien -member of the Inner Party -gaine Winston's truet -Winston's torturer - from friend to traitor -mysterious, powerful and sophisticated - watched Winston for 7 years -Been Winston perfect to save him a father figure and friend to wineton he is trying, through -Winston thinks that he I can trust O'Brien at first him about his rebellion plane -opene Up -gets Emmanuel betrayed plot and Goldetein tortured O'Brien (the personification of the party) vaporized by Big Brother (leader of the party) 18 an agent of arrested to ma arrested O'Brien Syme (Newspeak expert) Parsons (Winston's neighbor) - -enemy of the people / government / Big Brother -renegade / backslider → had been one of the leading figures of the party -almoet on eye level with Big Brother Ampleforth (a poet of sorts who works with Winston) englisch Winston -39 year old -protagonist, member of the outer Party -health issues (cough, ulcer) - Still has some beginning) - partly a rebel -hates Big Brother and the -development from rebel-tortured to finally I love BB -works at Ministry of Truth -thin, frail, contemplative, intellectual - embodies the values of a civilized society democracy, peace, freedom, love and decency pretends to memories (uncontrollable at the be a follower of betraye betrays party -primal tralter & Julia -beautiful, dark-haired girl - Winston's lover - works in the Fiction Department in the Ministry of Truth -enjoys sex, optimistic, pragmatic, intuitive, real- setting - 1984, April in Oceania (one of three totalitarian states: Oceania, Eurasia, Estacia), London, Airstrip one istic - her rebellion, small, personal, for own enjoyment - nates Julia at first - after he gets her note they start a love affair - after...

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the torture in the Ministry of Love they feel nothing for each other anymore - had been engaged In counter-revolutionary activities condemned to death → dis- appeared (now commander /role-model of The Brotherhood") earliest defiler of Party's purity Emmanuel Goldstein (leader of the brotherhood, an anti-Party organization) Julia (Winston's ally who is against the Party's doctrines) Winston Smith (protagonist who is staunchly against the Party) |--.-. rents a room to loves and ultimately betrays Mr. Charrington (a member of the Thought Police) Big Brother leader /dictator Inot necessary an existing person) - his eyes follow you around le.g. on Pooters) -never appears physically, still omnipresent -worshipped - antagonist lenemy, Goldelein political system -four ministries ministry of love: law, order, torture Lo ministry of peace: military, wan ministry of plenty: economy Loministry of - opposites, paradoxons. truth: journalism, news, changing of poet events so that they align with - everyone, except proles, is party member - 9 year plan: goals for future, which are always overachieved (regarding propaganda) -no „lowe", nevertheless rules (diary entry /freedom of speach - vaporization) monitory /eurveillance -telescreene receive & transmit everything -thought Police & spies -microphones englisch psychological manipulation -thought Police monitor citizens all the time - thought & face crime to thought crime. thought Police finds out that your believes and values don't Lo face crime: mimic and behaviour that is not aloud to show -telescreens Non-Stop (only able to dim), propaganda everywhere leg. Victory Products) Lotwo minutes of nate (daily) / nate week (citizens meet to hate on current enemies → scream at telescreens) - vaporization of people constant fear of misbehaving - children SPY on their parents (more loyality to Big Brother than to family) -alteration of hielory relationships -sex is only for procreation for the party (duty of citizere) -no friends, only comrades leveryone could be a spy) Lloyality only to party & Big Brother -prostitution not allowed, but accepted articles, speaches, photos and videos are being attered, so that paet events & statements fit to present - deliberate use of fear (open nangings) - destruction of intimacy -party surpresses sex /impuses on purpose Lo hate, junior anti-sex league -enjoyment of sex rebellion -no marriages because slogane -war is peace -.freedom is slavery --ignorance is strength - meaning party does the right things & following it, is safe of love present knowledge overlap with Big Brother anti-sex league Junior -youth organisation Hierarchy 1. Big Brother Inner against sexual Intercourse to produce descendants -advocate .artsem" (Newspeak for artificial fetalieation) -Party tries to kill/detort and sexual instinct 3. Outer Party 4. Proles History/Past - constantly rewritten/ attered no real post (citizens can't remember it because it always changes) manipulation of past = manipulation