


Advertising Analysis







Monolog Ad: - Hello, I am Jona-Mae and I am going to present
an ad by the company (or campaign)
Monolog Ad: - Hello, I am Jona-Mae and I am going to present
an ad by the company (or campaign)

norgeneitung Mündliche-Prüfung (Englisch) Monolog Ad: - Hello, I am Jona-Mae and I am going to present an ad by the company (or campaign) 3- Target group Describe the • It is an ad for The ad is published on... ● and shows. In the ad you can see.... • The main part of the ad shows In the foreground /background. on the left-hand /right-hand corner • Text gives information about... ● (slogan, headline) some words are printed in bold type / capital letters. Analyse with AIDA A → first step of the AIDA modell is called Attention L in this step my attention gets drawn to (eye-cathing) I: second step of is called Interest Lo The ad keeps the interest with the heading which says... (the heading includes...) =>Schrift der Anzeige D:- → third step is called Desire. La the ad makes the reader want to... => Verlangen welches Verlangen lost die Anzeige bei mir aus? A: - the last step is called Action. the reader should go & buy... or click on the website to inform him/herself about ... in general -> This ad is aspecially for •people (old/young) -> or for people who -> This ad is interesting for all kind of people in every age. ... 4. Evaluation what the designers from the ad want to say: -Ziel der Anzeige -wofür wurde sie erstellt? 5. State your own opinion! -ad is very successful in attracking the readers attention and creating the desire to buy this. product. - not very...

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Knowunity ist die #1 unter den Bildungs-Apps in fünf europäischen Ländern

Knowunity wurde bei Apple als "Featured Story" ausgezeichnet und hat die App-Store-Charts in der Kategorie Bildung in Deutschland, Italien, Polen, der Schweiz und dem Vereinigten Königreich regelmäßig angeführt. Werde noch heute Mitglied bei Knowunity und hilf Millionen von Schüler:innen auf der ganzen Welt.

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Ich liebe diese App so sehr, ich benutze sie auch täglich. Ich empfehle Knowunity jedem!! Ich bin damit von einer 4 auf eine 1 gekommen :D

Philipp, iOS User

Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

Lena, iOS Userin

Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.

Alternativer Bildtext:

successful... - the ad does not really convince me of - In my opinion is...(suitable, believable) Dialog: -stating my opinion. - personally, I think - First of all / To start with... - Agreeing: -? I would go along with that. → you have got a good point there.. -Disagreeing: -> That doesn't convince me at all. ->I don't agree with you at all. ->I am not so sure, really. -> I'm afraid, I don't quite agree these. -I want to say something: -> Excuse me, I would like to add that Including partner: -> So what do you think? - And what is your opinion about... -Adding a point: - Another point is thing is -> I would like to add that :