


Lesetagebuch Death of a Salesman







E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d
E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman
Pre reading tasks:
a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also d

E LK Q? SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman Pre reading tasks: a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. You can also draw elements, if you want to. b) Explain the following terms in your own words. requiem stage directions playwright . While reading tasks: 1. Please make your own grid. You can a) write a scene-by-scene summary of the plot, only notes. Incluce ,,flashbacks" and the retroperspective parts with the linear plot. OR b)you can take the following grid as a model for your own sections/scenes/pages Linda and Willy's characters Characters Post reading tasks: You can choose two tasks from the following page. When and where Actions Aspects the American Dream or its failure 25th or 2. Fill in the worksheet,character sheet' (bullet points, no running text!) You get time for this task in the lesson after the holidays (26th Oct 2027) 3 ELK Q2 SH: Reading Log: Death of a Salesman Pick two of the tasks for your 'Death of a Salesman' reading log Write at least one page for each of your chosen tasks. 1. Imagine you were a journalist. Write a newspaper article on the events depicted. 2. Imagine a conversation between two of the characters. What would they say? 3. Make a cloze text¹. Provide a sample solution as well. 4. Write false/true questions. False ones must be corrected. Provide the solutions as well. example: Malachy...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

is Frank's cousin. false a true 5. Make a multiple choice quiz. Provide the solutions as well. Patrick and Dave example: What are the twins called? Francis and Malachy Eugene and Oliver 6. Draw a comic strip. 8. If you were Willy/Linda/Biff/Happy... What would you think? Start like this: "I can't do this any more. I feel like...." 9. The perfect match - scene and song: Find a song for at least three different scenes and give reasons for your choice. 10. Find out more about the author and ...make a fact sheet. ...give us a presentation. ...Write a letter. 11. task of your choice. You can be creative here :-) Come up with your own ideas and design your reading log! ¹ cloze text = Lückentext 4 Pre reading task a) Write down your personal definition of the American Dream. The American Dream"says that anyone who fight for it and works hard can succeed and archive their dreams. Today it is also very popular, especially in country's like Mexico, because they think they can reach the American Dream if they live in the USA. AMERICAN DREAM b) Explain the following terms in your own words. -Requiem: It is a Mass, especially in the Roman Catholic Church, where the death souls are said goodbye. -Stage directions: It is important in a play to know the positions, the movements, the sound effects or lightning. -Playwright: A person who writes plays. A Synonym is also a Person who writes dramatically book's. 5 Sections/scenes/pages Characters 1: p.9 1.1- p.16 1.19 Conversation between Willy and Linda after Willy came home. Act I 2:p.16 1.20- p.23 1.7 Conversation between Biff and Happy before sleeping. Act I 3: p.23 1.8- p.30 1.1 Conversation between Willy, Biff and Happy while the boys are washing the car. Conversation between Linda and Willy. Act I 4: p.30 1.2- p.31 1.35 Conversation between Linda and Willy about money and Willys Job. Act I Willy, Linda, (Biff, Happy) Happy, Biff, (Willy) Willy, Biff, Happy, Bernhard, Linda Willy, Linda While reading task- Grid When and where Actions Willy Lomans house Present Willy Lomans house Present Willy Lomans house ->outside Past (Memories) Willy Lomans house ->Kitchen Past(Memories) -Willy arrives unexpected at home. -He is very tired and worried about his mental health. -Linda takes care of him. -Willy is also worried about their son Biff, who has problems with work and finding himself. -Biff and Happy are talking about there jobs and themselves. -Biff complains about his low budget and thinks he is a loser. -He dreams about having more money and buying a rench. -Happy feels lonely and he is unhappy, even if he works in a shop. -Willy talks to himself in the kitchen. -Happy and Biff wash the Chevvy. -Willy gives the boys a punching bag as a present. -They are talking about Biff playing football and his game. -Willy has dreams about his own business and also sees a good future for his sons. -Bernard asks Biff to study with him but the Lomans just laugh. -The boys leave to meet friends and Willy starts talking to Linda about money. -Willy has problems being a salesman, because he has self- doubts. -He has not enough money to pay the bills. -He has fantasies about being successful, Linda motivates him. Aspects the American Dream or its failure -Willy Loman works a lot and hard but still doesn't achieve his dreams. -Biff dreams of a farm, but wants to live up to his father's demands. -Willys hard work confuses him and makes him sick. -Willy thinks you can only archive your dreams if you are popular. That's why he is so proud of Biff. -Willy is exhausted, but can't live his Dream. 