of people is always right Big Brother to Oceania always improves (no negative news) Youth league & spies -youth league encourages children to spy on & report elders (first spy, then graduate into youth league) Newspeak - simple, new language supposed to supersede oldspeak by 2050 - to eliminate thought crime & limit free thoughts (fewest worde possible) -containe doublethink (knowing something happened, thinking it didn't) -indoctrinates children into party Room 101 - confrontation with your worst fear to in ministry of love - torture -final destruction / last step of training - Winston's fear: rats nietorical background time October 1917 1922 january 1924 October 1924 january 1933 1936-1939 july 1936- april 1939 august 1939 mal 1940 end of 1941 november/ december 1943 july 1945 august 1948 name Oktoberrevolution Machtübemahme Mussolinis Labour Politiker wird Premierminister Weltwirtschaftskrise Machtergreifung NSDAP spanischer Bürgerkrieg Hitler-Stalin Pakt Winston Churchill (conservative) wird Premierminister ran event - Machtübernahme im zarietischen Premierminister -Sturz des 2808 durch Militar Powurf erster Atom- englisch Le Machtübernahme A22 to Entscheidungen durch Führer Moskauer Schauprozesse - Stalin Schloss sich 1903 den Bolschewiki an - 1922 Generalsekretär proles -lowest part in society -don't belong to the parties. -considered inferior, unworthy, stupid → no danger to political system -totalitare Erscheinung -Gründung des faschistischen Kampfbundes durch Benito Muebolinis -hope lies with them (revolution) -majority of society (851) RueBland durch Bolschewiki (Marrieten/Leninisten) tőlete Kritiker & war Verbündeter Hitlers - mit J. Ramsay Mac Donald als britischer Premierminister verlen Labour Partei Macht -Prinzipien: Demokratie, Gleichneit, kollektives Entscheiden -Kursetura in New York als Folge des 1. Weltkrieges - Mitleidenschaft der ganzen Welt - Hitler wurde Reichskanaler -totalitäres System wirtschaftliches, gesellschaftliches, kulturelles Leben unter Führerprinzip untergeordnet - nach - nach Lenins Tod: uneingeschränkte Autorität Stalins & Stärkung der eigenen Machtposition - Höhepunkt der militärischen & politischen Alleinherrschaft während dem 2 Weltkrieg Lo Stalinismus auf Befehl physische und politische Aueschaltung von Gegnem - Moskauer Schauprozesse: Anklage und Hinrichtung von Stalino kritikem vor Tribunal - General Franco & Truppen rebellierten gegen republikanische Regierung (stützte sich auf sozialistische Gruppen) -spanischer Bürgerkrieg Stellvertreterkrieg zweier absolutistischer Mächte & Ideologien -Unterstützung durch faschistisches Halien & Deutsches Reich Deutschland -Regierung wurde von Internationalen Brigaden, Freiwilligenverbände, Sozialisten, Kommunisten & Anarchisten unterstotat - General Franco wurde aum Diktator - Nichtangriffevertrag zwischen NB-Deutschland & UdSBR - Winston Churchill war Führer der Alliierten während 11. Weltkneg waniniederlage: oppositionsführer (später emeut Premierminister) Luftkrieg über London - Versuch der deutschen Luftwaffe, Lufthonet über England zu erlangen Konferenz von Tene- - Churchill (UK), Stalin (UdSSR), Roosevelt (UBA) berieten Goer militärische zusammenarbeit und Friedensbedingungen für Labour Politiker wird sicherte post-war political consensus + Kooperation beider Staaten be Einnahme Polens - Korperative Sozialismus & Auswirkungen auf Ideologie der Labour Partel fohrte zu kritik - US-amerikanische Atombombe auf Japan bomben - Katter Krieg ↳ Begründung: schnellstmögliche Beendigung des Krieges & verhinderung wetterer opfer -Inoffiziell: Machtdemonstration gegenüber UdSSR (Beginn Katter krieg: kommunismus vs. Kapitaliomus) april 1949 chapter summary LI chapter - Winston Smith (Outer Party member) comes home on a cold day - nas difficulties climbing the stairs because of viscose ulcers - Winston sees Poster of Big Brother with Buotttel Big Brother is watching you thinks of different ministries - in apartement. starts writing a diary entry (illegal) -during two minutes of hate victim of brainwashing like everyone ese but also hates Big Brother -someone knocks at door Gründung der NATO - Verteidigungsbondnis gegen kommunistische Lander (Warschauer Pakt) feels hatred for women (naive, dumb party members) - continued writing in diary (.Down with Big Brother") realises consequences of crime which he committed Ill chapter 1.ll chapter - Winston opene door his neighbour Mrs Parsons asks him to help her fix a pipe - Mrs Parsons: wife of enthusiastic party member & mother of two children -after helping children scream at him & say he is a thought-criminal - after returning to his apartement he thinks about the fear of parents that children report them -tries to continue writing the diary entry