


A raisin in the sun Zusammenfassung







- Beneatha has dreams
and wants to follow them daughter
- good, because she wants to
become a doctor
George-Benea Tha
-wants a simple girl
- Beneatha has dreams
and wants to follow them daughter
- good, because she wants to
become a doctor
George-Benea Tha
-wants a simple girl

- Beneatha has dreams and wants to follow them daughter - good, because she wants to become a doctor George-Benea Tha -wants a simple girl -does not believe that Beneatha will become a doctor -wants to fit in the american culture y George: -thinks that education is a tool for being successful Asagai: -thinks that education is a goal for knowledge slums Asagai -medical student -is a love with Beneatha -relationship is not always bad -sometimes it's just difficult -Seneatha realists that she has feelings for Asagai Dreams: Mama - • job at super market => seeking for independence -is the future of the family A raisin in the sun son -rough relationship, because he does wants money married to Walter •Mr. dindner just thinks about money and his friends and forgets sometimes about his family Assimilationist => Anpassung, Angleichung -Walter shows the most significant change →Ruth son of the couple Travis Mrs Johnson neighbor -nosy, jealous neighbor => wants to scare the Younger's 11 -sometimes difficult, because Walter sometimes forgets about his family that doesn't - they often argue about this topic - Mama+ Big Waller: owning a house, deferred for 35 years, because of racial inequality ironically Walter's death makes the dream come true -never gets fleshed out as a character, stays an innocent child who hasn't been corrupted by the bad world without him the last scene would go from bittersweet to tragical L> dream symbolizes yearning for freedom from racial persecution -Ruth: also dreams of a house >conflicts with her husband - Walter: wants...

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to have a liquor shop => self-sufficent business owner Lescape life in poresty -Beneatha: becoming a doctor => embockies her desire to overcome poverty, racism and sexism The American Dream pride chances: -little contact with immigrant families gender, feminism pride - he was the reason Mama buys the house - if they stay in bad apartment he is destined to always settle for less than he cleserves => symbol for the younger family never escaping the challenges many Punvericans do not like changes selfidness A raisin in the sun unhappiness Important dates 1600: colonist began to arrive in America 1776: declaration of independence 1950s and 1960s:equal rights for freed slaves 2008: first black president -immigrants broadened American society in many positive ways -strong base of support for economical growing Hama (optimist) -matriarch of the house dream since the colonists start to take black people as slaves Walter -wants to be the matriarch of the house Ruth -works as a cleaning woman for a white family - is not happy about current life situation Travis -hope for the future -hope of the family -fear that the newcomers do not het toen English and assimilate into umarican society - fear about the false - fear that newcomers will steal" possible work places betrayal Summary of the book -portrays a few weeks in the life of the youngers, a black family living on the South Side of Chicago in the 1950s -a poor family, who has dreams - they are about to receive an insurance check for $10,000 and now they are discussioning what to do with the money racism, discrimination family, struggle, values Summary Act 1, Scene 1 -conflicts between Walter and Ruth and Walter and Beneatha Hama wants to buy a house and support Beneatha in her education - walter wants to open a liquor shop Ruth collapses family is gendered code-switching - Beneatha is the only one who does not always talks in English Summary Act 1, Scene 2 Ruth tells that she is pregnant - man gives Mama the life insurance check -conflict between Walter and Mama about the investigation of the check •Walter is not happy about the pregnancy Mama is disappointed - money rules the generations Summary Act 2, Scene 1 - Beneatha sings and dances to Nigerian music -Walter is drunk - George is not happy about Beneatha revealing her natural hair - Ruth wants to be close to Walter - Mama buys the house - Walter unhappy, Ruth happy; excited Summary Act 2, Scene 2 - George wants a simple girl -Mrs. Johnson visits the younger's to tell them news => wants to scare the family about the new white neighborhood •Ruth gets to know that waltler hasn't been in work -Mama wants Walter to take responsibility for the family - Mrs. Johnson is jealous, nosy -Walter has big dreams Summary Act 2, Scene 3 for move -Family packing -Mr. dindner does not want that the younger's move in the neighborhood - wants to pay the house back - reject the offense - Walter lost all the money Mama! -Mama is disappointed, sad, agh lost and dispare gave -scene starts with hope, ends! - Mr. Kindner represents racist man Summary Act 3 -family is disappointed -Asagai ready to help for the move to him - Beneatha is tired of the world -Asagai tells Beneatha the idea to come to Africa with him and to marry him -Walter calls Mr. dindner Mr. dindner is gloating -Walter is proud and explains that they are moving in the house -Mr. dindner confused - Walter finally came to his manhood people always tell Mama to stop being an optimist - unknown future for all of them Start of book conflicts in the family; unhappiness End of book family proud and happy