


Ambiguity of Belonging - Crooked letter, Crooked letter







Recurring Motifs
·Symbol of danger
•There is a snake
Irina's mailbox
Othey brings snakes to school → wants to impress the
•· Larr
Recurring Motifs
·Symbol of danger
•There is a snake
Irina's mailbox
Othey brings snakes to school → wants to impress the
•· Larr
Recurring Motifs
·Symbol of danger
•There is a snake
Irina's mailbox
Othey brings snakes to school → wants to impress the
•· Larr
Recurring Motifs
·Symbol of danger
•There is a snake
Irina's mailbox
Othey brings snakes to school → wants to impress the
•· Larr

1 Recurring Motifs ·Symbol of danger •There is a snake Irina's mailbox in Larry Othey brings snakes to school → wants to impress the •· Larry and Silas catch snakes in the bain → Silas legins a lot from Larry Wallace keeps lots of snakes at his house → he sent the snake to Irina's roommate A Grake is found next to Silas's body after Wallace shot him. Guns • Larry is found shot, with a gun in his hand, ohough not own one • As a constable, it Silas has a gun but has never used Carl has a number of firearms - normal in that pait of the country · Larry lends Silos a rifle and teaches him how to Cail makes the two boys fight for the Ownership of the gun } - Larry receives an anonymous Chiistmas present → Wallace wants him to be able to protect himself She ends up shooting Larry with it Books ·Larry always has his head in a book → makes him a momma's boy BRUNNEN He first connects with silas when he realizes Silas is interested in his books His house is overflowing with books. Boobs have always been a form of escape for Larry Crooked letter, Crooked letter Chapter one 1. Who is Larry Ott? -41-years-old bachelor living alone in his parents' house in rutal Mississippi far away from any neighbors 2. What does he do for a living? he is a mechanic and...

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operates the garage he has taken Over - has a few customers, mostly people passing by 3. What is his daily routine ? - After feeding the chickens he takes care of them - he has breakfast, watches the news on TV, picks up the mail, and then drives to the garage 4. What does Larry enjoy doing in his spare time and also while waiting for customers. - He likes reading books. He is a member of several book clubs 5. What kind of nursing home does his mom live in 2 - It's a home for the poor, mostly blacks. He can't afford anything better 6. What is his relationship with his mom like ? - He cares a lot about her - She suffers from dementia and he wants to bring her a photo album hoping the photos might help her memory 7. Why is it unwise for him in particular to drive too fast He is closely watched by the police, because he is a 8. When he reluins home there is a person. What is this person wearing? - He is wearing a zombie mask Larry had owned as a 9. What does the monster do? - He shoots him in the chest BRUNNEN Silas 1. Who is Silas Jones 2 Sole law enforcement officer of small-town Chabot, Mies Nickname: 32 (his baseball number) Oor Constable (his job) 2. What's his current most important task ? -He's trying to find the therefore scarches the land missing Rutherford girl and 3 Who does he find while looking for the girl? • He discovers the festering body of a small drug dealer, Morton Morisette (M&M), who had most ükely been killed a clackhead some time. ago 4. Where did Silas grow up? -In Chabot, in a hunting cabin without electricity or gas, owned by a white man. Lived with his mom in very' poor conditions 5. What is life in Chabot like 2 the -Chabot is very much in the sticks a slowly decaying groid- place. Cell phones don't always Mills offer good jobs 6. Relationship to Larry Ott - he just knows him from school. Silas' chief French tells him that he had paid "Norman Bates" → Nickname for Larry (Norman Bates is the murderer in Hitchcocks' horror moviel 7. What makes Silas concerned when he learns about the Visit to Larry Larry had not been at his shop 8. Why cles Silos crive up to Larry's place Larry had tried to contact him two years before. when he learned that Silas was back in Chabot - Silas had not returned the call, but Larry called him again just to tell him he was welcome back home 9 what happened 25 years ago with Cindy Walker ? - She have gonfessed and no body was found; Sp missing after a date with larry, but Larry BRUNNEN ! the police could not arrest him The ambiguity of belonging deals with the ambiguity of social identity and M · Larry is white, but is not accepted by the other white boys He tries to fit in but is not able to connect with his peers because their interests are so different. •Even after his success at the haunted house, the others reject him As an adult, he has come to terms with his status as on outsider it is hard for Silas to accept Larry as his brother Ghis feelings about it are cimbiguous -Larry is not accepted by the white kids His interests make him stand out when he wants to fit in ↳s prefers leading, lack of interest in sport ↳hone of the white boys want to be associated too closely ↳ Because he is considered Sliange, nobody wants to rick "exclusion from their peer group by getting too friendly with him He turned ↳ was popular that a zombie mask on Halloween ↳ the mask gives Larry a taste of what it is like to be popuiar is after all, everything is normal + nothing has changed •His social isolation continues to adulthood Lostracized by the local population ↳ no customers at his repair shop Silas is sure of his identity girlfriend, is accepted by others, talents in sport, has a a responsible job, figure of respect in the small town He is not the person he thought he was ↳ Canl Ott is his father, Larry is his half brother 1.He finds it to integrate at his new school easy • He glew up not knowing his father question of his identity 7. The fact that he and Larry are half-brothers forces him, reason why he tries to make to reassess their relationship tone amends for his behavior PE Silas was the cool kid but proves to have a close connectior with