


Review zu ”A Raisin in the Sun“







January 26th
An exciting escape from the rat trap:
Reading "A Raisin in the Sun" from 1959, written by Lorraine Hansberry made me rea

REVIEW January 26th An exciting escape from the rat trap: Reading "A Raisin in the Sun" from 1959, written by Lorraine Hansberry made me realize what dire circum- stances african americans live under in america. This play tells a story of a lower-class family's struggle to gain middle-class acceptance. Every member of the Youngers family has a dream that they want to achieve. The only thing that's missing is money. Luckily, Mama, the head of the family, receives 10,000$ because of an insurance check. Walter Lee, her son, wants the money to invest it into a liquor store with two of his friends. Mama gives s him some of the money but want's him to leave a bit of it for his sister's (Beneatha Younger) medical school fees. Mama uses the rest of the : money to buy a house in a white neighborhood, sice their old apartment resembles a rat trap that's too small and unpleasant. Walter gives all the money, including Beneatha's, to his trusted friend to invest it. This is where the happy end seems to become less happy. Walters "friend" takes all the money and runs away with it. There's no hope left for the family at this paint. When everyone's shocked and doesn't know what to do anymore, Mama...

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takes matters. into her hand and buys the house in so-called Clybourne Park anyways. Ignoring the negative comments of: their white neighbours. the whole family is happy and even Walter, who thought he lost all his pride, reaches his manhood and becomes finally the head of the family. One important central aspect is to me the way Joseph Asagai changes the character of Beneatha throughout the play. He, as an african guy from Nigeria, teaches her about her roots and how proud she can be of them. She starts getting interested in the african culture, changes her look and even thinks about going to Nigeria with Asagai to become the queen of the Nile as he promised her. Another main topic that accompanies the reader throughout the story is assimilationism. Meaning that someone who adapts to another culture that isn't theirs (in this book the white culture) is an assimilationist. Especially Beneatha hates assimilationist. E.g. act two scene one: ... Someone who is willing to give up his own culture and submerge himself completely into the dominant, and in this case oppressive culture!" (p. 81) 10 Furthermore, the term of the American Dream 1 throughout the whole play. Everyones dream is deferred since they all have to wait for money to achieve it. Walters dream of the liquor store stays a myth and "festers like a sore" (Parallel to "Harlem", a poem by Langston Hughes about deferred dreams). The author of "A Raisin in the Sun", Lorraine Hansberry was the first Black playwright and the youngest American to win a New York Critic's Circle award. Throughout her life she was heavily involved in civil rights. "A Raisin in the Sun" opened broadway to great success. on Other books of her are "To Be Young, Gifted and Black" and "Movement". The book is a domestic drama where the characters mostly speak a dialect common in the black communities that are heavily populated by migrants from the south. the opportunity In conclusion, "A Raisin in the Sun" by Larraine Hansberry is worth reading. Lorainne Hansberry gives you. to become a part of the Youngers family and meet different characters with different personalities. The plot is interesting and makes you want to continue reading. After you finished this book. I will have a whole new view on the American Society. Hansberry has a hidden criticism about the white Americans that she "weaves" well into the story. you