


A Raisin in the Sun - Conflicts







Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun
1) Conflicts between Walter and Ruth -> pp. 53, 58-63
Walter: "[...] I can'
Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun
1) Conflicts between Walter and Ruth -> pp. 53, 58-63
Walter: "[...] I can'
Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun
1) Conflicts between Walter and Ruth -> pp. 53, 58-63
Walter: "[...] I can'

Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun 1) Conflicts between Walter and Ruth -> pp. 53, 58-63 CONFLICT REFERENCE/QUOTE Walter: "[...] I can't be being late to work on account of him fooling around in there." Ruth: "[...] It ain't his fault that he can't get to bed no earlier nights 'cause he got a bunch of crazy good-for-nothing clowns sitting up running their mouths in what is supposed to be his bedroom after ten o'clock at night..." (p. 53, II. 4- 11) Walter: "The things I want to talk about with my friends just couldn't be important in your mind, could they?" (p. 53, II. 12-14) Ruth: "Cause we don't have it." Walter: "What you tell the boy things like that for?" (p. 58, I. 21- p. 59, 1.12) Walter: "You couldn't be on my side that long for nothing, could you?" - Ruth: "Walter, please leave me alone." (p. 61, II. 7-9)) Walter: "Man say to his woman: I got me a dream. His woman say: Eat your eggs." (p. 62, I. 21 - p. 63, l. 1) Walter: "I'm thirty-five years old; I been married eleven years and I got a boy who sleeps in the living room [...] -and all I got to give him is stories about how rich white people live..." Ruth: "Eat your eggs, Walter!" (p. 63, II. 12-16) Walter is late for work but wants his son to...

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get up earlier. Walter stays up late with his friends so that Travis can't go to sleep. Ruth doesn't want Walter's friends to stay until late at night. Walter doesn't have space for himself in the apartment to talk to his friends. He doesn't see the problem with Travis not sleeping enough. Travis needs money for school, but Ruth doesn't give it to him. Walter even gives him one dollar. Walter reproaches Ruth for not listening to him, for not supporting him in realizing his dream. He is annoyed. Ruth avoids a conversation. Walter states that life is not what he had expected and that he is not able to offer his son a better life. POSSIBLE REASONS small apartment poverty different opinions 19/8/2020 small apartment lack of understanding frustration humiliation in front of his friends ● money Ruth's pragmatism Walter's bad conscience and shame because of poverty - doesn't want the boy to worry about their finances frustration because of poverty lack of communication Ruth doesn't realize how important the topic is for Walter Walter: frustration/ disappointment/anger poverty social status/social standing frustration pride disillusion anger bad conscience Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun 2) Conflicts between Walter and Beneatha -> pp. 67-68 REFERENCE/QUOTE Beneatha: "That money belongs to Mama, Walter, and it's for her to decide how she wants to use it." Walter: "-but if Mama got that money she can always take a few thousand and help you through school too - can't she?" (p. 67, II. 4-13) Walter: "Me and Ruth done made some sacrifices for you - why can't you do something for the family?" (p. 67, II. 23-25) Walter: "Who the hell told you you had to be a doctor? If you so crazy 'bout messing 'round with sick people - then go be a nurse like other women - or just get married and be quiet..." (p. 68, II. 11-14) CONFLICT Walter doesn't want Mama to pay for medical school for Beneatha because he needs the money for his liquor store and because he thinks that Beneatha does not need a career because she is a woman. He doesn't begrudge her the money. Walter thinks he has a right to Mama's money because he and his wife have contributed to the family income, whereas Beneatha has not. Walter cannot understand why Beneatha wants to have a real career. He thinks that she should just get married. POSSIBLE REASONS 19/8/2020 money lack of understanding emancipation/women's liberation different characters money anger ● lack of understanding ● different characters lack of understanding Walter doesn't believe in Beneatha different way of thinking ● emancipation/women's liberation ● machismo Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun 3) Conflicts between Mama and Beneatha -> pp. 81, 84 CONFLICT REFERENCE/QUOTE Mama: "Why you got to flit so from one thing to another, baby?" (p. 80, II. 24-25) Beneatha: "I don't flit! I-I experiment with different forms of expression -" (p. 81, II. 5-6) Beneatha: "People have to express themselves one way or another." (p. 81, II. 8-9) Mama: "What is it you want to express? Beneatha: (angrily) "Me!" (Mama and ruth look at each other and burst into raucous laughter.) [...] Beneatha: "[...] I'm going to be a doctor. I'm not worried about who I'm going to marry yet - if I ever get married." Mama: "If!" (p. 83, I. 25 - p. 84, 1.3) Mama: "Course you going to be a doctor, honey. God willing." Beneatha: "God hasn't got a thing to do with it." Mama: "It don't sound nice for a young girl to say things like that you wasn't brought up that way." (p. 84, I. 10-25) Beneatha: "[...] God is just one idea I don't accept. It's not important. [...] There simply is no blasted God - there is only man and it is he who makes miracles!" (p. 85, II. 1-9) Beneatha is trying to find a way to express herself, but her mother does not understand this need and why she keeps trying different things. Mama is shocked when Beneatha tells her that she might not marry because her career is more important to her. Mama is very religious and has raised her children in her belief. That is why she is outraged when her daughter says that God does not help them at all. POSSIBLE REASONS ● ● Conclusion: What do these conflicts have in common? ➜ money, frustration, lack of understanding, unfulfilled dreams 19/8/2020 lack of understanding different ways of life generation gap lack of understanding different ways of life emancipation disappointment generation gap religion/God lack of understanding different values traditions different ways of life disappointment intolerance