


A Pair of Jeans







A Pair of Jeans summary
,,A pair of jeans" is a short story written by Qaisra Shahraz. This story
revolves around Miriam. The life of a Paki
A Pair of Jeans summary
,,A pair of jeans" is a short story written by Qaisra Shahraz. This story
revolves around Miriam. The life of a Paki

A Pair of Jeans summary ,,A pair of jeans" is a short story written by Qaisra Shahraz. This story revolves around Miriam. The life of a Pakistani British girl has changed dramatically with just one piece of clothing. After a hectic journey, Miriam arrives home and suffers the shock of her life when she is coldly greeted by her future in-laws. Her in-laws after seeing Miriam in Western clothes are also surprised because they have never seen her before in such clothes. All three are greeted by Fatima, Miriam's mother who never thought to see Miriam in such clothes just before her future in-laws. Fatima would usually never question her daughter if she told her where she was going and who she was going with. But now Fatima saw it from a different angle. She watched him through the lens of Miriam's future in-laws who had never seen Miriam in a Western dress before. Fatima waves to her daughter and she rushes to her room to change the dress which has taken its toll. Shortly after Miriam arrived, they insisted on coming back saying they had guests. They had come to have fixed the date of the marriage between Miriam and Farook. Ayub and Begum after leaving Miriam's house soon reach their villa where they begin to discuss...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

Miriam's dressing and question her modesty. Miriam after hearing this news is baffled. Meaning of the titular pair of jeans" Every day you meet people in life and not everyone is the same. Because everyone dresses differently, but also behaves differently. Everyone is different and that makes you special. However, there are people who follow old traditions and forbid their own children to wear certain things. That is why there is the title "A Pair of Jeans" as an example. Because jeans have two sides, usually both sides of jeans are similar, but this is not the case these days. This is because certain people follow the old traditions, forbid other people to be different or to behave differently. This is why these people see a pair of jeans the same on both sides. Nowadays, however, everyone should wear what they want. No matter if short, long, wide or narrow. And so a pair of jeans can look different on both sides and does not have to correspond to the standard.