6 Sections/scenes/pages Characters 5: p.32 1.1- p.33 1.4 Act I Conversation between Willy and another women. 6: p.33 1.5- p.34 1.13 Discussion about Biff Act I 7: p.34 1.14- p.35 1.7 Conversation between Willy and Happy Act I 8: p.35 1.8- p.39 1.10 Conversation between Willy and Charley Act I 9: p.39 1.11- p.43 1.19 Visit of Willys brother Ben Act I Willy, Women Willy, Linda, Bernhard, Willy, Happy, Charley Willy, Charley, Ben Linda, Ben, Willy, Biff, Happy, Charley While reading task- Grid When and where Bosten Past(Memories) Willy Lomans house ->Kitchen Past(Memories) Willy Lomans house. ->Kitchen Present Willy Lomans house Present/Past Willy Lomans house Past(Memorise) Actions -Willy talks to his lover, another women in Bosten. -She thinks he is funny and makes her feel good. -Willy and Linda fight because Biff is likely to fail the test. -Also he has special features such as stealing or he drives without a license. -Linda and Bernhard keep on at Willy. -Willy tells Happy about his brother Ben who has become rich in diamonds. -He regrets that he did not go with him in the past. -Happy promises that he will take care of Willy, but he only mocks him. -Neighbor Charley is coming and he and Willy are playing cards. -Charley offers him a job, but he refuses and insults Charley. -Willy remembers Ben and hangs in the past. -He talks to himself and Charley leaves confused. -Ben talks about there father and about his own ascent. -Willy sends his sons to a construction site to steal material, but Charley threatens with the police. -Ben says goodbye even trough Willy begs him to stay. Aspects the American Dream or its failure -Willy needs someone to distract him. -Biff needs to work harder to have a chance in his future. -Ben became rich without working that hard as others have to. -Willy wants to be successful herself and not with Charley's help. -Benns and Willys father was very successful. 7 Sections/scenes/pages Characters 10: p.43 1.20- p.50 1.32 Conversation between Linda and her sons about Willy Act I 11: p.51 1.1- p.57 1.12 Conversation about a new marketing idea Act I Linda, Happy, Biff, (Willy) Willy, Biff, Happy, Linda While reading task- Grid When and where Actions Willy Lomans house -> Kitchen Present Willy Lomans house Present -Willy is talking to himself in the frontyard. -Linda, Biff and Happy are talking about Willy in the kitchen. -Linda thinks that the fights between Biff and Willy causes Willys problems. -She thinks her sons are unthankful. -She tells them about their financial problems and Willys attempts to kill himself. -Biff says he can't get his life under control, but he offers to move in with the Lomans and do his part. -Linda fears further fights between Willy and Biff. -Linda is very worried about Willy. -Willy's coming back to the kitchen. -A fight arises between Biff and Willy. -The mood improves as Biff and Happy propose to open a sports shop. -The Lomans fantasize about a successful business and a lot of success. -Biff wants to ask his former CEO Bill Oliver for a loan the next day. -Biff tells Willy to stopp yelling at Linda, but she try's to protect Willy. -Willy revels in memories of Biff's sport achievements at school. Aspects the American Dream or its failure -Willys wish to archive the American Dream makes him crazy and the hole family suffers with him. -They have new ideas how to reach the American Dream. Sections/scenes/pages Characters Willy, Linda 12: p.58 1.1- p.62 1.20 Conversation between Willy and Linda. Act II 13: p.62 1.21- p.69 1.8 Will gets fired. Act II 14: p.69 1.9- p.71 1.6 Visit by Ben. Act II 15: p.71 1.7- p.73 1.25 Biffs game. Act II 16: p.73 1.26- p.77 1.10 Conversation between Willy and Bernhard. Act II Willy, Howard, Willy, Ben, Linda Willy, Biff, Happy, Bernhard, Linda, Charley Willy, Bernhard, Jenny While reading task- Grid When and where Actions Willy Lomans house Present Howards Office Present Willy Lomans house Past(Memories) Past(Memories) Charleys Office Present -The next