


A Raisin in the Sun - Klausurvorbereitung







1. Introduction
The play:
o A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
O First performed in New York City in 1959
Divided into 3 acts/6 scene
1. Introduction
The play:
o A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
O First performed in New York City in 1959
Divided into 3 acts/6 scene
1. Introduction
The play:
o A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
O First performed in New York City in 1959
Divided into 3 acts/6 scene
1. Introduction
The play:
o A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
O First performed in New York City in 1959
Divided into 3 acts/6 scene

1. Introduction The play: o A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry O First performed in New York City in 1959 Divided into 3 acts/6 scenes (Act 1, Scene 1+2, Act 2; Scene 1+2+3; Act 3) O ○ A Raisin in the Sun – Method: Drama analysis o O Overall theme: American Dream + Dream deferred (What happens to a dream if it's deferred for a long time?) O Other themes: feminism/the role of women; racism; the loss of African culture/assimilation example: The play "A Raisin in the Sun", written by Lorraine Hansberry, was first performed in New York City in 1959. It is divided into 6 scenes, which are again divided into 3 acts. The first act has two scenes, the second three and the third just one. The play is about Walter Lee Younger and his family who live in a ghetto in Chicago in the 50's and are trying to achieve a better life for themselves. With her play, Hansberry is exploring the question of what happens to a dream if it is deferred for too long. Other themes throughout the play are: feminism and the role of women, racism and the loss of African identity. O placement of the scene in the drama: o describe what happened in the scenes before o only state relevant facts which led to...

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the events no details or text references example: In the scenes before the reader got to know the Younger family, their situation and their conflicts/problems. ... (add relevant action depending on the scene you analyse) summary: o summary of the scene o only relevant details + no text references o setting: time + place example: In this scene this character did this and this. This and this happened as well etc. And this and this happened which led to this and this in the following scenes 1 2. Analysis o read the question carefully !!! o possible aspects to analyse: structure/action, characters + their conflicts with each other + their dreams, language and style/stylistic devices O text references !!! structure: Act 1, scene 1: characters, setting + main conflict are established o Act 1, scene 2: rising action when the check arrives o Act 2, scene 1+2: continued rising action; establishing action for the climax o Act 2, scene 3: climax → when the family learns of the theft of their money o Act 3: MC processing climax; taking action which leads to the resolution of their conflicts O action: O omniscient third perspective (access to all characters thoughts, feeling, intentions) o setting and mood are established through stage directions, as well as the intentions of the characters o action and plot are established through dialogue O formal language of Ruth, Walter, Lena, Travis and Mrs. Johnson indicate their low academic education and their affiliation with the black lower class of the ghetto o formal language of Beneatha, George, Asagai and Mr. Lindner indicate their higher academic education characters: Walter Lee Younger (Brother): o desperate to raise above his station and gain social recognition as well as financial wealth O obsessed with his business plan, despite having no education or entrepreneurial skills → not willing to compromise his dream for the dreams of others o misogynistic → doesn't want Beneatha to become a doctor, regularly yells at his wife and tells her to "shut up" no high academic education o main character of the play O doesn't know who Prometheus is 2 Lena Younger (Mama): o largely influences the plot of the play o has to be very strong in order to be the head of the family, after her husband died o had to endure a lot in her life (racism, financial problems, the loss of a child and her husband) o lives for her family her only dream is for her family to have a better life + house o religious, old-fashioned, conservative → believes that women have to accept misogynistic behaviour of their husbands Beneatha Younger: o very educated wants to become a doctor + speaks in a more formal way o self-centred and egoistic in the early scenes (doesn't seem grateful for the sacrifices her family makes so that she can go to school) o in search of her identity and African heritage → the closer she gets to that the more likable and less egocentric she becomes o is very opiniated and has very modern and feminist views of how she and women in general should live because of that and her atheist views she often clashes with Lena and there are multiple conflicts in their relationship o her name is a reference to the words "beneath her" she views herself as superior O - Ruth Younger: o close relationship with Lena → reference to the biblical story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi o "soft personality", not aggressive, tired of life, people pleaser (doesn't want to be a burden → abortion) o would be content with a moderate lifestyle, doesn't have big ambitions like Walter or Beneatha → biggest dream gets fulfilled when they move into the new house o still strong and clever in getting her way, despite having no education or being assertive/argumentative Travis Younger: o Travis his mature and responsible for his age → wanting to help the family by carrying groceries o he is also spoiled, because his father and grandmother try to give him everything he asks for and he knows this 3 Joseph Asagai: o highly educated student for Nigeria O courts Beneatha, makes her compliments and gives her gifts → eventually proposes to her and asks if she wants to move to Africa with him o still has old-fashioned views that stem from his culture clashes with Beneatha's own views, but he still reacts better than George to her radical ideas wants to help the Younger family + counsels Beneatha and gives her advice O O questions the American dream and the way the Younger family is trying to achieve it George Murchison: o highly educated, which he shows off with unnecessary knowledge and literary allusions o internalized racism which presents itself in hating on other poorer black people O he doesn't care for his African heritage, but is rather just competing with Beneatha on who has more knowledge about Africa O has very traditional misogynistic views of how women and especially Beneatha should behave Karl Lindner: O as a "flat character" he stands for the racist and bigot ideals of the people living in the all-white neighbourhoods o still shy, timid and friendly even though he is insulting the Younger family the entire time O as a courier, he most likely doesn't share the ideals of the message he is sent to bring to the Youngers and maybe even thinks that he is doing them a favour Mrs. Johnson: o is used to foreshadow possible events that could happen to the Youngers if they move to Clybourne Park 0 has no manners, if very insensitive and unkind, as well as overly nosey o perhaps she is jealous because she never had ambitions or got to move out of the ghetto 4