


Analysis Poem “Harlem”, a raisin in the sun







A raisin in the sun.
2. "Does it dry up / Like a raisin in the sun?" (11.2)
a)-o grape is a fruit and is very fruity.
A raisin in the sun.
2. "Does it dry up / Like a raisin in the sun?" (11.2)
a)-o grape is a fruit and is very fruity.
A raisin in the sun.
2. "Does it dry up / Like a raisin in the sun?" (11.2)
a)-o grape is a fruit and is very fruity.

A raisin in the sun. 2. "Does it dry up / Like a raisin in the sun?" (11.2) a)-o grape is a fruit and is very fruity. when grape dries ир b)-a deferred dream gets older and less "fruity" - an old and deferred dream but could also be more worth than a fresh dream Sore - And then run?" (11.3) 3. "Or fester like a start to scratch the septic wound heals completly takes . a) - you - it never b) a - a it gets less fruity and gets dry and it shrinks. deferred dream never - it doesn't heals and you never get 4. "Does it stink like rotten meat?" ((. 6) or long time disappears from your mind and it always over it a) - disgusting smell -feeling like have to throw up you 5. "Or crust and sugar over- Like a syrupy sweet?" (11.7) a)-crusty, red, bloody a 8. negative choice of words, or 6. "Maybe it just sags / Like a heavy load." (11. 9) a) - hard to carry, exhausting. b)- - a deferred dream may be gets bigger to carry it with you all the time 7. "Or does it explode?" (1.10) a)- hurted people, broken dreams, sad faces b) - if you can't reach your dream, you get sad and feel broken, exhausted 15.11.2021 importanter to you and comes up you have A raisin in the sun. The роет a dream that gets deferred. The poem "Harlem" by Langston Hughes and published in 1951 is ((.1). "Does it dry up / Like a raisin...

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in the sun?" (11.2) is a deferred dream. A a is led by a main question, "What happens to a dream deferred?" metaphor for a dries 15.11.2021 grape is a fruit and is very fruity. When this it grape up Like the reader how gets less fruity, it dries and shrinks. In this metaphor the deferred dream gets older grape that becomes a raisin. The dream gets less "fruity" and is no longer the fresh dream it once was. With this metaphor the author tries to show the a dream gets old and you get affected by the deferred dream In addition, "Or fester like a sore - And then run? "(11.3) stands for Septic wound. If a wound gets septic, it's exhausting for your body. In the beginning a wound affects your body a little bit but when it gets septic the wound affets the body more. A deferred dream gets with the time a you get exhausted by the not archived goal. With this the author influences the reader emotion deferred dream and a septic wound many people had in their life. With this metaphor Lot harder to live with and in terms of a he makes clear how hard it is to life with deferred dream. Furthermore, Hughes meats has a uses another metaphor; "Does it stink like rotten meat?" (1.6). Rotten have the smell one time in your house it stays for a time. You don't get rid of the smell easily. And so is it with a broken imagination of a dream. It gets deferred and the smell of the dream haunts you for a while. You have to think about it for long time and the dream is always by your side. The symbol "rotten meat" has very hegative and disgusting affect on the reader. Rotten meat smells nasty and feeling of vomiting. a have the you disgusting smell and if you about a a A raisin in the sun Moreover, "Or crust and over-like sweet?" (11.7) is a syrupy sugar a other metaphor. A crust looks crusty, hard and sometimes bloody. When the wound starts to heal, it' itches and then a crust The crust appears. is ichy and you start to scrach it. The wound crusty takes wound because long time to heal because you always open it again. A deferred dream is like a you always be remembered of that dream. You can't finish with the not full filled dream. Instead you get remembered and the wound you have because a Imagination is broken opens again. The reader feels the feelings of needed dream that is a wound covered with a really Sweet The needing is and reveal the wound - the dream. syrup. deferred dream that is a 15.11.2021 an a the sweetness and scratch it you away The reader feels how hard it is to have shoulders is hard to carry. and over on the sometimes covered with a little hope for it but gets destroyed again. Aditionally, there is another metaphor "Maybe it just sags / Like a heavy load "(II. 9). A havy load on your time exhausting. The thought of a deferred dream gets bigger and harder to carry. The dream gets importanter and it being deferred gets havier to Carry shoulders. The thought and feeling of this deferred dream is always by your side and you have to life with the load it brings with it. You can't reach the things you want and you have to live with the feeling of sadness and disappointment. Through this metaphor the reader feels sad and can understand how hard it is to live with a deferred dream. Everyone had a heavy load on their shoulders at one point in life, so many people can understand what this feels like. Finally, the rethorical question "Or does it explode?" (1.10) represents deferred dream can cause. A explosion causes many pain, sadness and dream gets deferred it is like your explosion. You are sad and hurled, dream is broken. , your If your dream is deferred you get sad and feel depressed, because you can't reach something that wanted really bad. You feel exhausted by the explosion that happened in your heart. The reader feels you Sad gets the feeling of an explosion. the damage a hurted people. If