day Willy is rested and feeling better. -Despite money worries, he is optimistic about the future. -His joy is transferred to the family. -In the evening, Biff and Happy want to invite their father to dinner in a restaurant. -Willy's talking to his boss Howard. -Howard shows him voice recordings of his family. -Willy explains that he is exhausted and doesn't want to travel anymore. -Howard fires him and advises him to take a long break. -Ben's visiting again. He's offering Willy a job in Alaska. -Willy wants to accept, but is stopped by Linda. -He repeats that it only matters to be popular. -Biff is taking part in an important baseball game. -Willy sees his son as a winner and sees a great future for him. -Charley's laughing at him. -In Charlie's business, Willy meets his son Bernhard, who has become a self- confident and successful man. -Berhard tells the story of Biff when he was seventeen, after a failure at school, he travelled Bosten to follow his father. Then he was completely changed. Aspects the American Dream or its failure -Willy has new hopes and that makes him feel better. -He thinks the family found a new chance to reach the American Dream. -Willy worked hard, and he's still getting fired. -All his life he has worked hard to achieve his dream and that work has now been for nothing for him. -Willy always says that it is very important to be popular. -Willy thinks that Biff will be successful in his life because he is popular. -Bernhard worked hard in school and now he is a very successful man. He reached the American Dream. д Sections/scenes/pages Characters 17: p.77 1.11- p.80 1.17 Conversation between Willy and Charley Act II 18: p.80 1.18- p.85 1.26 At the restaurant Act II 19: p.85 1.27- p.94 1.4 Conversation between Willy and his sons. Act II Willy, Charley Stanley, Happy, Girl, Biff Willy, Happy, Biff, Stanley, Bernhard, Linda, Miss Forsythe, Women, Letta While reading task- Grid When and where Actions Charleys office Present Restaurant Present Restaurant, At Willy Lomans house Present/Past(Memories) -Willy confesses to Charley his dismissal. -Charley tries to make him understand that popularity is not the only thing that matters. -Charley offers him a job again, but Willy refuses. -Willy calls him his only friend. -They want to invite Willy. -Happy acts rich in front of the waiter and a strange girl. -When Biff arrives, he confesses to Happy his failure with Bill Oliver. -Biff wants to confess his failure to his father and explain to him that he is not a successful -Happy has a date with Biff at the -Happy pretend to live the American restaurant. Dream. person. -Happy thinks Willy needs good news and Biff should delay the truth. -Willy comes and Biff wants to tell him the truth. -He makes many attempts, but is repeatedly interrupted by Willy. -Suddenly Willy tells that he's been fired. -Biff has pity, but still tells the truth about his failure. Aspects the American Dream or its failure -Willy sinks into memories and experiences the present and the past at the same time: Bernhard tells Linda that Biff has fallen through the maths exam and is on his way to bosten to his father. In Bosten Willy is in a hotel room with his lover and someone wants to see him. -Again Willy want to be successful by himself. -The wish to archive the American Dream makes the family struggle. -Biff focuses on being popular instead of learning. 10 Sections/scenes/pages Characters 66 20: p.94 1.5- p.98 1.12 Willy with his lover in Bosten. Act II 21: p.98 1.13- p.99 1.25 Willy leaves the restaurant. Act II 22: p.99 1.26-p.102 1.5 Discussion between Linda and her sons. Act II 66 Willy, Biff, Women Willy, Stanley Linda, Biff, Happy While reading task- Grid When and where Actions 66 Bosten -> Hotel Past(Memories) Restaurant Present Willy Lomans house Present -Willy gives answers that actually belong in his memories. -Biff gets worried and fakes a good ending with Bill Oliver. -Biff says that another meeting is planned, but he will not go to it. -Willy doesn't understand Biff's arguments. -Biff asks Happy to do something for Willy and leaves the restaurant. -Happy denies Willy as a father and follows Biff with two women. -Biff knocks on the hotel room in Boston. -When Willy finally opens, Biff tells him about the failed math exam and asks him to talk to his teacher. -When Willy's lover appears from the bathroom, Willy makes up an excuse, but Biff doesn't believe him. -Biff calls his father fake and runs out of the hotel. -Willy leaves the restaurant alone, because Biff and Happy left him. -Willy gives Stanley some tips. -Biff and Happy come home