


Abi Lernzettel - Science & Technology







genetic engineering
- babys grow into ethically better children
- those children would be less likely to "harm
themselves or others"
- g

genetic engineering PRO - babys grow into ethically better children - those children would be less likely to "harm themselves or others" - genes have a significant influence on personality → chance to modify them - designing children leads to a better, more intelligent and less violent society - it'd be possible to turn off the genes, that are responsible traits, such as alcoholism or psychopathy - it would be just voluntary CONTRA - the question: is it right? (ethical question) - this might create new diseases or even genetic diseases/defects - no evolution in the distant future → everyone/the most people have the same hereditary material - somehow it might go too far (too many & too deep manipulations) - no diversity - risk is that the wrong people use this for bad SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY designer babies The colloquial term designer baby refers to a baby, whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected to ensure the presence of absence of certain characteristics, especially with regard to the sex of the child. CYBORGS regular people who have integrated technology into their bodies to improve or monitor some aspects of their health CYBORGS: PART HUMAN, PART MACHINE - no universal agreement what makes a human a cyborg - human being in whose body technical devices are integrated as a substitute for or to support organs that are not sufficiently efficient (e.g. for long space flights) - a cyborg is simply...

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somebody with a mechanical or electronic device in (or attached to) their body that enhances physiological functioning. PROS walking with bionic limbs when you wouldn't otherwise be able to a better chance of surviving certain heart conditions (as in the case of a defibrillator), which can increase your life expectancy improved mood and lower rates of depression for paraplegics who can now walk as a result of bionic limbs a better quality of life with new bionic limbs or heightened senses CONS AI & VR Artificial intelligence the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision- making, and translation between languages - refers to intelligence shown by machines - they can play games like chess, drive cars. autonomously - many experts warn about the potential risks of super- intelligent machines. bionic body parts and implantable devices are expensive the body might negatively react to implantation there are medical risks involved in any type of surgery Virtual realities (VR) A form of experience/ scenario generated by a computer can be experienced through devices like glasses, goggles or headphones designed to create images and sounds in order to make a user believe they are in another environment The whole issue of humanity comes into questioning. Your whole behaviour might be affected; you could lose the characteristics that make you human, such as compassion or empathy. The line between right an wrong becomes blurred. Cloning Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two Dolly: a female sheep, was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell body, lived until the age of 6, when she developed severe diseases