


Abi Lernzettel - Globalization







fast fashion
Fast fashion can be defined as cheap, trendy clothing, that
samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture and
turns them
fast fashion
Fast fashion can be defined as cheap, trendy clothing, that
samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture and
turns them

fast fashion Fast fashion can be defined as cheap, trendy clothing, that samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture and turns them into garments in high street stores at breakneck speed. "Fast fashion" is a term used by fashion retailers to describe inexpensive designs that move quickly from the catwalk to stores to meet new trends. Fast fashion - modern slavery? Almost all products which are sold in industrial countries are produced based of exploitation. Problems: → workers have to work 14-16 hours a day under terrible condit → child labour is common → people in the poor countries depend on the job 17th century 19th century newly global power France. won a role for French as a common language GLOBALIZATION CATEGORIES environment - ecology global warming Russia & Britain abolished Farsi in their Asian domains deforestation - pollution - plunder of resources culture/society - education - language - shift of norms & values - westernization - tourism economy 1919 production - - work - trade - markets - consumption media - communication - information - surveillance technology - scientific & technological advancement - modernization - information Timeline focus of us expansion was changing 1920s 1990s population - migration - overpopulation - outsourcing - diseases treaty of Versailles → zones of influence of the English language has grown politics - UNO - NATO - NGO's 21st century Conseouences E Plastic waste - a growing problem - 19 billion pounds of garbage ende up in our oceans every year - Plastic: a versatile, durable and inexpensive material → plastic is used in everything: from medical equipment to parts of airplanes digital information revolution → positive for the role of the language Migration → conflicts and...

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political persecution prime minister of Mongolia decreed that English should replace Russian in schools Problems - refugees are often unable to integrate quickly - natives are often unprepared to accommodate the newcomers S 2004 (ΤΙΗΙΕ. THREE ERAS by Thomas L. Friedman Globalization 1.0 (1492-1800) - World shrinks from large to medium - Columbus discovers America, establishes open trade - Global integration of countries - Countries face global competition and opportunities - How much muscle, horsepower, steam power does the country have in order to fit into globalization? Globalization 2.0 (1800-2000) - World shrinks from medium to small - Multinational companies, open global markets (industrialization as driving factor) technological developments falling communication costs - birth of global economy - Interrupted by the Great Depression, WW1 and 2 - Where/How does my country fit into global economy? Globalization 3.0 (2000-now) - world shrinks from a size small to a size tiny - new power for the individuals - focus on the individual as the dynamic force of globalization - new actors on stage: e.g. China - How do I fit into globalization? pros GLOBALIZATION "Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across national borders and cultures. In economic terms, it describes an inter- dependence of nations around the globe fostered through free trade." Globalization is the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively increased trade and cultural exchange. → countries are becoming more interconnected by trade and cultural exchange (both economically and culturally) → has increased the production of goods and services hard to get rid of as a global language spoken by the most powerful countries How to experience globalization? - Traveling - Keeping in touch with friends and business partners in distant countries with the help of new means of communication - Buying goods which come from far away From multinational to multilocal → old globalization: states and companies creating big platforms (WTO,...) → new globalization: individual globalizing on its own - business = building up relations, connections - globalization is more personal through the widespread access to the internet - next to the markets, the skills of the individual are needed in order to be competitive as a country ENGLISH LANGUAGE- - treaty of Versailles written in English in 1919. - US expansion to the world (20s - 90s) - digital revolution (21st century) -1.75 billion English speakers around the world easy to learn (grammar (short) words from other languages) cons short words →→ possible misunderstanding →worse suited for speaking than for writing loss of other languages, disappearance of native languages other languages gain in importance driving factors - mass media, new technology - new ways of transport - communication devices affordable for everyone - open markte, liberalization of trade - English language - declining costs → cheaper transport Winners: - individual of the industrialized countries (traveling, trade, education) - trade - new industrialized countries (Brazil, China) Losers: - destruction of local production → Africa, flooding markets with cheap imports - child work, bad working conditions - environment - people: diseases EFFECTS ON economy: - worldwide export increased - multinational companies - direct investments leads to economic growth - cheap ways of production politics: - worldwide cooperations (EU, UNO, G20) - NGO's (non-governmental organizations) - more global problems which are harder to solve social: - mac world (westernization of culture) - destruction of cultural diversity - but: backlashes to regional culture