


Laylor - Loose Change by Andrea Levy








Characterization Laylor
Laylor is one of the main characters of Andrea Nevy's short story Loose Change. Laylor is a female
refugee from Uzbe
Characterization Laylor
Laylor is one of the main characters of Andrea Nevy's short story Loose Change. Laylor is a female
refugee from Uzbe

Characterization Laylor Laylor is one of the main characters of Andrea Nevy's short story Loose Change. Laylor is a female refugee from Uzbekistan, who came to London with her brother. In the beginning of the short story, we learn about Laylor's appearance. The narrator describes her as a girl with spectacular eyebrows, lines of black hair, wide eyes, a round face and a solid jaw line (I. 15-19). Laylor is in the lavatory of the National Portrait Gallery fixing her hair in the mirror (1.13). At short time later, the narrator realises, that Laylor has dirt under her chipped fingernails. In addition, the collar of her blouse crumpled and ironed, a tiny cut on her cheek and a fringe that looked self- trimmed (1.115-118). In the beginning of the short story, Laylor gives her money to the narrator, although this was a stranger. This gives evidence to the fact, that Laylor is very generous, good-natured and helpful (1.34- 35). This also shows, that Laylor is trusting people. Laylor is a homeless refugee from Uzbekistan and has to sleep on the streets with her brother, so she doesn't have much money but still lend it to a stranger (I.113). This really reveals her selfless character. Despite her complicated situation, she seems to be pretty cheerful...

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and dreamy (1.42-43). She also enjoys the art in the Gallery, which shows, that she's intellectual and kind of unconcerned (1.36f.). In line 127-134, it becomes obvious to the reader that Laylor is very open-minded and talkative, because she tells the narrator her story without really knowing her. Laylor's dreaminess becomes apparent when she looks at a painting of Darcey Brussel (1.42f.). She also has a sense of humour, because she laughs about the painting of Alan Bennet, even though she's in a hard situation as a refugee (1.52- 53). While the narrator doesn't like to talk to strangers, Laylor likes it, as well as she likes to help a stranger. The fact that she walks away, after giving all her money to the narrator, shows that Laylor doesn't expect to get the money back (1.34-35). She is talkative but doesn't complain about her hard situation. She just tells the narrator her story, after she asked. Laylor is the one, giving details, while the narrator hardly says anything about herself (1.80f.). The author makes clear, that Laylor is pretty selfless and scrupulous. In the larger sense, we can take the narrator as a selfless, generous and open-minded character, who doesn't expect something as a get back.