thinks about dream with O'Brien -wants to live healthy and lifely as long as possible I.V chapter eye contact with O'Brien (Inner Party member) thinks of him as a likeminded englisch Julia - Winston dreams of past vaporisation of his sister & mother Lo feels like they sacrificed themselves for him - dreams of the Golden Country and Julia - during daily morning gymnastics (painful) tries to remember childhood → recognises the Propaganda of Party & alteration of past called out by teacher to participate better LVI chapter 1.IV chapter - working & alterating past documents (e.g. past promises from Big Brother) ↳after rewritting, the old articles vanishes into memory hole - most difficult took: rewriting an article about the praise from BB of a vaporised party member -during lunch break Winston meets comrade Syme (works in Newspeak departement) Lo Oldspeak is confusing & with unnecessary words -Syme is radical party member but to clever to survive - conversation is interrupted by telescreen eisting that chocolate- ration is raised (Winston remembers that it was reduced the day before) -recognises Julia and is she follows him that Scared - only realleed in the - describes a meeting with a prostitute five years earlier in diary - thinks about his wife katherine, who he didn't love ↳ subject to party doctrine - didn't like sex, more like an appointment to have children end of the marriage that one Las old & toothless (anti-sex league) LVII chapter - writes about Proles in diary → convinced that only they can overthrow the party/government -reads in a schoolbook but doesn't belleve the information → in 1973 found a proof of farsification of history - writes about the arrest disappeared for some years to were released and then publicly hanged found an article in 1973 which enowed a picture of the three men in Eastesia → stated in their confession to be in I VIII chapter eliminated the proof of alteration - goal of party: destruction of human common sense (two and two is fivel freedom is the freedom to say that two and two is four englisch ||| chapter 3180t survivors of the revolution in 1965 - Winston spents night wandering through proles-district Instead of community activities - tries to find out things about the past in a proles-pub (not successful) -finds himself speaking to the owner of the shop in which he bought - Mr. Charrington shows Winston a room without telescreen Leonowe Him a painting of a church - Winston sees a paperweight and buys it out of fascination - back home he thinks about his future chapter sees Julia during work in the ministry -Julia falls & Winston helps her up finds a piece of paper ↳ pumps life into his body -after a week he has the opportunity to talk to her - they meet & Julia explaire the way to a spot where they meet next 11. IV chapter with - rents Mr. Charringtons room (can be alone with Julia) -Julia nas access to care food -Julia sess -meet somewhere outside of London with noone around → looks exactly like the Golden Country" - have sex → Winoton might love her (political act) the diary (Mr. charrington) . I love you" on it 11.11 chapter - meet multiple more times in different places being very careful Julia explaire she wants to experience life and doesn't care about party rules (e.g. has a lot of sex with party members) - her own little rebellion -forcing people to not have sex is used by party sexual frustration changes into aggression - Winston realises that по life will probably end with an exekution rate and Winston has a panic attack (remembers him. of a nightmare) Eurasia I.V chapter -88 Winston predicted Syme disappeared and his exelence deleted -during preparations for rate week they meet often and feel eafe (viecose ulder disappears) -Winston tells Julia about O'Brien (Julia doesn't believe In Brotherhood) -Julian doesn't think that party is beatable only interested in love affaire ↳ Winston realises that party profits from desinterest 11.VI chapter - O'Brien asks Winston to meet at hie apartement to talk about - Winston thinks Brotherhood exists 11.VII chapter 4 when - Winston awakes in Mr. Chemingtone room after a nightmare disappeared mother tried to care for him and his sister Lo after father • Was egoistic and demanded the foodrations came back they were gone - Winston believes that humanity only exists with the Proles -Julla and Winston. Imagine their end in torture IL VIII chapter 11. IX chapter englisch II.X chapter - Winston and Julia meet O'Brien in his apartement and 8Bk him to be part of the brotherhood -O'Brien turns of the television and says a toset to Emmanuel Goldstein Lo to be able to enter organisation they have to promise to die for corepiracy, kill innocent and live seperately -after Julla leaves, O'Brien explains