with flowers for Linda at night. -She accuses them of having deeply humiliated her father. -Linda wants the two to leave the house and leave Willy in peace. -Happy disappears upstairs but Biff insists on a last conversation with Willy. Aspects the American Dream or its failure -They fight about work, money etc. -Willy is Biffs rolemodel but he disappoints him. -The American Dream lead to a big family fight. Sections/scenes/pages Characters 23: p.102 1.5- p.103 1.36 Willys thoughts Act II 24: p.104 1.1- p.110 1.6 Family discussion Act II 25: p.110 1.7- p.111 1.28 Willys death Act II 26:p.112 l.1- p.114 1.12 Requiem Willy, Ben Willy, Biff, Linda, Happy, Ben Willy, Ben, Linda, Biff Charley, Linda, Biff, Happy While reading task- Grid When and where Actions At Willy Lomans house ->Garden Present At Willy Lomans house Present At Willy Lomans house Present At Willy Lomans grave Present -Willy is in the garden sowing vegetables. -He tells Ben about his plans to kill himself so that the family gets money. -He says Biff can tell from the guests at his funeral how popular his father was. Willy longs for Biff's love and her relationship back in the past. -Biff no longer wants to disappoint his parents and want to leave. -He says he wouldn't come back after that. -Willy refuses to give him a personal word of farewell and a fierce argument ensues. -Biff says the whole family is made up of lies and nobody's cut out for a successful career. -When he finally collapses and clings to his father sobbing, Willy finally realizes that Biff loves him. -Willy predicts a great future for Biff. -Willy sends Linda to bed alone and goes into the garden. Lina worries and calls for him. -Willy has different voices in his mind that confuse him. -He talks to Ben and at the same time imagines career opportunities for Biff. -His family hears a car racing away. -Linda doesn't understand why nobody except her sons and Charlie came to the funeral. -Biff answers Willy has chased the false dreams to which Charlie replies that a traveler lives from his dreams. -Happy wants to prove to the world that Willy was following the right dream. -Linda wants to say goodbye alone. Aspects the American Dream or its failure -Willy want to kill himself so that Biff can life his Dream with his money. -The American Dream makes family's break apart. - The American drives people to death. -Willy always focused on being popular but nobody except his family and Charley appears at his funeral. -He worked hard but never reached the American Dream. -The American Dream drove him to death. ->The American Dream failed. 12 Willy Linda Biff Happy While reading task- Character sheet -Older, traveling salesman (p.10 1.4) -Insecure, self-deludes -Exhausted and confused (p.11 1.1) -Suffers from depression and anxiety as a result of his dissipating career, his deteriorating relationship with his son Biff and feelings of guilt over an affaire. -He believes in the American Dream, but he never archives it. -He hopes that his sons succeed where he failed. (p.104-110) -He is unhappy and loses himself again and again in imagination and memories. -Tries to kill himself. -Willys wife (p.10 1.12) -Loving and loyal (p.10 1.15) -Protects Willy at all costs. (p.99-102) -Suffers trough Willys Confusion and self-delusions. -More realistic that Willy, but she supports Willy in every dream. -She does not lose her temper when Willy becomes irate. -She knows about Willys attempts to kill himself, but does nothing afraid to aggravate Willys fragile mentale conditions. (p.43-50) -Willy and Lindas thirty-four-years old son. -Can not hold a steady job. -He thinks he can't get his life under control. (p.16ff.) -He is the only one who knows about Willys affaire. (p.94-98) -Unlike Willy and Happy, Biff tells the truth about himself and his feelings. -When he was a boy, Willy was his rolemodel until he saw him with another women. -He has a predisposition to steal. (p.85 ff.) -As a Boy he played baseball and was very popular, but now he is unhappy. -Willy and Lindas thirty-two-years old son. -Biffs younger brother. -Works as an assistant to the assistant buyer. -His whole childhood he stood in the shadows of Biff. -Sexuality is like a visible color on him. (p.16 1.14) -Pretend to be a very successful man in front of others. (p.80ff.) -> He lies and makes himself more successful than he actually is. This has much to do with Willy's upbringing. -Happy is very similar to Willy. 