


The Body: Chapter 7







The Body: Chapter 7 Summary
The 7th chapter of the novel "The Body" written by Stephen King in year 1982
deals with Chico, who, after an arg

The Body: Chapter 7 Summary The 7th chapter of the novel "The Body" written by Stephen King in year 1982 deals with Chico, who, after an argument with his father, goes to a friend's house to decide about his future. In connection with the book, however, the story was written by Gordon and is intended to show what his first written work looks like. Gordon describes the life of Chico, a young macho guy from near Castle Rock who has lost his older brother and has not yet gotten over it. In the beginning of the story, we get a little insight into the intimate life of Chico and his girlfriend. In other words, the two after sex, however, his girlfriend got her period at short notice. Chico in turn is quite disgusted and grossed out at the same time, but he doesn't tell her. Afterwards he also decided to join the marines. Apart from that, he detests his stepmother, who had an affair with his brother and to whom he blames that she was indirectly responsible for his brother's death, since he wanted to escape from her. In the course of the story, a conflict with his father develops. In the conflict with his father, to whom he cannot tell the truth, his family threatens...

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to break up. In conclusion, King, like Gordon, wants to give us an insight into the tragic and macho life of Chico, who has to make difficult decisions. (It is also strongly reminiscent of Gordon's story, especially with the deceased brother.)