


a days wait







A day's wait - Analysis
The short story "A day's wait" written by Ernest Hemingway deals with a misunderstanding
between the father and the
A day's wait - Analysis
The short story "A day's wait" written by Ernest Hemingway deals with a misunderstanding
between the father and the

A day's wait - Analysis The short story "A day's wait" written by Ernest Hemingway deals with a misunderstanding between the father and the son due 10 his illness. 18.02.2021 The short story tells the story of Schatz, a nine year old boy, who fell ill, so the father called the doctor. when the doctor nas arrived, he took the boys temperature. The temperature turned out as 102 degrees, so the doctor gave the boy some medicine and told him not to worry about it as long as the temperature stayed under 104 degrees. After the father came back from his walk nis son did not let him see him. , because he thought his father could get ill 100. Finally the father was able to come in and the son started asking how long he will have until he died. His father told him that he would not die anytime soon. Schatz told his father that some boy in his school nas told him that you can't live with a temperature of 44 degrees and schatz has got 102 degrees. The father knew the problem and told Schatz that the doctor nas used a different thermometer, where 98 is normal just like 37 is normal on the thermometer of the boy's in his...

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class. Hemingway introduces three different characters. First is scharz, who thinks que to the doctor that he is going to ale soon, but he shows heroism by not showing that. second we get to know the father who first noticed the misunderstanding between him and his son. Last we get to know the doctor, if only very briefly, who does what a doctor usually does, namely help the ill ones by getting them medicines. But also the doctor is kind of guilty for the misunderstanding, because ne had not told the son if it's celsius or Fahrenheit. In this short story Hemingway uses the father as narrator of the story and makes use of the first-person - narrator. He continues using long sentences for describing and snort sentences for the dialogues. His dialogues are written very realistic, so it is a method of characterization. Since the father is the first person narrator we just get to know his point of view and not the son's. Hemingway still makes it possible for us to dig into the son The atmosphere is dark and sad, because the son thinks that ne is going to die. The setting is almost only the son in his bed, but once it changes, when the first person narrator goes for a walk. TO conclude I think it is important to know now not talking directly with each other can lead to a misunderstanding, which can lead to real consequences refering to this story, the son thinks ne is going to die while his father thinks that he just got an disease. To add is that the son shows heroism, because he has no fear of dying.