Winston that he has to read Goldstein's book III.1 chapter Newepeak-mentions Syme which winston thinks is a secret message -during hate week party explains that oceania has now always been at war with Esetasia instead of Eurasia -during an assembly Winston receives Goldstein's Book L war helps the party to control and secure the Citizens (destruction of ressources so that citizens can't emancipatel Le to secure party's power they take away the freedom to think - Winston understood how party controls the people but -4 telescreens watch Dim which his sister mother - sister was starving and even then he stole 1.1 chapter nis mother and Biester disappear - Winston & Julia awake and the painting of the church falls to the ground reveals a telescreen - uniformed men come into the room and take away Julla - Winston stands still as Mr. Charrington (younger then before) enters → realises he is part of thought police not why -hours I have past since Winston sits in a bright room without windows -Winston is being tortured (lost sense of space and time) Lo confessed abourd things - thinks that O'Brien is friend and torturer at the Same time - O'Brien wants to heal Wineton from his illusion Lo Winston is thankful for O'Brien in the end - more and more prisoners come into cell (Parsons was reported by his daughter) -80 a prisoner gives another starving inmate a piece of bread he is punched In the face, while the other is brought into room 101 - O'Brien comes and explains Winston that he has been a prisoner for a long time chocolate (not the individual but the party decides what's true) and ran away III. II chapter - three steps for Winston to find back to "reality": learning. understanding, accepting Lo hope of rebellion of proles 18 an illusion because party itself wrote Goldstein's book - Winston feels morally stronger but O'Brien lets Winston remember his promises to the brotherhood Winston 8888 his fortured body his self esteem. shrinks only the thought of not betraying Julia helps him III. IV chapter - transferred to a more comfortable cell practices double think. -recoverB and dreams of Julia & Golden Country -Winston still hates BB nevertheless O'Brien says it I.V chapter III. VI chapter - Winston is introduced to room 101. a cage with rats in it is put on his face. he sees the betray! of Julia as the lest way out - Winston is released until his execution - can't forget the betrayl of his feelings for Julia Lo met once again and she confessed her betrayl without guilt - thinks about BB and feels thankful -8 memories of his childhood appear he decides for them. to be wrong UTOPIA/DYSTOP IA -infalllable -acts morally right - helps others Utopia -utopia no place" / "good place" (greek) -imaginary, paradise-like place in the future -model of a better/perfect society, which does not exist (hypothetical) -reflecting key parts of our modem society. -arouse hope, joy, interest, activity -criticises tendencies 10 contemporary society - committed to change englisch hero into a better society (e.g. peace, equality) 16 time for the last step -life of others is more -rolemodel → god-like -leader qualities -inspiring charisma (wee, brave, confident) important than own ife -model in order to secure dystopia bad, utopia gone wrong - world 13 hostile, dark, oppressive, cruel, dirty of a worse society for inhumane totalitarian states dystopia -warning -mirrors societies probleme -unwise (mistakeable) -criticises tendencies in contemporary society - image of future as threatening possibility -no villain lantagonist -underdeveloped characteristice - part its power antihero -fights against upper power (not monsters but builders of H) - end: killed / brainwashed → not always a happy end -rather naive & follow conform /rules of society but has an individual mindset dyetoplan elements in 1984 - brainwashing, propaganda, surveillance -no privacy / intimacy allowed (e.g. dianes, meetings, love) -Newspeak → limited language to limit expression -no freedom (free will, free decision making, own thoughts/memories) - death sentence 40 a consequence of misbehaviour -altering history/past to the advantage of the government englisch Individual only loyal to Big Brother -prohibition of gaining knowledge not coming from Big Brother -coretant war, totalitarian state -no one to trust -torture (Room 101) 18 -unfair division of goods 1 clas system -government & Society are founded CONNECTION TO OTHER TOPICS American Dream: values of freedom, equality, individualism American Dream Utopia; America Dystopia? Globalization: widening gap between rich and poor, destruction of nature, improving technology Shakespeare: without different art/ literature (forms) society is limited in speaking, thinking understanding haired