14 Post Reading Task 1 5. Make a multiple choice Quiz. Provide the solutions as well. 1. What does Willy say is the most important conditions for success? a: Courage b: Money c: Popularity 2. Where does Willys lover live? a: Boston b: London c: Manchestet 3. What is Willys neighbors name? a: Charley b: Bill c: Ben 4. Where did Ben live? a: Australien b: Mexico c: Afrika 5. What kind of shop do the Lomans want to open? a: Bakery b: Sports Shop c: Shoe store QUIZ 6. Who is coming to the funeral? a: Linda, Biff, Happy b: Linda, Biff, Happy, Charley, Bernard c: Linda, Biff, Bernhard, Charley 15 Post Reading Task 2 8. If you were Willy... What would you think? I can't do this anymore... I feel like a loser! I am a bad father and a bad husband! I can't take care of my family and especially don't make them happy... I should have been a role model for my sons, instead Biff started stealing trough me! Linda always encourages me and worries about me. And me... What do I do!? I cheated on her! I have never really lived my dream! And I should have put a good way for my children so that they could. But I didn't! I have failed and I can't straighten my mistakes anymore. I can't live this live anymore and I won't. Maybe I can at least help my family like that! I love my family and I regret that I didn't show it to them like I should! I hope they can forgive me... 16 Post Reading Task 3 4. Write false/true questions. False one must be corrected. Provide the solutions as well. 1. Linda knows about Willys affaire... a. True b. False Only Biff knows about Willys affaire. 2. Happy works as an assistant to the assistant buyer... a. True b. False 3. Linda and Willy talk about Willys attempts to kill himself... a. True b. False She does nothing because she is afraid to aggravate Willys fragile. mentale conditions. 4. Before Willy kills himself he talks to Ben... a. True b. False 5. Happy pretends to be rich and successful in front of others... a. True b. False 6. Howard fired Willy because Willy stole his pencil. a. True b. False He fired him because Willy said he won't travel anymore. 17 Characterization ->Biff Biff is one of the main characters in the book "Death of a Salesman" written by Arthur Miller. He is the son of the Salesman Willy, who is driven to suicide by a lot of hard work and the desire to achieve the American Dream. His mother's name is Linda and his younger brother's name is Happy. Biff is 32 years old and lives at that time together with Happy in there parents house. He doesn't have a permanent job but changes from time to time because he's often fired. Since the plot takes place in the present, but also shows Willys memorys of the past, it is possible to see Biffs development more precisely. As a boy, Biff was a popular motivated baseball player. He had a large group of friends and was very popular with the girls. His father was very proud and supported him. However, he was not so good at school and therefore often copied the solutions of his friend Bernhard. He also stole things or drove without a license. Instead of punishing him or directing him to school, Willy always supported him and assured him that popularity was the most important thing for success. Biff saw Willy as his role model and always went to him in case of problems. When Biff failed the math exam he traveled to Boston after his father, who was there with his lover in a hotel room. As Biff recognized his father's affair he called him fake and left the hotel. From then on, the relationship between Biff and his father got bad. Biff no longer believed in what his father was telling him and no longer looked up at him. Biff also changed after that and didn't catch up with his degree anymore. Now he's an adult without a permanent job and with self- doubt. Since he ever followed the rules in his childhood he can't really do that now. He has never really learned how to work and is unable to conduct business conversations. Biff and his father are arguing a lot now. Biff has his own dreams of starting his own rench, but he doesn't do it because he wants to live up to his father's demands. The relationship between the two is no longer connected and loved as it used to be, but only superficial. Nevertheless the two love each other what they really show themselves just before Willys suicide. Biff is different from his father and his brother because he does not spread lies about his failure, but stands for the truth. He confesses the truth even if it doesn't suit him and disappoints his father. All in all I think Biff could be successful and happy if he just do what he want to. I think he just do not know how to start and what he really wants. In his childhood he never really learned how to make choices and now he has experience that on his own. 20